diff --git a/contributions/na62/main.tex b/contributions/na62/main.tex
index d8329745d717abc304d78e71776b0d55e11bceaf..8ef08321f23a90874e4bb591571b3985b0c28168 100644
--- a/contributions/na62/main.tex
+++ b/contributions/na62/main.tex
@@ -14,12 +14,10 @@
-The  rare  decays
-are  theoretically  clean  processes  excellent  to  make  tests  of  new
+Rare  decays are  theoretically  clean  processes  excellent  to  test  new
 physics at the highest scale complementary to LHC. The NA62 experiment at CERN SPS aims
 to collect of the order of 100
-events in two years of data taking, keeping the back-
-ground less than 20\% of the signal. 
+events in two years of data taking, keeping the background lower than 20\% of the signal. 