### Installation
## ssh keys exchange
Choose an admin node to use for the installation process.
Distribute  the ssh key to all the hosts in the cluster.

## Install the deploy script
Add the ceph repository
yum install ceph-deploy
yum install ntp ntpdate ntp-doc
## Purge cluster
ceph-deploy purge qn-cnfslhc ds-001 ds-002 ds-303 ds-304 ds-507
ceph-deploy purgedata qn-cnfslhc ds-001 ds-002 ds-303 ds-304 ds-507
ceph-deploy forgetkeys

Create first monitor nodes:
ceph-deploy new qn-cnfslhc
This will create the following files:

Add the public network to the configuration file:
public_network =
Install the nodes:
ceph-deploy install node1 node2 node3
Deploy the initial monitoring node:
ceph-deploy mon create-initial
and the admin keys to the nodes of your cluster
ceph-deploy admin qn-cnfslhc ds-001 ...
Then deploy the manager node
ceph-deploy -v mgr create qn-cnfslhc
If you have a dirty installation you may receive errors like:
[qn-cnfslhc][ERROR ] [errno 1] error connecting to the cluster
[qn-cnfslhc][ERROR ] exit code from command was: 1
[ceph_deploy.mgr][ERROR ] could not create mgr
[ceph_deploy][ERROR ] GenericError: Failed to create 1 MGRs
This means that you must remove the old keys from `/var/lib/ceph`
rm -rf /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mgr/
### Enable dashboard
The dashboard runs on a host with `ceph-mgr` active:
yum install ceph-mgr-dashboard # for nautilus
ceph mgr module enable dashboard
ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/qn-cnfslhc/server_addr
ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/qn-cnfslhc/server_port 5000
ceph dashboard set-login-credentials admin <password>
ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/ssl false
### Monitors
## Add monitor node
ceph-deploy -v mon create <id>
ceph-deploy -v  admin <id>
## Remove monitor node
ceph-deploy -v mon destroy <id>

### Metadata
## Add metadata server
ceph-deploy mds create ds-507

### OSD
## Disk preparation
ceph-deploy disk zap ds-507 /dev/nvme0n1
Prepare data disks
dmsetup remove
gdisk /dev/sdbi (x z y y)

ceph-deploy disk zap cs-001 /dev/sdap
prepare journal partitions on ssd
vgcreate ceph-db-0 /dev/sdbj1

for i in $(seq 40 59); do echo "lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-$i ceph-db-0";done
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-40 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-41 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-42 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-43 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-44 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-45 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-46 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-47 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-48 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-49 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-50 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-51 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-52 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-53 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-54 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-55 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-56 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-57 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-58 ceph-db-0
lvcreate -L 23GB -n db-59 ceph-db-0

for i in $(seq 40 59); do lvcreate -L 13GB -n wal-$i ceph-db-0;done

for i in $(seq 40 59); do lvresize -L 10G /dev/ceph-db-0/db-$i -y;done

### Client installation
### Rados gateway
[Official docs][https://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/install/install-ceph-gateway/]
ceph-deploy install --rgw ds-517
ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf rgw create ds-517

Il gateway è già contattabile.
