#!/usr/bin/python import re import os import sys import argparse try: myfullpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) except NameError: myfullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Perform standalone CEPH installation.') parser.add_argument('-t','--data', help='Data partition size') parser.add_argument('-w','--wal', help='Wal partition size') parser.add_argument('-d','--db', help='DB partition size') args = parser.parse_args() if args.wal == None or args.db == None or args.data == None: print("Required arguments not provided. Exit.") sys.exit(1) pattern = re.compile("^\d+(K|M|G|T|P)$") if pattern.match(args.wal) and pattern.match(args.db) and pattern.match(args.data): # CREATE JBOD DISKS MAP IF DOES NOT EXIST fn = os.path.join(myfullpath,'diskPosition2.out') if not os.path.isfile(fn): os.system(myfullpath+"/diskPosition2 > "+myfullpath+"/diskPosition2.out") # OPEN JBOD DISKS MAP FILE with open(fn, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() # CHECK PUPPET CONFIGURATION DIRS storage_dn = os.path.join(myfullpath,'storage') if not os.path.isdir(storage_dn): os.system("git clone https://baltig.infn.it/cnaf-provisioning/storage.git") cnprov_dn = os.path.join(myfullpath,'modules') if not os.path.isdir(cnprov_dn): os.system("git clone https://baltig.infn.it/cnaf-provisioning/modules.git") # CREATE PARTITIONS FOR CEPH OSDS AND UPDATE PUPPET CONFIGURATION os.system(\ "sed -n -i '/ '\"'\"'ceph_osd_test'\"'\"' => {/{p; :a; N; / '\"'\"'ceph_osd_list_prod'\"'\"' => {/!ba; s/.*\\n//}; p' "\ +storage_dn+"/modules/storage_ceph/manifests/disks/disks_lists.pp") sed_string="" for i in range(0,len(lines),3): res_dev = re.search(r"/sys/block/\wd[a-z]+",lines[i]) res_bayid = re.search(r"BayID: \d+", lines[i]) res_sn = re.search(r"Serial number: \w+",lines[i]) res_vnd = re.search(r"Vendor: \w+", lines[i]) res_prd = re.search(r"Product: \w+", lines[i]) dev = str(re.search(r"\wd[a-z]+",res_dev.group()).group()) bayid = int(re.search(r"\d+",res_bayid.group()).group()) sn = str(re.search(r" \w+",res_sn.group()).group()).strip() vnd = str(re.search(r" \w+",res_vnd.group()).group()).strip() prd = str(re.search(r" \w+",res_prd.group()).group()).strip() os.system("pvcreate /dev/"+dev) os.system("vgcreate "+str(bayid)+"-"+sn+"-"+vnd+"-"+prd+" /dev/"+dev) os.system("lvcreate -L"+args.data+" -n "+dev+"_data "+str(bayid)+"-"+sn+"-"+vnd+"-"+prd) os.system("lvcreate -L"+args.wal+" -n "+dev+"_wal "+str(bayid)+"-"+sn+"-"+vnd+"-"+prd) os.system("lvcreate -L"+args.db+" -n "+dev+"_db "+str(bayid)+"-"+sn+"-"+vnd+"-"+prd) sed_string = sed_string + "\ \ \ \ \ \ \'\"'\"'"+str(bayid)+"-"+sn+"-"+vnd+"-"+prd+"/"+dev+"_data\'\"'\"'=> \ {\\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ store_type => '\"'\"'bluestore'\"'\"',\ \\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ bluestore_wal => '\"'\"'"+str(bayid)+"-"+sn+"-"+vnd+"-"+prd+"/"+dev+"_wal'\"'\"',\ \\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ bluestore_db => '\"'\"'"+str(bayid)+"-"+sn+"-"+vnd+"-"+prd+"/"+dev+"_db'\"'\"',\ \\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ensure => '\"'\"'present'\"'\"',\\n \ \ \ \ \ \},\\n" sed_string = sed_string + "\ \ \ \ \}," os.system("sed -i '/ '\"'\"'ceph_osd_test'\"'\"' => {/a "+sed_string+\ "' "+storage_dn+"/modules/storage_ceph/manifests/disks/disks_lists.pp") # UPDATE NETWORKS os.system("sed -i \"s%\/22%$(ip route show | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $1}')%g\" "\ +storage_dn+"/modules/storage_ceph/manifests/params.pp") # DEPLOY CEPH WITH PUPPET os.system("puppet apply --modulepath="+storage_dn+"/modules:"+cnprov_dn+\ " -e \"class {'storage_ceph' : isprovisioned => false, isallinone => true,\ public_network => '$(ip route show | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $1}')',\ cluster_network => '$(ip route show | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $1}')'}\"")