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  • faproietti/XRF-App
  • chnet/XRF-App
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...@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ node_modules ...@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ node_modules
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.vscode .vscode
\ No newline at end of file
import * as $ from "jquery"; class CallbackManager {
export class CallbackManager
private static _instance: CallbackManager = new CallbackManager();
private constructor(){
if(CallbackManager._instance) {
throw new Error("Error: Image object is already instantiated");
CallbackManager._instance = this;
public static getInstance(): CallbackManager {
return CallbackManager._instance;
constructor() {
public showElement(elementID: string, show: boolean): void { public showElement(elementID: string, show: boolean): void {
if(show){ if (show) {
$(elementID).css("display", "inline"); document.getElementById(elementID).style.display = "inline";
} }
else else {
{ document.getElementById(elementID).style.display = "none";
$(elementID).css("display", "none");
} }
} }
public closeBootstrapModel(elementID: string): void{ public closeBootstrapModel(elementID: string): void {
$(elementID).click(); document.getElementById(elementID).click();
} }
} }
export { CallbackManager };
\ No newline at end of file
import { Image, coordinates } from "./image";
import * as Utility from "./utility";
import "dygraphs"
class Chart {
graphic: any;
private readonly chartElementID: string = "chart";
private setLinearButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private setLogButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private setEnergyButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private setChannelButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private exportgraph: HTMLAnchorElement;
private readSpinBox: HTMLButtonElement;
private chartElement: HTMLElement;
private elementSelect: HTMLSelectElement;
public spinBoxMin: HTMLInputElement;
public spinBoxMax: HTMLInputElement;
dataCompleteChart: string = "Channel,Counts\n";
dataCompleteChartCalibrated: string = "Energy,Counts\n";
calibrated: boolean = false; //variabile per il controllo sulla calibrazione
constructor() {
this.chartElement = <HTMLElement>document.getElementById(this.chartElementID);
this.spinBoxMin = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("spinBoxMin");
this.spinBoxMax = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("spinBoxMax");
drawChart(image: Image, pixel1: coordinates, pixel2: coordinates, xMinRange: number, xMaxRange: number) {
//definisco la variabile "grafico", i bottoni relativi al grafico, il tag
//select e le due spinbox con il relativo botton
//disegno il grafico completo
if (pixel1.x == 0 && pixel1.y == 0 && pixel2.x == image.width - 1 && pixel2.y == image.height - 1) {
if (!this.calibrated) {
let chartTitle: string = "Chart from (0, 0) to (" + (image.width - 1) + ", " + (image.height - 1) + ")";
this.graphic = this.setChart(image, this.dataCompleteChart, chartTitle, xMinRange, xMaxRange);
} else {
let chartTitle: string = "Calibrated chart from (0, 0) to (" + (image.width - 1) + ", " + (image.height - 1) + ")";
this.graphic = this.setChart(image, this.dataCompleteChartCalibrated, chartTitle, xMinRange, xMaxRange);
//disegno il grafico parzialmente
} else {
//determino i conteggi dei pixel da disegnare
let dataForChart: number[] = new Array(image.depth);
for (let i: number = 0; i < image.depth; i++) {
dataForChart[i] = 0;
for (let i: number = pixel1.x; i <= pixel2.x; i++) {
for (let j: number = pixel1.y; j <= pixel2.y; j++) {
for (let k: number = 0; k < image.depth; k++) {
dataForChart[k] += image.DataMatrix[i][j][k];
if (!this.calibrated) {
//disegno in canali
let dataChart: string = "Channel,Counts\n";
for (let i: number = 0; i < image.depth; i++) {
dataChart += i + "," + dataForChart[i] + "\n";
let chartTitle: string;
if (pixel1.x == pixel2.x && pixel1.y == pixel2.y) {
chartTitle = "Chart pixel (" + pixel1.x + ", " + (image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ")";
} else {
chartTitle = "Chart from (" + pixel1.x + "," + pixel2.x + ") to (" + (image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ", " + (image.height - pixel2.y - 1) + ")";
this.graphic = this.setChart(image, dataChart, chartTitle, xMinRange, xMaxRange);
} else {
//disegno in energie
let dataChartCalibrated: string = "Energy,Counts\n";
for (let i: number = 0; i < image.depth; i++) {
dataChartCalibrated += Utility.round3(((i + 1) * image.calibration.a - image.calibration.b) / 1000) + "," + dataForChart[i] + "\n";
let chartTitle: string;
if (pixel1.x == pixel2.x && pixel1.y == pixel2.y) {
chartTitle = "Calibrated chart pixel (" + pixel1.x + ", " + (image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ")";
} else {
chartTitle = "Calibrated chart from (" + pixel1.x + ", " + pixel2.x + ") to (" + (image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ", " + (image.height - pixel2.y - 1) + ")";
this.graphic = this.setChart(image, dataChartCalibrated, chartTitle, xMinRange, xMaxRange);
//la funzione setChart riceve in input i dati e il titolo del grafico da disegnare
//il quale è restituito il output
setChart(image: Image, dataString: string, charTitle: string, xMinRange: number, xMaxRange: number): Dygraph {
let xArrayRange: number[]; //estremi asse x da visualizzare
let xLab: string;
if (!this.calibrated) {
xArrayRange = [0, image.depth];
xLab = "ADC Channel";
} else {
xArrayRange = [xMinRange, xMaxRange];
xLab = "Energy (keV)";
//dimensioni grafico
let chartDim: any = document.querySelector("#chart-pannel").getBoundingClientRect();
let chartWidth = chartDim.right - chartDim.left - 50;
this.chartElement.setAttribute("width", chartWidth.toString());
this.chartElement.setAttribute("height", "400");
//disegno il grafico
this.graphic = new Dygraph(this.chartElement, dataString,
title: charTitle,
ylabel: "Counts",
xlabel: xLab,
// labelsDivStyles: {
// "text-align": "right"
// },
//legend: 'always',
dateWindow: xArrayRange,
showRangeSelector: true,
logscale: false,
return this.graphic;
//la funzione, dati gli estremi dell'intervallo da rappresentare, aggiorna mappa e grafico
peackSelection(xMinRange: number, xMaxRange: number, image: Image) {
//se l'intervallo è [0, 0] devo leggere dalle i valori dalle spinbox
if (xMinRange == 0 && xMaxRange == 0) {
xMinRange = parseInt((this.spinBoxMin).value);
xMaxRange = parseInt((this.spinBoxMax).value);
image.globalxMinRange = xMinRange;
image.globalxMaxRange = xMaxRange;
image.newOrigin = { x: 0, y: 0 };
image.rePrint = false;
this.calibrated = true;
image.drawImg({ x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 }, image.globalxMinRange, image.globalxMaxRange);
this.drawChart(image, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 }, image.globalxMinRange, image.globalxMaxRange);
export { Chart };
// require() is ES5 and allows modifying global variables
// ES6's `from` does not
import G = require("./globals");
import * as $ from "jquery";
import * as Dygraph from "dygraphs";
import * as Help from "./helper"
//la funzione drawImg disegna il canvas con l'immagine desiderata ed è responsabile
//della gestione di tutti gli eventi ad essa associati
export function drawImg(image: G.Image, pixel1: G.coordinates, pixel2: G.coordinates, xMinRange: number, xMaxRange: number, callback?: () => void)
//alert("disegno in corso");
//numero di pixel per dimensione
let nPixelX: number = pixel2.x - pixel1.x + 1;
let nPixelY: number = pixel2.y - pixel1.y + 1;
//dimensione dei canvas
let mappaPannelDim: any = document.querySelector('#mappa-pannel').getBoundingClientRect();
let mappaWidth: number = mappaPannelDim.right - mappaPannelDim.left - 40;
let mappaHeigth: number = 400;
//dimensione reale dei pixel
let dimPixelx: number = Math.floor(mappaWidth / nPixelX);
let dimPixely: number = Math.floor(mappaHeigth / nPixelY);
image.pixelDim = (dimPixelx < dimPixely) ? dimPixelx : dimPixely;
//dimensioni esatte dei canvas
(<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("myCanvas")).height = nPixelY * image.pixelDim;
(<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("myCanvas")).width = nPixelX * image.pixelDim;
(<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("selectionCanvas")).height = nPixelY * image.pixelDim;
(<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("selectionCanvas")).width = nPixelX * image.pixelDim;
let ctx = (<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById('myCanvas')).getContext('2d'); //contesto del canvas
if (xMaxRange - xMinRange >= image.channelDepth) { //range completo
let max: number; //massimo relativo o assoluto
if (image.rePrint) {
max = Help.findMax(image.nOfCounts, pixel1, pixel2);
} else {
max = image.maxAbsolute;
max = (max * $("#SaturationSlider").val()) / 100;
drawCanvas(image, image.nOfCounts, max);
} else { //range parziale (solo alcuni canali)
let xMinRangeCh: number = Math.floor((((xMinRange * 1000) + G.Image.getInstance().calibration.b) / G.Image.getInstance().calibration.a) - 1); //16
let xMaxRangeCh: number = Math.floor((((xMaxRange * 1000) + G.Image.getInstance().calibration.b) / G.Image.getInstance().calibration.a) - 1); //16371
//calcolo il numero di conteggi solo dei canali selezionati
let nOfCountsRelative: number[][];
nOfCountsRelative = new Array(image.width);
for (let i: number = 0; i < image.width; i++) {
nOfCountsRelative[i] = new Array(image.height);
for (let j: number = 0; j < image.height; j++) {
nOfCountsRelative[i][j] = Help.sumVect(image.DataMatrix[i][j], xMinRangeCh, xMaxRangeCh);
//calcolo il massimo
let max: number;
if (image.rePrint) {
max = Help.findMax(nOfCountsRelative, pixel1, pixel2);
} else {
max = Help.findMax(nOfCountsRelative, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 });
max = (max * $("#SaturationSlider").val()) / 100;
drawCanvas(image, nOfCountsRelative, max);
//La funzione, ricevuti dati e massimo, disegna la mappa nel canvas
function drawCanvas(image: G.Image, noc, max)
//controllo il valore della trasparenza
let setTrsp: number = 1 - ($("#TrasparencySlider").val() / 100);
//let setTrsp: number = 1-(parseInt($("#TrasparencySlider").attr("value"))/100);
//scorro tutti i pixel: ne determino il colore e li disegno
let color: string = "";
for (let i: number = pixel1.x; i <= pixel2.x; i++) {
for (let j: number = pixel1.y; j <= pixel2.y; j++) {
let intensity: number = noc[i][j] / max;
if (intensity < 1 / 5) //blu
color = "rgba(0, 0, " + Math.floor(intensity * 5 * 255) + "," + setTrsp + ")";
else if (1 / 5 <= intensity && intensity < 2 / 5) //blu+verde
color = "rgba(0, " + Math.floor((intensity - 1 / 5) * 5 * 255) + ",255, " + setTrsp + ")";
else if (2 / 5 <= intensity && intensity < 3 / 5) // verde-blu
color = "rgba(0, 255, " + (255 - Math.floor((intensity - 2 / 5) * 5 * 255)) + ", " + setTrsp + ")";
else if (3 / 5 <= intensity && intensity < 4 / 5) //verde + rosso
color = "rgba(" + Math.floor((intensity - 3 / 5) * 5 * 255) + ",255,0," + setTrsp + ")";
else //rosso -verde
color = "rgba(255," + (255 - Math.floor((intensity - 4 / 5) * 5 * 255)) + ", 0, " + setTrsp + ")";
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.fillRect((i - pixel1.x) * image.pixelDim, (j - pixel1.y) * image.pixelDim, image.pixelDim, image.pixelDim);
image.rePrint = false; //annullo rePrint
$("#SaturationSlider").mouseup(function ()
{ //Slider della saturazione
drawImg(image, pixel1, pixel2, xMinRange, xMaxRange);
$("#rePlot").click(function ()
{ //bottone per colorare con il max relativo
image.rePrint = true;
(<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("SaturationSlider")).value = "100";
drawImg(image, pixel1, pixel2, xMinRange, xMaxRange);
$("#TrasparencySlider").mouseup(function ()
{ //Slider della trasparenza
drawImg(image, pixel1, pixel2, xMinRange, xMaxRange);
$("#reset").click(function ()
{ //bottone per il reset dell'applicazione
let image = G.Image.getInstance();
image.newOrigin = { x: 0, y: 0 };
image.rePrint = false;
G.Chart.getInstance().calibrated = false;
image.globalxMinRange = 0;
image.globalxMaxRange = image.channelDepth;
(<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("SaturationSlider")).value = "100";
(<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("TrasparencySlider")).value = "0";
document.getElementById("spinBoxMin").setAttribute("value", "-");
document.getElementById("spinBoxMax").setAttribute("value", "-");
drawImg(image, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 }, 0, image.channelDepth);
drawChart(image, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 }, 0, image.channelDepth);
$("#ExportImage").click(function ()
{ //esportazione immagine
let img = (<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("myCanvas")).toDataURL("image/png");
$("#ExportLink").attr("href", img);
//document.write('<img src="'+img+'"/>');
//la funzione drawChart (input: estremi dell'immagine, estremi dell'intervallo)
//disegna il grafico richiesto relativo alla mappa visualizzata
export function drawChart(image: G.Image, pixel1: G.coordinates, pixel2: G.coordinates, xMinRange: number, xMaxRange: number)
//definisco la variabile "grafico", i bottoni relativi al grafico, il tag
//select e le due spinbox con il relativo botton
let g: any;
let box1 = <HTMLElement>document.getElementById("spinBoxMin");
let box2 = <HTMLElement>document.getElementById("spinBoxMax");
//disegno il grafico completo
if (pixel1.x == 0 && pixel1.y == 0 && pixel2.x == image.width - 1 && pixel2.y == image.height - 1) {
if (!G.Chart.getInstance().calibrated) { //canali
let chartTitle: string = "Chart from (0, 0) to (" + (image.width - 1) + ", " + (image.height - 1) + ")";
g = setChart(G.Chart.getInstance().dataCompleteChart, chartTitle);
} else { //energie
let chartTitle: string = "Calibrated chart from (0, 0) to (" + (image.width - 1) + ", " + (image.height - 1) + ")";
g = setChart(G.Chart.getInstance().dataCompleteChartCalibrated, chartTitle);
//disegno il grafico parzialmente
} else {
//determino i conteggi dei pixel da disegnare
let dataForChart: number[] = new Array(G.Image.getInstance().depth);
for (let i: number = 0; i < G.Image.getInstance().depth; i++) {
dataForChart[i] = 0;
for (let i: number = pixel1.x; i <= pixel2.x; i++) {
for (let j: number = pixel1.y; j <= pixel2.y; j++) {
for (let k: number = 0; k < G.Image.getInstance().depth; k++) {
dataForChart[k] += image.DataMatrix[i][j][k];
if (!G.Chart.getInstance().calibrated) { //disegno in canali
let dataChart: string = "Channel,Counts\n";
for (let i: number = 0; i < G.Image.getInstance().depth; i++) {
dataChart += i + "," + dataForChart[i] + "\n";
let chartTitle: string;
if (pixel1.x == pixel2.x && pixel1.y == pixel2.y) {
chartTitle = "Chart pixel (" + pixel1.x + ", " + (image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ")";
} else {
chartTitle = "Chart from (" + pixel1.x + "," + pixel2.x + ") to (" +
(image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ", " + (image.height - pixel2.y - 1) + ")";
g = setChart(dataChart, chartTitle);
} else { //disegno in energie
let dataChartCalibrated: string = "Energy,Counts\n";
for (let i: number = 0; i < G.Image.getInstance().depth; i++) {
dataChartCalibrated += Help.round3(((i + 1) * G.Image.getInstance().calibration.a - G.Image.getInstance().calibration.b) / 1000) + "," + dataForChart[i] + "\n";
let chartTitle: string;
if (pixel1.x == pixel2.x && pixel1.y == pixel2.y) {
chartTitle = "Calibrated chart pixel (" + pixel1.x + ", " + (image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ")";
} else {
chartTitle = "Calibrated chart from (" + pixel1.x + ", " + pixel2.x +
") to (" + (image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ", " + (image.height - pixel2.y - 1) + ")";
g = setChart(dataChartCalibrated, chartTitle);
console.log("ci sono");
$('#setlinearButton').on('click', function ()
{ //selezione scala lineare
g.updateOptions({ logscale: false });
$('#setlogButton').on('click', function ()
{ //selezione scala logaritmica
g.updateOptions({ logscale: true });
$('#setEnergyButton').on('click', function ()
{ //selezione energie
G.Chart.getInstance().calibrated = true;
drawChart(image, pixel1, pixel2, 0, image.channelDepth);
box1.setAttribute("value", "0");
box2.setAttribute("value", "image.channelDepth");
$('#setChannelsButton').on('click', function ()
{ //selezione canali
G.Chart.getInstance().calibrated = false;
drawChart(image, pixel1, pixel2, 0, image.channelDepth);
box1.setAttribute("value", "-");
box2.setAttribute("value", "-");
$('#ExportGraph').on('click', function ()
{ //esportazione grafico
let img = <HTMLImageElement>document.getElementById("chartToImg");
Dygraph.Export.asPNG(g, img);
$("#ExportGraph").attr("href", img.src.replace('image/png', 'image/octet-stream'));
$('#readSpinbox').on('click', function ()
{ //esportazione grafico
peackSelection(0, 0);
$('#chart').on('click', function ()
{ //zoom manuale sul grafico
let r: number[];
r = g.xAxisRange();
if (!G.Chart.getInstance().calibrated) {
r[0] = Math.floor((((r[0] + 1) * G.Image.getInstance().calibration.a) - G.Image.getInstance().calibration.b) / 1000);
r[1] = Math.floor((((r[1] + 1) * G.Image.getInstance().calibration.a) - G.Image.getInstance().calibration.b) / 1000);
} else {
r[0] = Help.round3(r[0]);
r[1] = Help.round3(r[1]);
box1.setAttribute("value", r[0].toString());
box2.setAttribute("value", r[1].toString());
image.globalxMinRange = r[0];
image.globalxMaxRange = r[1];
drawImg(image, pixel1, pixel2, r[0], r[1]);
$('#elementSelect').on('change', function ()
{ //selezione elemento
let element: string = (<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("elementSelect")).value;
switch (element) {
case "1": //Ca
peackSelection(3.6, 3.8);
box1.setAttribute("value", "3.60");
box2.setAttribute("value", "3.80");
case "2": //Pb
peackSelection(10.4, 10.7);
box1.setAttribute("value", "10.40");
box2.setAttribute("value", "10.70");
case "3": //Hg
peackSelection(9.8, 10.15);
box1.setAttribute("value", "9.80");
box2.setAttribute("value", "10.15");
case "4": //Fe
peackSelection(6.3, 6.5);
box1.setAttribute("value", "6.30");
box2.setAttribute("value", "6.50");
case "5": //Cu
peackSelection(7.85, 8.2);
box1.setAttribute("value", "7.85");
box2.setAttribute("value", "8.20");
case "6": //Zn
peackSelection(8.5, 8.72);
box1.setAttribute("value", "8.50");
box2.setAttribute("value", "8.72");
case "7": //Ti
peackSelection(4.35, 4.65);
box1.setAttribute("value", "4.35");
box2.setAttribute("value", "4.65");
case "8": //K
peackSelection(3.2, 3.42);
box1.setAttribute("value", "3.20");
box2.setAttribute("value", "3.42");
case "9": //Co
peackSelection(6.8, 7.05);
box1.setAttribute("value", "6.80");
box2.setAttribute("value", "7.05");
peackSelection(0, image.channelDepth);
box1.setAttribute("value", "0");
box2.setAttribute("value", "image.channelDepth");
//la funzione setChart riceve in input i dati e il titolo del grafico da disegnare
//il quale è restituito il output
function setChart(dataString: string, charTitle: string)
let xArrayRange: number[]; //estremi asse x da visualizzare
let xLab: string;
if (!G.Chart.getInstance().calibrated) {
xArrayRange = [0, G.Image.getInstance().depth];
xLab = "ADC Channel";
} else {
xArrayRange = [xMinRange, xMaxRange];
xLab = "Energy (keV)";
//dimensioni grafico
let chartDim: any = document.querySelector('#chart-pannel').getBoundingClientRect();
let chartWidth = chartDim.right - chartDim.left - 50;
$('#chart').css('width', chartWidth);
$('#chart').css('height', "400");
//disegno il grafico
let graphs: any = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("chart"), dataString, {
title: charTitle,
ylabel: 'Counts',
xlabel: xLab,
//legend: 'always',
dateWindow: xArrayRange,
showRangeSelector: true,
logscale: false
return graphs;
//la funzione, dati gli estremi dell'intervallo da rappresentare, aggiorna mappa e grafico
function peackSelection(xMinRange: number, xMaxRange: number)
//let image = G.Image.getInstance();
//se l'intervallo è [0, 0] devo leggere dalle i valori dalle spinbox
if (xMinRange == 0 && xMaxRange == 0) {
xMinRange = parseInt((<HTMLInputElement>box1).value);
xMaxRange = parseInt((<HTMLInputElement>box2).value);
image.globalxMinRange = xMinRange;
image.globalxMaxRange = xMaxRange;
image.newOrigin = { x: 0, y: 0 };
image.rePrint = false;
G.Chart.getInstance().calibrated = true;
drawImg(image, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 }, image.globalxMinRange, image.globalxMaxRange);
drawChart(image, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 }, image.globalxMinRange, image.globalxMaxRange);
//la funzione disegna il rettangolo durante la selezione di un'area della mappa
function zoomRect()
let selectCanvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("selectionCanvas");
let ctx = selectCanvas.getContext("2d");
// style the context
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 110, 255, 0.25)";
// this flage is true when the user is dragging the mouse
let isDown = false;
// these vars will hold the starting mouse position
let startX: number;
let startY: number;
let mouseX: number;
let mouseY: number;
// these vars will hold the starting mouse position
function handleMouseDown(e)
//calculate mouse position
let scrollTOP: number = (document.documentElement.scrollTop) ?
document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
let scrollLEFT: number = (document.documentElement.scrollLeft) ?
document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft;
let allX: number = e.clientX + scrollLEFT;
let allY: number = e.clientY + scrollTOP;
let elParent: any = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
let objX: number = 0, objY: number = 0;
while (elParent) {
objX += elParent.offsetLeft;
objY += elParent.offsetTop;
elParent = elParent.offsetParent;
startX = allX - objX;
startY = allY - objY;
// set a flag indicating the drag has begun
isDown = true;
function handleMouseUp(e)
// the drag is over, clear the dragging flag
isDown = false;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, selectCanvas.width, selectCanvas.height);
function handleMouseOut(e)
// the drag is over, clear the dragging flag
isDown = false;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, selectCanvas.width, selectCanvas.height);
function handleMouseMove(e)
// if we're not dragging, just return
if (!isDown) { return; }
//calculate mouse position
let scrollTOP: number = (document.documentElement.scrollTop) ?
document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
let scrollLEFT: number = (document.documentElement.scrollLeft) ?
document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft;
let allX: number = e.clientX + scrollLEFT;
let allY: number = e.clientY + scrollTOP;
let elParent: any = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
let objX: number = 0, objY: number = 0;
while (elParent) {
objX += elParent.offsetLeft;
objY += elParent.offsetTop;
elParent = elParent.offsetParent;
mouseX = allX - objX;
mouseY = allY - objY;
// Put your mousemove stuff here
// clear the canvas
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, selectCanvas.width, selectCanvas.height);
// calculate the rectangle width/height based
// on starting vs current mouse position
let width = mouseX - startX;
let height = mouseY - startY;
// draw a new rect from the start position
// to the current mouse position
ctx.fillRect(startX, startY, width, height);
// listen for mouse events
$("#selectionCanvas").mousedown(function (e) { handleMouseDown(e); });
$("#selectionCanvas").mousemove(function (e) { handleMouseMove(e); });
$("#selectionCanvas").mouseup(function (e) { handleMouseUp(e); });
$("#selectionCanvas").mouseout(function (e) { handleMouseOut(e); });
import { DrawImage } from "./drawImage";
import G = require("./globals");
import Help = require("./helper");
import Dygraph = require("dygraphs");
export class DrawChart {
private _drawImage: DrawImage;
private _image: G.Image = G.Image.getInstance();
private _chart: G.Chart = G.Chart.getInstance();
private readonly setLinearButtonID: string = "setlinearButton";
private readonly setLogButtonID: string = "setlogButton";
private readonly setEnergyButtonID: string = "setEnergyButton";
private readonly setChannelButtonID: string = "setChannelsButton";
private readonly exportGraphID: string = "ExportGraph";
private readonly readSpinBoxID: string = "readSpinbox";
private readonly chartElementID: string = "chart";
private readonly elementSelectID: string = "elementSelect";
private _graphic: any;
private _setLinearButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private _setLogButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private _setEnergyButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private _setChannelButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private _exportgraph: HTMLAnchorElement;
private _readSpinBox: HTMLButtonElement;
private _chartElement: HTMLElement;
private _elementSelect: HTMLSelectElement;
private _box1 = <HTMLElement>document.getElementById("spinBoxMin");
private _box2 = <HTMLElement>document.getElementById("spinBoxMax");
private _pixel1: G.coordinates;
private _pixel2: G.coordinates;
constructor(drawImage: DrawImage) {
this._drawImage = drawImage;
this._setLinearButton = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.getElementById(this.setLinearButtonID);
this._setLinearButton.addEventListener("click", this.setLinearButtonClick, false);
this._setLogButton = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.getElementById(this.setLogButtonID);
this._setLogButton.addEventListener("click", this.setLogButtonClick, false);
this._setEnergyButton = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.getElementById(this.setEnergyButtonID);
this._setEnergyButton.addEventListener("click", this.setEnergyButtonClick, false);
this._setChannelButton = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.getElementById(this.setChannelButtonID);
this._setChannelButton.addEventListener("click", this.setChannelButtonClick, false);
this._exportgraph = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.getElementById(this.exportGraphID);
this._exportgraph.addEventListener("click", this.exportGraphClick, false);
this._readSpinBox = <HTMLButtonElement>document.getElementById(this.readSpinBoxID);
this._readSpinBox.addEventListener("click", this.readSpinBoxClick, false);
this._chartElement = <HTMLElement>document.getElementById(this.chartElementID);
this._chartElement.addEventListener("click", this.chartClick, false);
this._elementSelect = <HTMLSelectElement>document.getElementById(this.elementSelectID);
this._elementSelect.addEventListener("select", this.elementSelect, false);
private setLinearButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this._graphic.updateOptions({ logscale: false });
private setLogButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this._graphic.updateOptions({ logscale: true });
private setEnergyButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this._chart.calibrated = true;
this.drawChart(this._image, this._pixel1, this._pixel2, 0, this._image.channelDepth);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "0");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", this._image.channelDepth.toString());
private setChannelButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this._chart.calibrated = false;
this.drawChart(this._image, this._pixel1, this._pixel2, 0, this._image.channelDepth);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "-");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", "-");
private exportGraphClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
let img = <HTMLImageElement>document.getElementById("chartToImg");
Dygraph.Export.asPNG(this._graphic, img);
document.getElementById("#ExportGraph").setAttribute("href", img.src.replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream"));
private readSpinBoxClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//esportazione grafico
this.peackSelection(0, 0, this._image);
private chartClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//zoom manuale sul grafico
let r: number[];
r = this._graphic.xAxisRange();
if (!this._chart.calibrated) {
r[0] = Math.floor(((r[0] + 1) * this._image.calibration.a - this._image.calibration.b) / 1000);
r[1] = Math.floor(((r[1] + 1) * this._image.calibration.a - this._image.calibration.b) / 1000);
} else {
r[0] = Help.round3(r[0]);
r[1] = Help.round3(r[1]);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", r[0].toString());
this._box2.setAttribute("value", r[1].toString());
this._image.globalxMinRange = r[0];
this._image.globalxMaxRange = r[1];
this._drawImage.drawImg(this._image, this._pixel1, this._pixel2, r[0], r[1]);
private elementSelect = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//selezione elemento
let element: string = (<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("elementSelect")).value;
switch (element) {
case "1": //Ca
this.peackSelection(3.6, 3.8, this._image);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "3.60");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", "3.80");
case "2": //Pb
this.peackSelection(10.4, 10.7, this._image);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "10.40");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", "10.70");
case "3": //Hg
this.peackSelection(9.8, 10.15, this._image);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "9.80");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", "10.15");
case "4": //Fe
this.peackSelection(6.3, 6.5, this._image);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "6.30");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", "6.50");
case "5": //Cu
this.peackSelection(7.85, 8.2, this._image);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "7.85");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", "8.20");
case "6": //Zn
this.peackSelection(8.5, 8.72, this._image);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "8.50");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", "8.72");
case "7": //Ti
this.peackSelection(4.35, 4.65, this._image);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "4.35");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", "4.65");
case "8": //K
this.peackSelection(3.2, 3.42, this._image);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "3.20");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", "3.42");
case "9": //Co
this.peackSelection(6.8, 7.05, this._image);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "6.80");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", "7.05");
this.peackSelection(0, this._image.channelDepth, this._image);
this._box1.setAttribute("value", "0");
this._box2.setAttribute("value", this._image.channelDepth.toString());
drawChart(image: G.Image, pixel1: G.coordinates, pixel2: G.coordinates, xMinRange: number, xMaxRange: number) {
//definisco la variabile "grafico", i bottoni relativi al grafico, il tag
//select e le due spinbox con il relativo botton
this._pixel1 = pixel1;
this._pixel2 = pixel2;
//disegno il grafico completo
if (
pixel1.x == 0 &&
pixel1.y == 0 &&
pixel2.x == image.width - 1 &&
pixel2.y == image.height - 1
) {
if (!this._chart.calibrated) {
let chartTitle: string = "Chart from (0, 0) to (" + (image.width - 1) + ", " + (image.height - 1) + ")";
this._graphic = this.setChart(this._chart.dataCompleteChart, chartTitle, xMinRange, xMaxRange);
} else {
let chartTitle: string = "Calibrated chart from (0, 0) to (" + (image.width - 1) + ", " + (image.height - 1) + ")";
this._graphic = this.setChart(this._chart.dataCompleteChartCalibrated, chartTitle, xMinRange, xMaxRange);
//disegno il grafico parzialmente
} else {
//determino i conteggi dei pixel da disegnare
let dataForChart: number[] = new Array(this._image.depth);
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._image.depth; i++) {
dataForChart[i] = 0;
for (let i: number = pixel1.x; i <= pixel2.x; i++) {
for (let j: number = pixel1.y; j <= pixel2.y; j++) {
for (let k: number = 0; k < this._image.depth; k++) {
dataForChart[k] += image.DataMatrix[i][j][k];
if (!this._chart.calibrated) {
//disegno in canali
let dataChart: string = "Channel,Counts\n";
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._image.depth; i++) {
dataChart += i + "," + dataForChart[i] + "\n";
let chartTitle: string;
if (pixel1.x == pixel2.x && pixel1.y == pixel2.y) {
chartTitle = "Chart pixel (" + pixel1.x + ", " + (image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ")";
} else {
chartTitle = "Chart from (" + pixel1.x + "," + pixel2.x + ") to (" + (image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ", " + (image.height - pixel2.y - 1) + ")";
this._graphic = this.setChart(dataChart, chartTitle, xMinRange, xMaxRange);
} else {
//disegno in energie
let dataChartCalibrated: string = "Energy,Counts\n";
for (let i: number = 0; i < this._image.depth; i++) {
dataChartCalibrated += Help.round3(((i + 1) * this._image.calibration.a - this._image.calibration.b) / 1000) + "," + dataForChart[i] + "\n";
let chartTitle: string;
if (pixel1.x == pixel2.x && pixel1.y == pixel2.y) {
chartTitle = "Calibrated chart pixel (" + pixel1.x + ", " + (image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ")";
} else {
chartTitle = "Calibrated chart from (" + pixel1.x + ", " + pixel2.x + ") to (" + (image.height - pixel1.y - 1) + ", " + (image.height - pixel2.y - 1) + ")";
this._graphic = this.setChart(dataChartCalibrated, chartTitle, xMinRange, xMaxRange);
//la funzione setChart riceve in input i dati e il titolo del grafico da disegnare
//il quale è restituito il output
setChart(dataString: string, charTitle: string, xMinRange: number, xMaxRange: number): Dygraph {
let xArrayRange: number[]; //estremi asse x da visualizzare
let xLab: string;
if (!this._chart.calibrated) {
xArrayRange = [0, this._image.depth];
xLab = "ADC Channel";
} else {
xArrayRange = [xMinRange, xMaxRange];
xLab = "Energy (keV)";
//dimensioni grafico
let chartDim: any = document.querySelector("#chart-pannel").getBoundingClientRect();
let chartWidth = chartDim.right - chartDim.left - 50;
document.getElementById(this.chartElementID).setAttribute("width", chartWidth.toString());
document.getElementById(this.chartElementID).setAttribute("height", "400");
//disegno il grafico
this._graphic = new Dygraph(document.getElementById(this.chartElementID), dataString,
title: charTitle,
ylabel: "Counts",
xlabel: xLab,
// labelsDivStyles: {
// "text-align": "right"
// },
//legend: 'always',
dateWindow: xArrayRange,
showRangeSelector: true,
logscale: false,
return this._graphic;
//la funzione, dati gli estremi dell'intervallo da rappresentare, aggiorna mappa e grafico
private peackSelection(xMinRange: number, xMaxRange: number, image: G.Image) {
//let image = this._image;
//se l'intervallo è [0, 0] devo leggere dalle i valori dalle spinbox
if (xMinRange == 0 && xMaxRange == 0) {
xMinRange = parseInt((<HTMLInputElement>this._box1).value);
xMaxRange = parseInt((<HTMLInputElement>this._box2).value);
image.globalxMinRange = xMinRange;
image.globalxMaxRange = xMaxRange;
image.newOrigin = { x: 0, y: 0 };
image.rePrint = false;
this._chart.calibrated = true;
this._drawImage.drawImg(image, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 }, image.globalxMinRange, image.globalxMaxRange);
this.drawChart(image, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 }, image.globalxMinRange, image.globalxMaxRange);
import G = require("./globals");
import * as $ from "jquery";
import Help = require("./helper");
import { DrawChart } from "./drawChart";
export class DrawImage {
public _drawChart: DrawChart;
private _image = G.Image.getInstance();
private readonly _saturationSliderID: string = "SaturationSlider";
private readonly _replotButtonID: string = "rePlot";
private readonly _transparencySliderID: string = "TrasparencySlider";
private readonly _resetID: string = "reset";
private readonly _exportImageID: string = "ExportImage";
private readonly _selectionCanvasID: string;
private _context: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
private _saturationSlider: HTMLInputElement;
private _replotButton: HTMLButtonElement;
private _transparencySlider: HTMLInputElement;
private _reset: HTMLDivElement;
private _exportImage: HTMLDivElement;
private _pixel1: G.coordinates;
private _pixel2: G.coordinates;
private _xMinRange: number;
private _xMaxRange: number;
private _selectionCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
private _ctx;
private _startX: number;
private _startY: number;
private _mouseX: number;
private _mouseY: number;
private _isDown = false;
constructor(canvas: string) {
this._drawChart = new DrawChart(this);
this._selectionCanvasID = canvas;
this._selectionCanvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById(this._selectionCanvasID);
this._ctx = this._selectionCanvas.getContext("2d");
this._saturationSlider = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById(this._saturationSliderID);
this._replotButton = <HTMLButtonElement>document.getElementById(this._replotButtonID);
this._transparencySlider = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById(this._transparencySliderID);
this._reset = <HTMLDivElement>document.getElementById(this._resetID);
this._exportImage = <HTMLDivElement>document.getElementById(this._exportImageID);
private saturationSliderMouseUp = (event: MouseEvent): void => {
this.drawImg(this._image, this._pixel1, this._pixel2, this._xMinRange, this._xMaxRange);
private replotButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//bottone per colorare con il max relativo
this._image.rePrint = true;
this._saturationSlider.value = "100";
this.drawImg(this._image, this._pixel1, this._pixel2, this._xMinRange, this._xMaxRange);
private trasparencySliderMouseUp = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this.drawImg(this._image, this._pixel1, this._pixel2, this._xMinRange, this._xMaxRange);
private resetClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this._image.newOrigin = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this._image.rePrint = false;
G.Chart.getInstance().calibrated = false;
this._image.globalxMinRange = 0;
this._image.globalxMaxRange = this._image.channelDepth;
(<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById(this._saturationSliderID)).value = "100";
(<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById("TrasparencySlider")).value = "0";
document.getElementById("spinBoxMin").setAttribute("value", "-");
document.getElementById("spinBoxMax").setAttribute("value", "-");
this.drawImg(this._image, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: this._image.width - 1, y: this._image.height - 1 }, 0, this._image.channelDepth);
this._drawChart.drawChart(this._image, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: this._image.width - 1, y: this._image.height - 1 }, 0, this._image.channelDepth);
private exportImageClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//esportazione immagine
let img = (<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("myCanvas")).toDataURL("image/png"); $("#ExportLink").attr("href", img);
//document.write('<img src="'+img+'"/>');
private clickdown = (event: MouseEvent): void => {
this.setPosition(event, this._image.zPixel2, this._selectionCanvasID);
let tmp: number;
if (this._image.zPixel1.y > this._image.zPixel2.y) {
tmp = this._image.zPixel1.y;
this._image.zPixel1.y = this._image.zPixel2.y;
this._image.zPixel2.y = tmp;
//se è stato cliccato un punto disegno il grafico, altrimenti disegno anche il
//canvas e aggiorno l'origine
//alert(this._image.zPixel1.x + ", " + this._image.zPixel1.y + " - " + this._image.zPixel2.x + ", " + this._image.zPixel2.y);
if (this._image.zPixel1.x != this._image.zPixel2.x || this._image.zPixel1.y != this._image.zPixel2.y) {
this._image.newOrigin = { x: this._image.zPixel1.x, y: this._image.zPixel1.y };
this.drawImg(this._image, this._image.zPixel1, this._image.zPixel2, this._image.globalxMinRange, this._image.globalxMaxRange);
this._drawChart.drawChart(this._image, this._image.zPixel1, this._image.zPixel2, this._image.globalxMinRange, this._image.globalxMaxRange);
private selectionCanvasMouseDown = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//calculate mouse position
let scrollTOP: number = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
let scrollLEFT: number = document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft;
let allX: number = event.clientX + scrollLEFT;
let allY: number = event.clientY + scrollTOP;
let elParent: any = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
let objX: number = 0, objY: number = 0;
while (elParent) {
objX += elParent.offsetLeft;
objY += elParent.offsetTop;
elParent = elParent.offsetParent;
this._startX = allX - objX;
this._startY = allY - objY;
// set a flag indicating the drag has begun
this._isDown = true;
private selectionCanvasMouseUp = (event: MouseEvent) => {
// the drag is over, clear the dragging flag
this._isDown = false;
//this._ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this._selectionCanvas.width, this._selectionCanvas.height);
private selectionCanvasMouseMove = (event: MouseEvent) => {
// if we're not dragging, just return
if (!this._isDown) {
//calculate mouse position
let scrollTOP: number = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
let scrollLEFT: number = document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft;
let allX: number = event.clientX + scrollLEFT;
let allY: number = event.clientY + scrollTOP;
let elParent: any = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
let objX: number = 0, objY: number = 0;
while (elParent) {
objX += elParent.offsetLeft;
objY += elParent.offsetTop;
elParent = elParent.offsetParent;
this._mouseX = allX - objX;
this._mouseY = allY - objY;
// Put your mousemove stuff here
// clear the canvas
//this._ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this._selectionCanvas.width, this._selectionCanvas.height);
// calculate the rectangle width/height based
// on starting vs current mouse position
let width = this._mouseX - this._startX;
let height = this._mouseY - this._startY;
// draw a new rect from the start position
// to the current mouse position
this._ctx.fillRect(this._startX, this._startY, width, height);
private selectionCanvasMouseOut = (event: MouseEvent) => {
// the drag is over, clear the dragging flag
this._isDown = false;
//this._ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this._selectionCanvas.width, this._selectionCanvas.height);
//Il metodo findPosition definisce la posizione del cursore del mouse
//relativa al canvas nel momento in cui avviene l'evento passato in input
private setPosition(event: any, pixel: G.coordinates, canvasID: string) {
let image = G.Image.getInstance();
let scrollTOP: number = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
let scrollLEFT: number = document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft;
let allX: number = event.clientX + scrollLEFT;
let allY: number = event.clientY + scrollTOP;
let elParent: any = document.getElementById(canvasID);
let objX: number = 0,
objY: number = 0;
while (elParent) {
objX += elParent.offsetLeft;
objY += elParent.offsetTop;
elParent = elParent.offsetParent;
pixel.x = Math.floor((allX - objX - 1) / image.pixelDim) + image.newOrigin.x;
pixel.y = Math.floor((allY - objY - 1) / image.pixelDim) + image.newOrigin.y;
drawImg(image: G.Image, pixel1: G.coordinates, pixel2: G.coordinates, xMinRange: number, xMaxRange: number, callback?: () => void) {
this._pixel1 = pixel1;
this._pixel2 = pixel2;
//alert("disegno in corso");
//numero di pixel per dimensione
let nPixelX: number = this._pixel2.x - this._pixel1.x + 1;
let nPixelY: number = this._pixel2.y - this._pixel1.y + 1;
//dimensione dei canvas
let mappaPannelDim: any = document.querySelector("#mappa-pannel").getBoundingClientRect();
let mappaWidth: number = mappaPannelDim.right - mappaPannelDim.left - 40;
let mappaHeigth: number = 400;
//dimensione reale dei pixel
let dimPixelx: number = Math.floor(mappaWidth / nPixelX);
let dimPixely: number = Math.floor(mappaHeigth / nPixelY);
image.pixelDim = dimPixelx < dimPixely ? dimPixelx : dimPixely;
//dimensioni esatte dei canvas
(<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("myCanvas")).height = nPixelY * image.pixelDim;
(<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("myCanvas")).width = nPixelX * image.pixelDim;
(<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("selectionCanvas")).height = nPixelY * image.pixelDim;
(<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("selectionCanvas")).width = nPixelX * image.pixelDim;
let ctx = (<HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("myCanvas")).getContext("2d"); //contesto del canvas
if (xMaxRange - xMinRange >= image.channelDepth) {
//range completo
let max: number = 0; //massimo relativo o assoluto
if (image.rePrint) {
max = Help.findMax(image.nOfCounts, this._pixel1, this._pixel2);
} else {
max = image.maxAbsolute;
max = max * $("#SaturationSlider").val() / 100;
this.drawCanvas(image, image.nOfCounts, max);
} else {
//range parziale (solo alcuni canali)
let xMinRangeCh: number = Math.floor((xMinRange * 1000 + this._image.calibration.b) / this._image.calibration.a - 1); //16
let xMaxRangeCh: number = Math.floor((xMaxRange * 1000 + this._image.calibration.b) / this._image.calibration.a - 1); //16371
//calcolo il numero di conteggi solo dei canali selezionati
let nOfCountsRelative: number[][];
nOfCountsRelative = new Array(image.width);
for (let i: number = 0; i < image.width; i++) {
nOfCountsRelative[i] = new Array(image.height);
for (let j: number = 0; j < image.height; j++) {
nOfCountsRelative[i][j] = Help.sumVect(image.DataMatrix[i][j], xMinRangeCh, xMaxRangeCh);
//calcolo il massimo
let max: number;
if (image.rePrint) {
max = Help.findMax(nOfCountsRelative, this._pixel1, this._pixel2);
} else {
max = Help.findMax(nOfCountsRelative, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 });
max = max * $("#SaturationSlider").val() / 100;
this.drawCanvas(image, nOfCountsRelative, max);
this._saturationSlider.addEventListener("mouseup", this.saturationSliderMouseUp, false);
this._replotButton.addEventListener("click", this.replotButtonClick, false);
this._transparencySlider.addEventListener("mouseup", this.trasparencySliderMouseUp, false);
this._reset.addEventListener("click", this.resetClick, false);
this._exportImage.addEventListener("click", this.exportImageClick, false);
if (typeof (callback) != typeof (undefined))
private drawCanvas(image: G.Image, noc, max) {
//controllo il valore della trasparenza
let setTrsp: number = 1 - $("#TrasparencySlider").val() / 100;
//scorro tutti i pixel: ne determino il colore e li disegno
let color: string = "";
for (let i: number = this._pixel1.x; i <= this._pixel2.x; i++) {
for (let j: number = this._pixel1.y; j <= this._pixel2.y; j++) {
let intensity: number = noc[i][j] / max;
if (intensity < 1 / 5)
color = "rgba(0, 0, " + Math.floor(intensity * 5 * 255) + "," + setTrsp + ")";
else if (1 / 5 <= intensity && intensity < 2 / 5)
color = "rgba(0, " + Math.floor((intensity - 1 / 5) * 5 * 255) + ",255, " + setTrsp + ")";
else if (2 / 5 <= intensity && intensity < 3 / 5)
// verde-blu
color = "rgba(0, 255, " + (255 - Math.floor((intensity - 2 / 5) * 5 * 255)) + ", " + setTrsp + ")";
else if (3 / 5 <= intensity && intensity < 4 / 5)
//verde + rosso
color = "rgba(" + Math.floor((intensity - 3 / 5) * 5 * 255) + ",255,0," + setTrsp + ")";
//rosso -verde
color = "rgba(255," + (255 - Math.floor((intensity - 4 / 5) * 5 * 255)) + ", 0, " + setTrsp + ")";
this._ctx.fillStyle = color;
this._ctx.fillRect((i - this._pixel1.x) * image.pixelDim, (j - this._pixel1.y) * image.pixelDim, image.pixelDim, image.pixelDim);
image.rePrint = false; //annullo rePrint
this._ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 110, 255, 0.25)";
this._isDown = false;
this._selectionCanvas.addEventListener("mousedown", this.selectionCanvasMouseDown, false);
this._selectionCanvas.addEventListener("mouseup", this.clickdown, false);
this._selectionCanvas.addEventListener("mousemove", this.selectionCanvasMouseMove, false);
this._selectionCanvas.addEventListener("mouseup", this.selectionCanvasMouseUp, false);
this._selectionCanvas.addEventListener("mouseout", this.selectionCanvasMouseOut, false);
import { Image } from "./image"
import { Chart } from "./chart"
import * as Utility from "./utility"
import "dygraphs"
class Events {
private image: Image;
private chart: Chart;
//////////////////// Chart ///////////////////////////
private readonly setLinearButtonID: string = "setlinearButton";
private readonly setLogButtonID: string = "setlogButton";
private readonly setEnergyButtonID: string = "setEnergyButton";
private readonly setChannelButtonID: string = "setChannelsButton";
private readonly exportGraphID: string = "ExportGraph";
private readonly readSpinBoxID: string = "readSpinbox";
private readonly chartElementID: string = "chart";
private readonly elementSelectID: string = "elementSelect";
private setLinearButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private setLogButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private setEnergyButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private setChannelButton: HTMLAnchorElement;
private exportgraph: HTMLAnchorElement;
private readSpinBox: HTMLButtonElement;
private chartElement: HTMLElement;
private elementSelect: HTMLSelectElement;
public spinBoxMin: HTMLInputElement;
public spinBoxMax: HTMLInputElement;
//////////////////// Image ///////////////////////////
private startX: number;
private startY: number;
private mouseX: number;
private mouseY: number;
private readonly saturationSliderID: string = "SaturationSlider";
private readonly replotButtonID: string = "rePlot";
private readonly transparencySliderID: string = "TrasparencySlider";
private readonly resetID: string = "reset";
private readonly exportImageID: string = "ExportImage";
private readonly selectionCanvasID: string = "selectionCanvas";
private readonly myCanvasID: string = "myCanvas";
private saturationSlider: HTMLInputElement;
private replotButton: HTMLButtonElement;
private transparencySlider: HTMLInputElement;
private reset: HTMLDivElement;
private exportImage: HTMLDivElement;
private selectionCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
private myCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
private ctx;
private isDown = false;
constructor(image: Image, chart: Chart) {
this.image = image;
this.chart = chart;
//////////////////// Chart ///////////////////////////
this.setLinearButton = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.getElementById(this.setLinearButtonID);
this.setLinearButton.addEventListener("click", this.setLinearButtonClick, false);
this.setLogButton = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.getElementById(this.setLogButtonID);
this.setLogButton.addEventListener("click", this.setLogButtonClick, false);
this.setEnergyButton = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.getElementById(this.setEnergyButtonID);
this.setEnergyButton.addEventListener("click", this.setEnergyButtonClick, false);
this.setChannelButton = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.getElementById(this.setChannelButtonID);
this.setChannelButton.addEventListener("click", this.setChannelButtonClick, false);
this.exportgraph = <HTMLAnchorElement>document.getElementById(this.exportGraphID);
this.exportgraph.addEventListener("click", this.exportGraphClick, false);
this.readSpinBox = <HTMLButtonElement>document.getElementById(this.readSpinBoxID);
this.readSpinBox.addEventListener("click", this.readSpinBoxClick, false);
this.chartElement = <HTMLElement>document.getElementById(this.chartElementID);
this.chartElement.addEventListener("mouseup", this.chartClick, false);
this.elementSelect = <HTMLSelectElement>document.getElementById(this.elementSelectID);
this.elementSelect.addEventListener("select", this.elementSelectEvent, false);
//////////////////// Image ///////////////////////////
this.selectionCanvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById(this.selectionCanvasID);
this.ctx = this.selectionCanvas.getContext("2d");
this.myCanvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById(this.myCanvasID);
this.saturationSlider = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById(this.saturationSliderID);
this.replotButton = <HTMLButtonElement>document.getElementById(this.replotButtonID);
this.transparencySlider = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById(this.transparencySliderID);
this.reset = <HTMLDivElement>document.getElementById(this.resetID);
this.exportImage = <HTMLDivElement>document.getElementById(this.exportImageID);
this.saturationSlider.addEventListener("mouseup", this.saturationSliderMouseUp, false);
this.replotButton.addEventListener("click", this.replotButtonClick, false);
this.transparencySlider.addEventListener("mouseup", this.trasparencySliderMouseUp, false);
this.reset.addEventListener("click", this.resetClick, false);
this.exportImage.addEventListener("click", this.exportImageClick, false);
this.selectionCanvas.addEventListener("mousedown", this.selectionCanvasMouseDown, false);
this.selectionCanvas.addEventListener("mouseup", this.clickdown, false);
this.selectionCanvas.addEventListener("mousemove", this.selectionCanvasMouseMove, false);
this.selectionCanvas.addEventListener("mouseup", this.selectionCanvasMouseUp, false);
this.selectionCanvas.addEventListener("mouseout", this.selectionCanvasMouseOut, false);
private saturationSliderMouseUp = (event: MouseEvent): void => {
this.image.drawImg(this.image.pixel1, this.image.pixel2, this.image.globalxMinRange, this.image.globalxMaxRange);
private replotButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//bottone per colorare con il max relativo
this.image.rePrint = true;
this.saturationSlider.value = "100";
// opacity value?
this.image.drawImg(this.image.pixel1, this.image.pixel2, this.image.globalxMinRange, this.image.globalxMaxRange);
private trasparencySliderMouseUp = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this.image.drawImg(this.image.pixel1, this.image.pixel2, this.image.globalxMinRange, this.image.globalxMaxRange);
private resetClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this.image.newOrigin = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this.image.rePrint = false;
this.chart.calibrated = false;
this.image.globalxMinRange = 0;
this.image.globalxMaxRange = this.image.channelDepth;
this.saturationSlider.value = "100";
this.transparencySlider.value = "0";
this.chart.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "-");
this.chart.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", "-");
this.image.drawImg({ x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: this.image.width - 1, y: this.image.height - 1 }, 0, this.image.channelDepth);
this.chart.drawChart(this.image, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: this.image.width - 1, y: this.image.height - 1 }, 0, this.image.channelDepth);
private exportImageClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//esportazione immagine
let img = this.selectionCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
this.selectionCanvas.setAttribute("href", img.replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream"));
document.getElementById("ExportLink").setAttribute("href", img);
private clickdown = (event: MouseEvent): void => {
this.image.setPosition(event, this.image.zPixel2, this.selectionCanvasID);
let tmp: number;
if (this.image.zPixel1.y > this.image.zPixel2.y) {
tmp = this.image.zPixel1.y;
this.image.zPixel1.y = this.image.zPixel2.y;
this.image.zPixel2.y = tmp;
//se è stato cliccato un punto disegno il grafico, altrimenti disegno anche il
//canvas e aggiorno l'origine
if (this.image.zPixel1.x != this.image.zPixel2.x || this.image.zPixel1.y != this.image.zPixel2.y) {
this.image.newOrigin = { x: this.image.zPixel1.x, y: this.image.zPixel1.y };
this.image.drawImg(this.image.zPixel1, this.image.zPixel2, this.image.globalxMinRange, this.image.globalxMaxRange);
this.chart.drawChart(this.image, this.image.zPixel1, this.image.zPixel2, this.image.globalxMinRange, this.image.globalxMaxRange);
private selectionCanvasMouseDown = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//calculate mouse position
let scrollTOP: number = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
let scrollLEFT: number = document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft;
let allX: number = event.clientX + scrollLEFT;
let allY: number = event.clientY + scrollTOP;
let elParent: any = this.myCanvas;
let objX: number = 0, objY: number = 0;
while (elParent) {
objX += elParent.offsetLeft;
objY += elParent.offsetTop;
elParent = elParent.offsetParent;
this.startX = allX - objX;
this.startY = allY - objY;
// set a flag indicating the drag has begun
this.isDown = true;
private selectionCanvasMouseUp = (event: MouseEvent) => {
// the drag is over, clear the dragging flag
this.isDown = false;
//this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.selectionCanvas.width, this.selectionCanvas.height);
private selectionCanvasMouseMove = (event: MouseEvent) => {
// if we're not dragging, just return
if (!this.isDown) {
//calculate mouse position
let scrollTOP: number = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
let scrollLEFT: number = document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft;
let allX: number = event.clientX + scrollLEFT;
let allY: number = event.clientY + scrollTOP;
let elParent: any = this.myCanvas;
let objX: number = 0, objY: number = 0;
while (elParent) {
objX += elParent.offsetLeft;
objY += elParent.offsetTop;
elParent = elParent.offsetParent;
this.mouseX = allX - objX;
this.mouseY = allY - objY;
// clear the canvas
//this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.selectionCanvas.width, this.selectionCanvas.height);
// calculate the rectangle width/height based
// on starting vs current mouse position
let width = this.mouseX - this.startX;
let height = this.mouseY - this.startY;
// draw a new rect from the start position
// to the current mouse position
this.ctx.fillRect(this.startX, this.startY, width, height);
private selectionCanvasMouseOut = (event: MouseEvent) => {
// the drag is over, clear the dragging flag
this.isDown = false;
//this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.selectionCanvas.width, this.selectionCanvas.height);
private setLinearButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this.chart.graphic.updateOptions({ logscale: false });
private setLogButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this.chart.graphic.updateOptions({ logscale: true });
private setEnergyButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this.chart.calibrated = true;
this.chart.drawChart(this.image, this.image.pixel1, this.image.pixel2, 0, this.image.channelDepth);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "0");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", this.image.channelDepth.toString());
private setChannelButtonClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
this.chart.calibrated = false;
this.chart.drawChart(this.image, this.image.pixel1, this.image.pixel2, 0, this.image.channelDepth);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "-");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", "-");
private exportGraphClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
let img = <HTMLImageElement>document.getElementById("chartToImg");
//Dygraph..asPNG(this.chart.graphic, img);
this.exportgraph.setAttribute("href", img.src.replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream"));
private readSpinBoxClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//esportazione grafico
this.chart.peackSelection(0, 0, this.image);
private chartClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//zoom manuale sul grafico
let r: number[];
r = this.chart.graphic.xAxisRange();
if (!this.chart.calibrated) {
r[0] = Math.floor(((r[0] + 1) * this.image.calibration.a - this.image.calibration.b) / 1000);
r[1] = Math.floor(((r[1] + 1) * this.image.calibration.a - this.image.calibration.b) / 1000);
} else {
r[0] = Utility.round3(r[0]);
r[1] = Utility.round3(r[1]);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", r[0].toString());
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", r[1].toString());
this.image.globalxMinRange = r[0];
this.image.globalxMaxRange = r[1];
this.image.drawImg(this.image.pixel1, this.image.pixel2, r[0], r[1]);
private elementSelectEvent = (event: MouseEvent) => {
//selezione elemento
let element: string = this.elementSelect.value;
switch (element) {
case "1": //Ca
this.chart.peackSelection(3.6, 3.8, this.image);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "3.60");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", "3.80");
case "2": //Pb
this.chart.peackSelection(10.4, 10.7, this.image);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "10.40");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", "10.70");
case "3": //Hg
this.chart.peackSelection(9.8, 10.15, this.image);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "9.80");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", "10.15");
case "4": //Fe
this.chart.peackSelection(6.3, 6.5, this.image);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "6.30");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", "6.50");
case "5": //Cu
this.chart.peackSelection(7.85, 8.2, this.image);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "7.85");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", "8.20");
case "6": //Zn
this.chart.peackSelection(8.5, 8.72, this.image);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "8.50");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", "8.72");
case "7": //Ti
this.chart.peackSelection(4.35, 4.65, this.image);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "4.35");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", "4.65");
case "8": //K
this.chart.peackSelection(3.2, 3.42, this.image);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "3.20");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", "3.42");
case "9": //Co
this.chart.peackSelection(6.8, 7.05, this.image);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "6.80");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", "7.05");
this.chart.peackSelection(0, this.image.channelDepth, this.image);
this.spinBoxMin.setAttribute("value", "0");
this.spinBoxMax.setAttribute("value", this.image.channelDepth.toString());
export { Events };
\ No newline at end of file
import G = require("./globals"); import {Fs} from "./fs";
import * as gfs from "./fs";
import * as fs from "fs"; import * as fs from "fs";
import * as md5 from "ts-md5/dist/md5"; import * as md5 from "ts-md5/dist/md5";
import { Image } from "./image";
import { Chart } from "./chart";
let content: Buffer; let content: Buffer;
let lines: string[]; let lines: string[];
let numbers: number[]; let numbers: number[];
let image: Image = new Image();
let chart: Chart = new Chart();
let filesys: Fs = new Fs();
beforeAll(() => beforeAll(() =>
{ {
content = fs.readFileSync("XRF-File-System/Pergamena-Medioevale/codapavone_500.txt"); content = fs.readFileSync("XRF-File-System/Pergamena-Medioevale/codapavone_500.txt");
...@@ -16,7 +21,7 @@ beforeAll(() => ...@@ -16,7 +21,7 @@ beforeAll(() =>
test("get_metadata", () => test("get_metadata", () =>
{ {
let metadata = gfs.get_metadata(numbers); let metadata = filesys.get_metadata(image, numbers);
expect(metadata).toEqual({ expect(metadata).toEqual({
xMin: 50088000, xMin: 50088000,
xMax: 50103000, xMax: 50103000,
...@@ -29,14 +34,7 @@ test("get_metadata", () => ...@@ -29,14 +34,7 @@ test("get_metadata", () =>
test("readImage", () => test("readImage", () =>
{ {
let image = gfs.readImage(content.toString()); let readImage = filesys.readImage(image, chart, content.toString());
expect(md5.Md5.hashAsciiStr(JSON.stringify(image))).toBe("0a77bca5eb4c9bdd137c753a21b98545"); // coda_pavone_500 expect(md5.Md5.hashAsciiStr(JSON.stringify(readImage))).toBe("0a77bca5eb4c9bdd137c753a21b98545"); // coda_pavone_500
//expect(md5.Md5.hashAsciiStr(JSON.stringify(image))).toBe("b9e7fb96f36452cc3c2350d6132b50c6"); // coda_pavone_250 //expect(md5.Md5.hashAsciiStr(JSON.stringify(image))).toBe("b9e7fb96f36452cc3c2350d6132b50c6"); // coda_pavone_250
}) })
/* test("readImage_lc", () =>
let image = gfs.readImage_lc(content.toString());
This diff is collapsed.
export interface coordinates
x: number;
y: number;
export class Calibration
a: number;
b: number;
export enum ReadDirection {
u,// lettura non definita
r,//lettura per righe
c//lettura per colonne
export class Metadata
private static _instance: Metadata = new Metadata();
private constructor() {
if(Metadata._instance) {
throw new Error("Error: Image object is already instantiated");
else {
Metadata._instance = this;
xMin: number = 0;
xMax: number = 0;
yMin: number = 0;
yMax: number = 0;
step: number = 0;
direction: ReadDirection = ReadDirection.u;
public static getInstance(): Metadata {
return Metadata._instance;
export class Image
private static _instance: Image = new Image();
private constructor() {
throw new Error ("Error: Image object is already instantiated");
Image._instance = this;
DataMatrix: number[][][];
width: number;
height: number;
readonly calibration: Calibration = {a: 3.36275, b: 58.2353};
readonly depth: number = 8000;
readonly maxCoordValueX = 60000000;
readonly headerSetValue = 17000;
readonly xCoordHeaderFirstValue = 5; //instestazione X
readonly yCoordHeaderFirstValue = 6; //intestazione y
channelDepth: number = require("./helper").round3(((this.depth + 1) * this.calibration.a - this.calibration.b) / 1000); //profondità massima in canali
globalxMinRange: number = 0;
globalxMaxRange: number = this.channelDepth;
zPixel1: coordinates;
zPixel2: coordinates; //pixel2 dello zoom
newOrigin: coordinates = { x: 0, y: 0}; //nuovo origine nel caso di zoom
maxAbsolute: number; //massimo conteggio della matrice nOfCounts
pixelDim: number; //dimensione dei pixel responsive
nOfCounts: number[][]; //matrici con i dati
rePrint: boolean = false; //variabile per ricolorare con il max relativo
public static getInstance(): Image
return Image._instance;
export class Chart {
private static _instance: Chart = new Chart();
private constructor()
throw new Error("Error: Image object is already instantiated");
Chart._instance = this;
dataCompleteChart: string = "Channel,Counts\n";
dataCompleteChartCalibrated: string = "Energy,Counts\n";
calibrated: boolean = false; //variabile per il controllo sulla calibrazione
public static getInstance(): Chart
return Chart._instance;
import * as Utility from "./utility";
interface coordinates // used in multiple files
x: number;
y: number;
class Calibration //used in multiple files
a: number;
b: number;
class Image {
private readonly saturationSliderID: string = "SaturationSlider";
private readonly transparencySliderID: string = "TrasparencySlider";
private readonly selectionCanvasID: string = "selectionCanvas";
private readonly myCanvasID: string = "myCanvas";
private context: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
private saturationSlider: HTMLInputElement;
private transparencySlider: HTMLInputElement;
pixel1: coordinates;
pixel2: coordinates;
private xMinRange: number;
private xMaxRange: number;
private selectionCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
private myCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
private ctx;
private isDown = false;
DataMatrix: number[][][];
width: number;
height: number;
readonly calibration: Calibration = { a: 3.36275, b: 58.2353 };
readonly depth: number = 8000;
channelDepth: number = Utility.round3(((this.depth + 1) * this.calibration.a - this.calibration.b) / 1000); //profondità massima in canali
readonly maxCoordValueX = 60000000; // to check
readonly headerSetValue = 17000;
readonly xCoordHeaderFirstValue = 5; //instestazione X
readonly yCoordHeaderFirstValue = 6; //intestazione y
globalxMinRange: number = 0;
globalxMaxRange: number = this.channelDepth;
zPixel1: coordinates;
zPixel2: coordinates; //pixel2 dello zoom
newOrigin: coordinates = { x: 0, y: 0 }; //nuovo origine nel caso di zoomù
maxAbsolute: number; //massimo conteggio della matrice nOfCounts
pixelDim: number; //dimensione dei pixel responsive
nOfCounts: number[][]; //matrici con i dati
rePrint: boolean = false; //variabile per ricolorare con il max relativo
constructor() {
this.selectionCanvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById(this.selectionCanvasID);
this.ctx = this.selectionCanvas.getContext("2d");
this.myCanvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById(this.myCanvasID);
this.saturationSlider = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById(this.saturationSliderID);
this.transparencySlider = <HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById(this.transparencySliderID);
//Il metodo findPosition definisce la posizione del cursore del mouse
//relativa al canvas nel momento in cui avviene l'evento passato in input
setPosition(event: any, pixel: coordinates, canvasID: string) {
let scrollTOP: number = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
let scrollLEFT: number = document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft;
let allX: number = event.clientX + scrollLEFT;
let allY: number = event.clientY + scrollTOP;
let elParent: any = document.getElementById(canvasID);
let objX: number = 0,
objY: number = 0;
while (elParent) {
objX += elParent.offsetLeft;
objY += elParent.offsetTop;
elParent = elParent.offsetParent;
pixel.x = Math.floor((allX - objX - 1) / this.pixelDim) + this.newOrigin.x;
pixel.y = Math.floor((allY - objY - 1) / this.pixelDim) + this.newOrigin.y;
drawImg(pixel1: coordinates, pixel2: coordinates, xMinRange: number, xMaxRange: number, callback?: () => void) {
this.pixel1 = pixel1;
this.pixel2 = pixel2;
//alert("disegno in corso");
//numero di pixel per dimensione
let nPixelX: number = this.pixel2.x - this.pixel1.x + 1;
let nPixelY: number = this.pixel2.y - this.pixel1.y + 1;
//dimensione dei canvas
let mappaPannelDim: any = document.querySelector("#mappa-pannel").getBoundingClientRect();
let mappaWidth: number = mappaPannelDim.right - mappaPannelDim.left - 40;
let mappaHeigth: number = 400;
//dimensione reale dei pixel
let dimPixelx: number = Math.floor(mappaWidth / nPixelX);
let dimPixely: number = Math.floor(mappaHeigth / nPixelY);
this.pixelDim = dimPixelx < dimPixely ? dimPixelx : dimPixely;
//dimensioni esatte dei canvas
this.myCanvas.height = nPixelY * this.pixelDim;
this.myCanvas.width = nPixelX * this.pixelDim;
this.selectionCanvas.height = nPixelY * this.pixelDim;
this.selectionCanvas.width = nPixelX * this.pixelDim;
let ctx = this.myCanvas.getContext("2d"); //contesto del canvas
if (xMaxRange - xMinRange >= this.channelDepth) {
//range completo
let max: number = 0; //massimo relativo o assoluto
if (this.rePrint) {
max = Utility.findMax(this.nOfCounts, this.pixel1, this.pixel2);
} else {
max = this.maxAbsolute;
max *= parseInt(this.saturationSlider.value) / 100;
this.drawCanvas(this.nOfCounts, max);
} else {
//range parziale (solo alcuni canali)
let xMinRangeCh: number = Math.floor((xMinRange * 1000 + this.calibration.b) / this.calibration.a - 1); //16
let xMaxRangeCh: number = Math.floor((xMaxRange * 1000 + this.calibration.b) / this.calibration.a - 1); //16371
//calcolo il numero di conteggi solo dei canali selezionati
let nOfCountsRelative: number[][];
nOfCountsRelative = new Array(this.width);
for (let i: number = 0; i < this.width; i++) {
nOfCountsRelative[i] = new Array(this.height);
for (let j: number = 0; j < this.height; j++) {
nOfCountsRelative[i][j] = Utility.sumVect(this.DataMatrix[i][j], xMinRangeCh, xMaxRangeCh);
//calcolo il massimo
let max: number = 0;
if (this.rePrint) {
max = Utility.findMax(nOfCountsRelative, this.pixel1, this.pixel2);
} else {
max = Utility.findMax(nOfCountsRelative, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: this.width - 1, y: this.height - 1 });
max *= parseInt(this.saturationSlider.value) / 100;
if (max == 0)
alert("WARNING: max value is 0");
this.drawCanvas(nOfCountsRelative, max);
if (typeof (callback) != typeof (undefined))
private drawCanvas(noc, max) {
//controllo il valore della trasparenza
let setTrsp: number = 1 - parseInt(this.transparencySlider.value) / 100;
//scorro tutti i pixel: ne determino il colore e li disegno
let color: string = "";
for (let i: number = this.pixel1.x; i <= this.pixel2.x; i++) {
for (let j: number = this.pixel1.y; j <= this.pixel2.y; j++) {
let intensity: number = noc[i][j] / max;
if (intensity < 1 / 5)
color = "rgba(0, 0, " + Math.floor(intensity * 5 * 255) + "," + setTrsp + ")";
else if (1 / 5 <= intensity && intensity < 2 / 5)
color = "rgba(0, " + Math.floor((intensity - 1 / 5) * 5 * 255) + ",255, " + setTrsp + ")";
else if (2 / 5 <= intensity && intensity < 3 / 5)
// verde-blu
color = "rgba(0, 255, " + (255 - Math.floor((intensity - 2 / 5) * 5 * 255)) + ", " + setTrsp + ")";
else if (3 / 5 <= intensity && intensity < 4 / 5)
//verde + rosso
color = "rgba(" + Math.floor((intensity - 3 / 5) * 5 * 255) + ",255,0," + setTrsp + ")";
//rosso -verde
color = "rgba(255," + (255 - Math.floor((intensity - 4 / 5) * 5 * 255)) + ", 0, " + setTrsp + ")";
this.ctx.fillStyle = color;
this.ctx.fillRect((i - this.pixel1.x) * this.pixelDim, (j - this.pixel1.y) * this.pixelDim, this.pixelDim, this.pixelDim);
this.rePrint = false; //annullo rePrint
this.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 110, 255, 0.25)";
this.isDown = false;
export { coordinates, Calibration, Image };
import { Image } from "./image";
import { Chart } from "./chart";
import { Fs } from "./fs";
import { CallbackManager } from "./callbacks"
import $ = require("jquery");
class ImportFile {
private image: Image;
private chart: Chart;
private fs: Fs;
private callbackManager: CallbackManager;
constructor(drawImage: Image, drawChart: Chart) {
this.image = drawImage;
this.chart = drawChart;
this.fs = new Fs();
this.callbackManager = new CallbackManager();
//funzione che definisce tutti gli elementi responsabili dell'apertura di un file.
//Sono definiti quindi l'albero e il bottone per l'importazione da locale
setImportFile() {
// genero e leggo il contenuto della directory "filesystem"
// comment out waiting to properly address the request
// let xmlDoc: Document;
// let xmlListingFile: any = new XMLHttpRequest();
//"PROPFIND", "CHNET/", false);
// xmlListingFile.setRequestHeader("Depth", "infinity");
// xmlListingFile.onreadystatechange = function () {
// if (xmlListingFile.readyState === 4) {
// if (xmlListingFile.status === 207) {
// let parser = new DOMParser();
// xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xmlListingFile.responseText, "text/xml");
// }
// }
// }
// xmlListingFile.send(null);
//ora genero l'albero e definisco l'evento in caso di selezione di un nodo
// jQuery(document.getElementById('FileTreeview')).treeview({ data: this.fs.generateTree(xmlDoc) });
// $('#FileTreeview').on('nodeSelected', (e, node) => {
// if (node['url'] != undefined) {
// $("#load-spinner").css("display", "inline");
// this.fs.openFileFromServer(node['url']);
// }
// });
// import a local file
let fileInputButton: any = document.getElementById("myImport");
fileInputButton.onchange = () => {
this.callbackManager.showElement("load-spinner", true);
let file: File = fileInputButton.files[0];
let readerObject = new FileReader();
readerObject.onload = () => {
let content = readerObject.result;
let image = this.fs.readImage(this.image, this.chart, content);
this.callbackManager.showElement("load-spinner", false);
this.image.drawImg({ x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 }, 0, image.channelDepth,
() => { this.callbackManager.closeBootstrapModel("btnCloseModal"); });
this.chart.drawChart(image, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: image.width - 1, y: image.height - 1 }, 0, image.channelDepth);
//funzione per la compressione della sidenav sx
compressingSidenav() {
let fsLabel = document.getElementById("collapse-symbol");
let isClosedfs = false;
let fsLabel_cross = () => {
if (isClosedfs == true) {
isClosedfs = false;
$(".w3-bar-block").css("width", "65px");
$(".text-sidenav").css("display", "none");
document.getElementById("collapse-symbol").title = "Open Sidebar";
document.getElementById("collapse-symbol").classList.replace("fa-angle-double-left", "fa-angle-double-right");
} else {
isClosedfs = true;
$(".w3-bar-block").css("width", "200px");
$(".text-sidenav").css("display", "inline");
document.getElementById("collapse-symbol").title = "Close Sidebar";
document.getElementById("collapse-symbol").classList.replace("fa-angle-double-right", "fa-angle-double-left");
fsLabel.addEventListener("mousedown", fsLabel_cross, false);
//funzione che definisce l'area su cui si può eseguire il drag&drop
makeDroppable(droppableArea) {
//creo l'elemento "input type file" non visibile e lo aggiungo a "droppableArea"
let input: any = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "file";
input.multiple = true; = "none";
//questo evento è chiamato quando i file sono trascinati ma non ancora lasciati
droppableArea.addEventListener("dragover", function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); //impediamo l'apertura del file
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy";
//l'evento è chiamato quando un file lascia la zona predefinita per il drag&drop
droppableArea.addEventListener("dragleave", function (e) {
//questo evento si innesca quando il drop è effettivamente avvenuto
droppableArea.addEventListener("drop", function (e) {
this.callback(e.dataTransfer.files, this.image, this.chart);
//funzione chiamata in caso di drag&drop responsabile dell'apertura del file droppato,
//della sua lettura e del passaggio del suo contenuto alla funzione readData()
private callback(files, drawImage: Image, drawChart: Chart, fs: Fs) {
this.callbackManager.showElement("load-spinner", true);
let file: File = files[files.length - 1];
console.log("Try to open " + + " ...");
let readerObject = new FileReader();
readerObject.onload = () => {
let content = readerObject.result;
fs.readImage(drawImage, drawChart, content);
this.callbackManager.showElement("load-spinner", false);
export { ImportFile };
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echo "<img src=\"./default-avatar.png\" class=\"img-circle\" width=\"25\">"; echo "<img src=\"./default-avatar.png\" class=\"img-circle\" width=\"25\">";
} }
// echo " ".ucfirst($_SERVER["OIDC_CLAIM_name"]); //echo " ".ucfirst($_SERVER["OIDC_CLAIM_name"]);
?> ?>
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...@@ -160,7 +153,7 @@ ...@@ -160,7 +153,7 @@
<h2>XRF Image</h2> <h2>XRF Image</h2>
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This diff is collapsed.
{ {
"name": "chnet-xrf", "name": "chnet-xrf",
"version": "0.1.0", "version": "0.1.0",
"scripts": {
"test": "jest"
"dependencies": { "dependencies": {
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"popper": "^1.0.1",
"popper.js": "^1.14.3"
}, },
"description": "Web application to analyse XRF images", "description": "Web application to analyse XRF images",
"scripts": {
"test": "jest"
"license": "EUPL", "license": "EUPL",
"repository": { "repository": {
"type": "git", "type": "git",
"url": "" "url": ""
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