# ngx\_http\_voms\_module Testing 

## Description

Setup and files to test the *ngx\_http\_voms\_module* are contained in the `t` folder. The [Openresty data-driven testsuite](https://openresty.gitbooks.io/programming-openresty/content/testing/) has been adopted for testing.

### Test fixture setup 

Proxy certificates are in the `certs` folder:

 * 0.pem: long-lived proxy certificate, without Attribute Certificate (AC);
 * 1.pem: long-lived proxy certificate, with an expired AC;
 * 2.pem: expired proxy certificate.

Proxy certificates are generated using [VOMS client 3.3.0](http://italiangrid.github.io/voms/documentation/voms-clients-guide/3.0.3/). 

The following command is used:

	VOMS_CLIENTS_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dvoms.fake.vo=test.vo -Dvoms.fake=true -Dvoms.fake.aaCert=<path_to_cert>/voms_example.cert.pem -Dvoms.fake.aaKey=<path_to_key>/voms_example.key.pem" voms-proxy-init3 -voms test.vo -cert <path_to_test0>/test0.p12 --valid <validity>

*voms\_example.cert.pem* and *voms\_example.ket.pem* can be found in the `certs` folder. 

To perform correctly the VOMS AC validation, a \*.lsc or \*.pem file is needed in `/etc/grid-security/vomsdir`, see [VOMS client 3.3.0 User Guide](http://italiangrid.github.io/voms/documentation/voms-clients-guide/3.0.3/) for further details. An example of *voms.example.lsc* can be found in `vomsdir/test.vo`.

Trust-anchors (igi-test-ca.pem) are contained in the `trust-anchors` folder. Nginx server certificate and key (nginx\_voms\_example.cert.pem and nginx\_voms\_example\_key.pem) are in the `certs` folder.

### Running Tests

To run the tests made available in the `t` folder just type

	prove -v 

Using the docker image provided to exploit Openresty in the Storm2 project:

	cp -r t /tmp
        cd /tmp
	prove -v

A copy of the `t` folder is needed since the `prove` command creates a directory `servroot` in `t`.