diff --git a/source/users_guides/general/rclone_minio.rst b/source/users_guides/general/rclone_minio.rst
index c0db5952b531e68da93a8538511341738d28659e..87201bf7692ce634e78c58d3c801060309c9e4dd 100644
--- a/source/users_guides/general/rclone_minio.rst
+++ b/source/users_guides/general/rclone_minio.rst
@@ -24,9 +24,23 @@ customised version of `Rclone <https://github.com/DODAS-TS/rclone>`_ and the
 Installing Rclone
-Go to the `releases page <https://github.com/DODAS-TS/rclone/releases>`_ and
+Go to the `releases page <https://repo.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/#browse/browse:rclone>`_ and
 download the most recent version for your platform.
+Please find below the instructions to download and test Rclone for linux:
+.. code-block:: bash 
+   #download rclone
+   wget https://repo.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/repository/rclone/rclone-linux/2.0.0/rclone-linux-2.0.0 -O rclone_linux
+   #make it executable
+   chmod x rclone_linux
+   #test if it is executable 
+   ./rclone_linux --help
 Installing oidc-agent
@@ -36,6 +50,22 @@ Follow the instructions listed in the official `installation guide
+   Please note that with ``oidc-agent`` >= 5 aud mode must be specified in
+   the confiugration. It can be configured with by creating the file
+   ``$HOME/.config/oidc-agent/issuer.config.d/infn-cloud`` with the following
+   content.
+  .. code-block:: bash
+   {
+   "issuer": "https://iam.cloud.infn.it/",
+   "register": "https://iam.cloud.infn.it/manage/dev/dynreg",
+   "legacy_aud_mode": true
+   }
 oidc client
@@ -68,21 +98,20 @@ scopes.
-Rclone can be configured in a single command, where you specify:
-.. code-block:: bash
-   rclone_linux config create minio s3 provider "INFN Cloud" account oidc_client oidc_agent True endpoint https://minio.cloud.infn.it/
+Rclone can be configured creating the file ``$HOME/.config/rclone/rclone.conf`` with the following content:
 .. code-block:: ini
-   [minio]
+   [rgw-backbone]
    type = s3
    provider = INFN Cloud
-   account = oidc_client
+   account = <oidc_client_name>
    oidc_agent = True
-   endpoint = https://minio.cloud.infn.it/
+   endpoint = https://rgw.cloud.infn.it/
+   role_name = IAMaccess
+   audience = object
+   env_auth = false
@@ -98,14 +127,14 @@ A non-comprehensive list of examples is reported below:
 .. code-block:: bash
-   rclone_linux ls minio:/<object>     # list the specified object, bucket
+   rclone_linux ls rgw-backbone:/<object>     # list the specified object, bucket
                                        # file, or folder
-   rclone_linux cat minio:/<object>    # dump the content of the specified
+   rclone_linux cat rgw-backbone:/<object>    # dump the content of the specified
                                        # object to stdout
    rclone_linux copy <source> <dest>   # copy the "source" into destination
                                        # "dest". One of the two can be a
-                                       # "minio:/<object>"
-   rclone_linux delete minio:/<object> # delete the specified object
+                                       # "rgw-backbone:/<object>"
+   rclone_linux delete rgw-backbone:/<object> # delete the specified object
 Mount as a filesystem
@@ -117,7 +146,7 @@ remote filesystems.
 .. code-block:: bash
    mkdir -p ~/infncloud
-   ./rclone_linux mount minio:/cpellegr ~/infncloud/ --daemon
+   ./rclone_linux mount rgw-backbone:/cpellegr ~/infncloud/ --daemon
 To un-mount the filesystem use the ``fusermount`` command: