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@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ CREAM-CE/LSF to HTCondor-CE/HTCondor}{HTC_testbed}
 %\ia{Dynfarm: Transition to Production}{dynfarm}
 %\ia{Official testing and increased compatibility for Dataclient}{dataclient}
 \ia{Common software lifecycle management in external projects:}{ds_devops_pe}
-\ia{EOSC-hub: Placeholder}{ds_eoschub}
+\ia{EOSC-hub: contributions to project achievements}{ds_eoschub}
 \ia{EOSCpilot - Interoperability aspects and results}{ds_eoscpilot}
 \ia{Cloud@CNAF Management and Evolution}{ds_cloud_c}
 \ia{INFN CorporateCloud: Management and evolution}{ds_infn_cc}
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-\title{EOSC-hub: placeholder}
+\title{EOSC-hub: contributions to project achievements}
 \author{C. Duma$^1$, A. Costantini$^1$, D. Michelotto$^1$,
-        L. Dell'Agnello$^1$, A. Ceccanti$^1$, L. Morganti$^1$, E. Vianello $^1$,
-        A. Fallabella$^1$, D. Salomoni$^1$}
-\address{$^1$ INFN-CNAF, Bologna, IT}
-%\address{$^2$IFCA, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas-CSIC, Santander, Spain}
+        A. Ceccanti$^1$, E. Vianello $^1$, L. Morganti$^1$, 
+        A. Fallabella$^1$, L. Dell'Agnello$^1$ and D. Salomoni$^1$}
+\address{$^1$INFN Division CNAF, Bologna, Italy}
-  This paper describes the achievements of the H2020 project INDIGO-DataCloud in the field of software lifecycle management, the Continuous Integration and Delivery systems setup to manage the new releases, as a first step towards the implementation of a DevOps approach.
+EOSC-hub is the H2020 EINFRA12 project submitted by a consortium of
+74 partners under the coordination of EGI, EUDAT and INDIGO-DataCloud. 
+It brings together multiple service providers to create {\bf the Hub}: a single 
+contact point for European researchers and innovators to discover, access, use 
+and reuse a broad spectrum of resources for advanced data-driven research. 
+After a short description of the projects objectives and of its work-packages, 
+we present the various aspects of the CNAF contributions to the achievement of 
+this objectives.
-\section{First section}
-The software development lifecycle (SDL) process (Figure~\ref{fig:1}) in INDIGO has been supported by a continuous 
-software improvement process that regarded the software quality assurance, software maintenance, 
-including release management, support services, and the management of pilot infrastructures 
-needed for software integration and acceptance testing.
-%  \centering
-%  \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{Figure5.pdf}
-%  \caption{Software development lifecycle implementation}
-%  \label{fig:1}
+The EOSC-hub project creates the integration and management system of the future European 
+Open Science Cloud (EOSC) that delivers a catalogue of services, software and data from the EGI Federation,
+ EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud and major research e-infrastructures. This integration and 
+ management system (the Hub) builds on mature processes, policies and tools from the 
+ leading European federated e-Infrastructures to cover the whole life-cycle of services, 
+ from planning to delivery. The Hub aggregates services from local, regional and national 
+ e-Infrastructures in Europe, Africa, Asia, Canada and South America.
+The Hub acts as a single contact point for researchers and innovators to discover, access,
+ use and reuse a broad spectrum of resources for advanced data-driven research. Through
+  the virtual access mechanism, more scientific communities and users have access to services 
+  supporting their scientific discovery and collaboration across disciplinary and geographical boundaries.
+The project mission is to  contribue to address the EOSC challenges/objectives implementing a number of actions:
+ \item Increase the ability to {\bf exploit research data across scientific disciplines} and between the public and private sector,  by:
+   \begin{itemize}
+     \item  {\bf Publish, discover, access} services and resources for all scientific disciplines, defined and adopt {\bf a service 
+     portfolio management process} ? activities and governance 
+     \item  {\bf Open} to national, regional, pan-European providers, and supports different exploitation models (e.g. free at point of use, commercial) 
+     \item Build a Joint Digital Innovation Hub https://eosc-hub.eu/digital-innovation-hub
+   \end{itemize}
+ \item Support {\bf open science}, by:
+   \begin{itemize}
+     \item Offering services to share and discover research artefacts (datasets, software, notebooks) and research artefacts sources
+     \item Establish an EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE collaboration
+   \end{itemize}
+a well as to contribute to the European Open Science Agenda:
-Preview releases are made available for evaluation by user communities and
-resource providers through the pilot infrastructures. Release
-candidates are subjected to integration testing, which may include the
+ \item Develop research infrastructures for Open Science, by:
+   \begin{itemize}
+     \item making major data infrastructures available for dissemination and exploitation in Open Science. Data resources include: Copernicus, ESA/Landsat, ERS and Envisat/Meris datasets for earth observation; the CLARIN metadata infrastructure for Art and Humanities, the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment data and its distributed processing infrastructure, EISCAT experimental data, the ELIXIR core data resources, et al.
+     \item providing well defined and non-discriminatory access modes for all researchers across all disciplines, following the G8 principles.
+     \item applying long-term, persistent care for a given resource by improving the stewardship from the funding agencies and the resource owners, through active maintenance of open science resources, such as certification of data repositories, and maintenance of training and education programmes to increase the amount and quality of knowledge held by the community on required topics such as data preservation, curation and sharing.
+   \end{itemize}
+ \item Enable data-intensive research in secured virtual environments for Open Science, by:
+   \begin{itemize}
+     \item enabling big data solutions in secured virtual environments to generate smart solutions for analysing complex data from different sources
+     \item defining and adopting a corpus of harmonised access and reuse policies for research infrastructures and e-Infrastructures, based on one market offering clear points of access and support
+   \end{itemize}
+ \item Mainstream Open Access to research results, by:
+   \begin{itemize}
+     \item offering services for research data discoverability, an application store where cloud virtual appliances can be freely registered and shared as research objects linked to publications, to be executed on a distributed cloud environment for repeatability of science
+   \end{itemize}
-%\subsection{Software development lifecycle management}
+ \end{itemize}
-Software lifecycle management is performed mostly via automated actions orchestrated.
+\section{Project implementation and CNAF contributions}
-In Figure we depict the project's software lifecycle management services and 
-activities and their interdependencies:
-\item Version Control System (VCS) - Source Code is made available through public VCS 
-        repositories, hosted externally in GitHub repositories, guaranteeing in this 
-        way the software openness and visibility, simplifying the exploitation beyond the 
-        project lifetime. The INDIGO-DataCloud software is released under the Apache 2.0 
-        software license and can be deployed on both public and private Cloud infrastructures.
-\item Software quality assurence criteria and control activities and services to enable them: 
-\item Continuous Integration service using {\bf Jenkins}: Service to automate the building, 
-        packaging (where applicable) and execution of unit and functional tests of software components.
-\item Code review service using GitHub: Code review of software source code is one integral part of the SQA\@. This service facilitates the code review proces. It records the 
-        comments and allows the reviewer to verify the software modification.
-\item Code metrics services using {\bf Grimoire}: To collect and visualize several metrics about the software components.
-\item Software release and maintenance activities, services and supporting infrastructures
-\item A project management service using {\bf openproject.org} is made available by the 
-        project: It provides tools such as an issue tracker, wiki, a placeholder for documents and a project management timeline.
-\item Artifacts repositories for RPM and Debian packages, and Docker Hub for containers: 
-        In INDIGO-DataCloud there are two types of artifacts, packaged software and virtual images. 
-        The software can be downloaded from our public repository\footnote{http://repo.indigo-datacloud.eu}.
-\item Release notes, installation and configuration guides, user and development manuals are made 
-        available on {\bf GitBook}\footnote{https://indigo-dc.gitbooks.io/indigo-datacloud-releases}.
-\item Bug trackers using GitHub issues tracker: Services to track issues and bugs of INDIGO-DataCloud software components.
-\item Integration infrastructure: this infrastructure is composed of computing resources to support directly 
-        the Continuous Integration service. It's the place where building and packaging of software 
-        occurs as well as the execution of unit and functional tests. These resources are provided by INDIGO partners.
-\item Testing infrastructure: this infrastructure aims to provide several types of environment. A stable environment 
-        for users where they can preview the software and services developed by INDIGO-DataCloud, prior to its public release. 
-\item Preview infrastructure: where the released artifacts are deployed and made available for testing and validation by the use-cases.
+Following a service lifecycle approach, the EOSC-hub work packages are defined to support a service-oriented approach that covers the various stages of service management: from planning (left); integration, management and delivery (middle); and adoption (right) in Figure \ref{eoschub_wps}.
+The {\bf Service Planning} WPs are devoted to collect requirements from new user communities and research collaborations, define and implement strategy and policies ({\bf WP2}), engage with stakeholders ({\bf WP3}), define appropriate business models and strategies and identify procurement frameworks ({\bf WP12}).
-The first INDIGO-DataCloud major release (codename {\tt MidnightBlue}) was released 1st of August 2016 (see table~\ref{tab:1} for the fact sheet). The 
-second INDIGO-DataCloud major release (codename {\tt ElectricIndigo}) was made publicly available on April 14th  2017 (see table~\ref{tab:2} for the fact sheet).
+The {\bf Service Integration} WPs are devoted to service integration ({\bf WP5},{\bf WP6} and{\bf WP7}), maintenance and control ({\bf WP4}). {\bf WP10} is providing the technical coordination and consistency to these activities.
+The {\bf Service Adoption} WPs include activities directed at pre-selected (via an open call during proposal preparation) to early adopters from research communities ({\bf WP8}) and the business world ({\bf WP9}). {\bf WP12} handles business model innovation and service procurement and purchase in order to provide access to all user categories targeted by the project. WP11 will manage a training programme to stimulate knowledge network and facilitate adoption. {\bf WP1} supports the overall project management and coordination, complemented by Technology Coordination, executed in {\bf WP10}.
-\section{DevOps approach in INDIGO}
+\caption{EOSC-hub project work-packages and their relationship}
-Progressive levels of automation were adopted throughout the different phases of 
-the INDIGO-DataCloud project software development and delivery processes.
+\subsection {CNAF contributions}
-\subsection{Services for continuous integration and SQA}
+The main work-packages that see the involvement of the CNAF teams are:
-The INDIGO-DataCloud CI process is schematically shown
-in Figure~\ref{fig:3}. The process, in its different steps, reflects some of
-the main and important achievements of the software integration team, such as:
+\subsubsection {WP2 - Strategy and Business Development}
+The work-package is dealing with the overall policy, business and service strategy of the project, and CNAF team is:
-    \item New features are developed independently from the
-          production version in \textit{feature branches}. The creation of
-          a pull request for a specific feature branch marks the start of
-          the automated validation process through the execution of the
-          SQA jobs.
-    \item The SQA jobs perform the code style verification and calculate unit
-        and functional test coverage.
-        \begin{itemize}
-            \item The tools necessary for tackling these tests are packaged in
-                Docker images, available in DockerHub.
-            \item Each test then initiates a new container that provides a
-                clean environment for its execution.
-            \item This is an innovative approach that provides the flexibility
-                needed to cope with the INDIGO-DataCloud software diversity.
-        \end{itemize}
-    \item The results of the several SQA jobs are made available in the Jenkins
-        service which notifies back to GitHub their exit status.
-        \begin{itemize}
-            \item Only if the tests have succeeded, the source code is
-                validated and is ready to be merged into the production branch.
-        \end{itemize}
-    \item The last step in the workflow is the code review, where a human
-        review of the change is performed. After code review the source code
-                can be merged and becomes ready for integration and later release.
+    \item contributing to the definition and management of the project strategy
+    \item managing the service roadmap, service portfolio and service catalogue, in collaboration with the Technology Committee
+    \item formulating policies to facilitate the sharing and safe processing of both open and ?restricted? data from across European research infrastructures and promoting current models of good practice on the management of restricted data from around the EOSC-hub consortium. 
+\subsubsection {WP6 - Common Services: Integration and Maintenance}
+This work package is maintaining and integrating the common services based on an evolving service catalogue, starting from an initial set of mature common services and technologies from the EGI, EUDAT and INDIGO service catalogues. It aims, among other, to maintain the high quality of the baseline and advanced common services from the evolving service catalogue according to a maintenance plan, ensure that these services are developing according to the requirements of users, thematic services and competence centres, and provide support and contribute to the documentation.
+CNAF team is involved in particular in the task T6.1 "Discovery and Access", for the support of the INDIGO IAM service integration on request, e.g., with thematic services and testing according to the work plans defined by relevant competence centres. INDIGO IAM will act as attribute authority and IdP for the EOSC-hub federated AAI.
-As a general rule, the described CI process must be followed by all the PTs
-contributing code to INDIGO-DataCloud. However there are exceptions to this rule that fall into two main categories:
+\subsubsection {WP7 - Thematic Services: Integration, maintenance and Exploitation}
-\subsection{Continuous delivery}
-Continuous delivery adds, on top of the software development chain, a seamless
-manufacturing of software packages ready to be deployed into production
-services. Therefore, fast, frequent and small releases can be taken over thus
-promoting the reliability of the software.
+The Thematic Services envisaged by the EOSC-hub project provide community-specific capabilities including research core data, data products, scientific software, and pipelines from 18 international research collaborations and infrastructures: CLARIN, CMS, DARIAH, ELIXIR, EISCAT, EIDA, ENES, EPOS, GEOSS, ICOS, ITER, IFREMER and SeaDataNet, LifeWatch, LNEC, LOFAR, ICOS, WeNMR, and earth observation data from Copernicus, ESA and Envisat missions. The work-package, through its different tasks, aims to vertically integrate thematic services with common components, to foster their deployment and operation, to enable users access to the respective services and to integrate monitoring and accounting systems in these thematic services.
+In particular, the CNAF team is involved in the {\bf T7.2 - DODAS TS (Dynamic On Demand Analysis Service)}\cite{dodas}  that provides the end-user with an automated system that simplifies the process of provisioning, creating, managing and accessing a pool of heterogeneous (possibly opportunistic) computing resources, as described in Figure \ref{dodas}. The work in this task regards the support to a wider range of infrastructure providers improving the following features through the integration with EOSC-hub: Data Management, Data Caching, PaaS level cross-site cluster deployment, Web User interface, Authentication and Authorisation and Accounting.
+DODAS is an open-source Platform-as-a-Service tool which allows to deploy software applications over heterogeneous and hybrid clouds. It instantiates on-demand container-based clusters through Apache Mesos \cite{mesos} and it offers a high level of abstraction to users, allowing to exploit any cloud infrastructure with almost zero effort, since it requires a very limited knowledge of the underlying technical details.
+During 2018 a lot of effort has been spent on supporting communities. Several initiatives in this respect required support form DODAS team:
+    \item AMS did scale tests during a couple of weeks, using:
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item 1.5K cores.  about 200k jobs run producing about 20TB of output data. 
+      \item Input Data read from EOS at CERN and produced data moved to CNAF through a third party copy mechanism
+      \item integrated Cache in AMS data analysis workflow (with DODAS)
+       \item collected feedback for improvements such as: AuthN/Z based on GSI (certificates from JWT), improve remote access (e.g. introducing CCB), improve CVMFS server management.
+       \item Overall very successful testing and usage. 
+    \end{itemize}
+    \item CERN CMS-OpenData :
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item from a design to a first test. End to End validation. Provided support for design integration and implementation. 
+      \item Results will be presented at CMS Offline and Computing week 
+      \item Document report provided by a CERN summer student
+    \end{itemize}
+    \item work regarding BigData platform for Machine Learning as a Service 
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item initially focussed on the inference and data reduction part. Integrating respectively the TFaaS of CMS and the Spark (which was already available)
+      \item followed by activities on Training part. Model training is trying to get all the available results/services/APIs from DEEP-HybridDataCloud project\cite{deep}
+    \end{itemize}
+    \item  Finalised Onedata\cite{onedata} scale and validation tests. A long running exercise was done with latest onedata release rc11 in order to provide a comprehensive summary of performances evaluations. 
+    \item Concluded the Google cloud integration, exploiting a third parity grant
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item integration was done successfully 
+      \item basic validation concluded with positive results. 
+      \item validation has been carried on with all use cases supported by DODAS (AMS and CMS) 
+      \item both workflow based on cache usage (xcache) and without have been validated. 
+    \end{itemize}
+\caption{High level schema of the DODAS architecture}
-\subsection{DevOps adoption from user communities}
+\subsubsection {WP10 - Technical Coordination}
+The work-package main objectives are to define the technical roadmap, with external and internal input from user and service providers? requirements, existing and planned services, technologies, standards, frameworks; to contribute to external standardisation bodies and relevant initiatives; to define the criteria for inclusion of new services into the catalogue and assessing conformance and to identify solutions to community requirements and lead their integration into the service portfolio.
+Main CNAF team contributions to this work-package are in:
+   \item Task T10.1 - Technical roadmap, that is dealing with definition, maintenance and enforcement of the technical roadmap, defining and maintaining the overall service architecture of the services of the EOSC Hub portfolio,  by being part of  different technological groups driving the activities of respective technological areas like:
+   \begin{itemize}
+       \item AAI - that oversees the technical development in the AAI area, in particular supporting one of the Community AAI service - the INDIGO-IAM
+       \item Software Quality Area - working on the definition of: best practices for services deployment and interoperability checks, software release, support and management
+   \end{itemize}
+   \item Task T10.2 - Service Catalogue Technical Evolution, that is defining the project's Rules of Engagement (RoE), including guidelines, policies and procedures to assess the conformance of services to the RoE and to the FAIR principles. This task is also monitoring the evolution of reference standards (and contribute where relevant) and track the evolution of the main software technologies in the Open Source communities. CNAF is participating in the RDAs' Software Source Code Identification Working Group that is bringing together a broad panel of stakeholders directly involved in software identification, working to define concrete recommendations for the academic community to ensure that the solutions that will be adopted by the academic players are compatible with each other and especially with the software development practice of tens of millions of developers worldwide.
+   \item Task T10.3 - Community Requirement Analysis and Technical, analysing the requirements collected by the other work packages and provide support to all the user communities engaged before or during the project, including also Thematic Services, Competence Centres and Joint Digital Innovation Hubs, in particular during their starting phase. CNAF team is in particular involved in the technical support team of the DODAS Thematic Service.
-The experience gathered throughout the project with regards to the adoption of different DevOps 
-practices is not only useful and suitable for the software related to the core services in the 
-INDIGO-DataCloud solution, but also applicable to the development and distribution of the applications coming from the user communities.
+\subsubsection {WP13 - Access Provisioning}
+This WP manages the Virtual Access to services of the EOSC-hub catalogue in the following four categories: Common Services, Thematic Services, Collaborative Services and Federation Services. In the context of this WP, CNAF is participating providing the Virtual Access installation for the DODAS Thematic Service. Some of the metrics showing the 2018 contributions are presented in Table \ref{tab:1}.
+\textbf{Metric Name} & \multicolumn{1}{l|}{\textbf{Baseline}} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Period 1 (M3-8)} & \textbf{Period 2 (M9-17)} \\ \hline
+\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Usage: CPU time and storage \\ consumed by DODAS \\ at CNAF\end{tabular} & 0 & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}CNAF resources made \\ available for the TS.\\  Data will be collected both from \\ the DODAS monitoring system \\ and accounting at two sites. \\ (These are new resources, \\ installed and configured for\\  the EOSC-hub project)\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}"CPU Hours": 308068.78, \\ "Disk GB-Hours": 5986141.3 \\ Value taken from the underling \\ Openstack Provider.\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}"CPU Hours": 541744.2, \\ "Disk GB-Hours": 9798183.68\end{tabular} \\ \hline
+\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Usage: Total Number \\ of Cluster deployments\end{tabular} & 0 & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Number of cluster \\ deployments made through\\  the DODAS Core Services. \\ Metric will be based on the \\ deployments registered on \\ the DODAS PaaS Orchestrator \\ and Infrastructure Manager\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}622 distinct cluster deployments. \\ Value taken from IM Database\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}1084 distinct cluster \\ deployments\end{tabular} \\ \hline
+\begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Visits: number of visit/request \\ to the DODAS core services\end{tabular} & 0 & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Number of people registered \\ in the DODAS-IAM service\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}31 "Number of people registered\\  in the DODAS-IAM service."\end{tabular} & 56 \\ \hline
+\caption{Metrics regarding CNAF contribution as the main DODAS Virtual Access infrastructure}
-Thanks to the new common solutions developed by the INDIGO project, teams of first-line 
-researchers in Europe are using public and private Cloud resources to get new results in Physics, Biology, Astronomy, Medicine, Humanities and other disciplines.
+After the activities of the first project year that mainly see the organisation of the various technological groups, the collection of the requirements regarding the services developed and\/or supported by INFN, the deployment and operation of the DODAS Thematic Service, the following year will continue with the work on  the definition and consolidation of the EOSC Hub Technical Roadmap, the Technical Architecture and standards roadmap, enhance the DODAS user community and integrate it into the EOSC-hub production environment. Also many training activities are foreseen both for the services nuder the development of the CNAF team, as well as for the DODAS TS.
 EOSC-hub has been funded by the European Commission H2020 research and innovation
 program under grant agreement RIA 777536.
+DODAS: https://dodas-ts.github.io/dodas-doc/
+Web site: https://open.mesosphere.com/
+Web site: https://deep-hybrid-datacloud.eu/
+Web site: https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/software-source-code-identification-wg
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