diff --git a/t/certs/README.md b/t/certs/README.md
index 651fa1540b5d62737bc072f5e18b3e9919798a27..4af2c7180640d997c252ffe17d5c109189fb2948 100644
--- a/t/certs/README.md
+++ b/t/certs/README.md
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ Proxy certificates are generated using [VOMS client 3.3.1](http://italiangrid.gi
  * 3.pem: long-lived proxy with valid VOMS attributes;
  * 4.pem: long-lived proxy with VOMS generic attributes containing reserved characters;
  * 5.pem: long-lived proxy with valid VOMS attributes, `*.lsc` file missing in `vomsdir`. 
+ * 6.pem: long-lived proxy with valid VOMS attributes, with an old format for fqans. 
 To obtain such certificates the following command is used:
@@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ Once VOMS proxy certificates are generated in a `*.pem` format, they need to be
 	awk '/BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY/,/END RSA PRIVATE KEY/' <name>.pem > <name>.key.pem
 	awk '/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/,/END CERTIFICATE/' <name>.pem > <name>.cert.pem
-where `<name>` could be for instance `0,1,2,3,4` or `5`.
+where `<name>` could be for instance `0,1,2,etc..`
 *voms\_example.cert.pem* and *voms\_example.ket.pem* can be found in `certs`.