\documentclass[a4paper]{jpconf} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{eurosym} \begin{document} \title{CNAF Provisioning system: Puppet 5 upgrade} \author{ Stefano Bovina$^1$, Diego Michelotto$^1$, Enrico Fattibene$^1$, Antonio Falabella$^1$, Andrea Chierici$^1$ } \address{$^1$ INFN CNAF, Viale Berti Pichat 6/2, 40126, Bologna, Italy} \ead{ stefano.bovina@cnaf.infn.it, diego.michelotto@cnaf.infn.it, enrico.fattibene@cnaf.infn.it, antonio.falabella@cnaf.infn.it, andrea.chierici@cnaf.infn.it } \begin{abstract} Since 2015 CNAF departments can take advantage of a common provisioning system based on Foreman/Puppet to install and configure heterogeneous sets of physical and virtual machines. During 2017 and 2018, the CNAF provisioning system, priviously based on Puppet~\cite{ref:puppet} version 3, has been upgraded, since that version has reached "End-of-life" at 31/12/2016. Due to other higher priority tasks, the start of this activity was postponed to 2017. In this report we are going to describe activities that have been carried on in order to finalize the migration from Puppet 3 to Puppet 5. \end{abstract} \section{Provisioning at CNAF} The installation and configuration activity, in a big computing centre like CNAF, must take into account the size of the resources (roughly a thousand nodes to manage), the heterogeneity of the systems (virtual vs physical nodes, computing nodes and different type of servers) and the different working group in charge for their management. To meet this challenge CNAF implemented a unique solution, adopted by all the departments, based on two well known open source technologies: Foreman~\cite{ref:foreman} for the initial installation, and Puppet for the configuration. \newline Due to the importance of this infrastructure, it is crucial to upgrade it trying to minimize the impact on production systems, so that preventing service disruptions or broken configurations. To achieve this, we have worked on the Puppet test suite based on RSpec~\cite{ref:rspec} and rspec-puppet~\cite{ref:rspec-puppet} tools. \section{Puppet 5 upgrade: finalization} Going from Puppet 3 to Puppet 5 implies a major software upgrade, with lots of configurations and functionality changes. For this reason, the main activity in 2017 has been the setup of automated tests and the development of specific utilities for Puppet modules in order to prepare the migration. During 2017 we prepared and documented a detailed procedure for the upgrade of all resources administred by the different CNAF departments and several tests were performed in order to minimize the risks of issues in production. At the beginning of 2018 we started the upgrade of the production environment which consisted in the following steps: \begin{itemize} \item Upgrade Foreman to version 1.16.0 in order to support Puppet 5; \item Ensuring that every client configuration contains the ca\_server entry; \item Ensuring that every client is at version 3.8.7 in order to support Puppet 5; \item Deploy a Puppet 5 CA as replacement of the Puppet 3 CA; \item Deploy Puppet 5 workers (3x Puppetserver) in addition to the existing ones; \item Upgrade the server config entry (from Puppet 3 to 5) on every client while keeping client at version 3.8.7; \item Upgrade Puppet client to version 5; \item Remove old Puppet 3 infrastructure; \item Upgrade Puppetforge modules to a newer version (not Puppet 3 compatible). \end{itemize} By the end of 2018 all the ~1500 hosts administered through the CNAF provisioning system were made able to exploit the upgraded infrastructure. \section{Future works} Currently, we are finalizing the Puppetforge modules upgrade. Once all modules are updated, Foreman will be updated to the latest version and tests for Puppet 6 migration will begin immediately after. \section{References} \begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{ref:puppet} Puppet webpage: https://puppet.com/ \bibitem{ref:foreman} The Foreman webpage: https://theforeman.org/ \bibitem{ref:rspec} The RSpec webpage: http://rspec.info/ \bibitem{ref:rspec-puppet} The rspec-puppet webpage: http://rspec-puppet.com/ \end{thebibliography} \end{document}