diff --git a/contributions/tier1/tier1.tex b/contributions/tier1/tier1.tex
index 1d61fe3aad853094beafb528ab4aa457181341d2..a892511ed2914f2d1e0c2a0e9e749b370de19289 100644
--- a/contributions/tier1/tier1.tex
+++ b/contributions/tier1/tier1.tex
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ in fact, the storage system used by Virgo and Darkside had been easily recovered
 %(Fig.\ref{farm2018} shows the restart of the farm). Meanwhile, we had setup a new partition of the farm hosted at CINECA super-computing center premises (see Par.~\ref{CINECAext}).
 The final damage inventory shows the loss of $\sim$ 30 kHS06, 
-4 PB of data and 60 tapes: on the other hand, it was possible to repair all the other systems recovering $\sim$ 20 PB of data; 
+1.4 PB of data and 60 tapes: on the other hand, it was possible to repair all the other systems recovering $\sim$ 20 PB of data; 
 with respect to the infrastructure, the second line was recovered  (see \cite{FLOODCHEP} for details).