From 2274fe6b0408c96ac19d2c295e7cc8be49870073 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lucia Morganti <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2019 09:39:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Update cnaf-annual-report-2018.tex with lhcf

 cnaf-annual-report-2018.tex | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cnaf-annual-report-2018.tex b/cnaf-annual-report-2018.tex
index 3d3dcef..37c9760 100644
--- a/cnaf-annual-report-2018.tex
+++ b/cnaf-annual-report-2018.tex
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Introducing the sixth annual report of CNAF...
 \ia{User and Operational Support at CNAF}{user-support}
 \ia{ALICE computing at the INFN CNAF Tier1}{alice}
 \ia{AMS-02 data processing and analysis at CNAF}{ams}
-\ia{The ATLAS experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{atlas}
+%\ia{The ATLAS experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{atlas}
 %\ia{The Borexino-SOX experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{borexino}
 \ia{The Cherenkov Telescope Array}{cta}
 \ia{The CMS experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{cms}
@@ -164,11 +164,11 @@ Introducing the sixth annual report of CNAF...
 %\ia{The GERDA experiment}{gerda}
 %\ia{Juno experimenti at CNAF}{juno}
 \ia{The KM3NeT neutrino telescope network and CNAF}{km3net}
-\ia{The NA62 experiment at CERN}{na62}
-\ia{The NEWCHIM activity at CNAF for the CHIMERA and FARCOS devices}{newchim}
 %\ia{LHCb Computing at CNAF}{lhcb}
-%\ia{The LHCf experiment}{lhcf}
+\ia{The LHCf experiment}{lhcf}
 %\ia{The LSPE experiment at INFN CNAF}{lspe}
+\ia{The NA62 experiment at CERN}{na62}
+\ia{The NEWCHIM activity at CNAF for the CHIMERA and FARCOS devices}{newchim}
 \ia{The PADME experiment at INFN CNAF}{padme}
 %\ia{XENON computing activities}{xenon}
 \ia{Advanced Virgo computing at CNAF}{virgo}