diff --git a/files/gvm_library.py b/files/gvm_library.py
index 772b812ac9136204d41d2fd68025ae9ff87fe094..95b5e60146bdd2642b884c0f9682e3167c3d0a50 100644
--- a/files/gvm_library.py
+++ b/files/gvm_library.py
@@ -9,11 +9,13 @@ import json
 from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Tuple
 # GVM Xpath Constants
+GVM_XPATH_ID = '@id'
 GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT = 'name/text()'
 GVM_XPATH_REPORT_ID_TEXT = "report_id/text()"
 GVM_XPATH_STATUS = '@status'
 GVM_XPATH_STATUS_TEXT = '@status_text'
 GVM_XPATH_STATUS_TEXT_2 = '@status/text'
+GVM_XPATH_STATUS_TEXT_3 = 'status/text()'
 GVM_XPATH_PROGRESS_TEXT = 'progress/text()'
 GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT = 'in_use/text()'
 GVM_XPATH_LAST_REPORT_ID = 'last_report/report/@id'
@@ -57,16 +59,81 @@ class PortList:
         in_use: str = state if the port_list object is in use
-    def __init__(self, 
-                 name: str = "", 
-                 client = None,
-                 id: str = None, 
-                 in_use: str = None):
+    def __init__(self,
+                 client, 
+                 name: str, 
+                 ports: List[str]):
         self.client = client,
         self.name = name
-        self.id = id
-        self.in_use = in_use
+        self.ports = ','.join(ports)
+        # Retrieve port_list objs by name
+        res = self.__get_info(filter = name)
+        if len(res) == 0: 
+            # If no result retrieved, create it
+            self.create()
+        else:
+            if len(res) > 1:
+                # If one result has been collected, consider the first one
+                msg = f"The port_list name {name} retrieved {len(res)} results"
+                logging.warning(msg)
+                logging.warning("The first one will be considered")
+            # If one result has been collected, consider it
+            self.name = res[0]['name']
+            self.id = res[0]['id']
+            self.in_use = res[0]['in_use']
+    # Search port_lists by id/name
+    def __get_info(self, filter: str = "rows=-1") -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
+        res = []
+        pls = self.client.get_port_lists(filter_string = filter) \
+                         .xpath('port_list')
+        for pl in pls:
+            pl_name = str(pl.xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0])
+            pl_id = str(pl.xpath(GVM_XPATH_ID)[0])
+            pl_in_use = str(pl.xpath(GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT)[0])
+            res.append({"name": pl_name, 
+                        "id": pl_id, 
+                        "in_use": pl_in_use})
+        return res
+    def create(self) -> None:
+        res = self.client.create_port_list(self.name, self.ports)
+        status = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS)[0]
+        status_text = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS_TEXT)[0]
+        if status == GVM_STATUS_CREATE_OK:
+            pl_id = str(res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_ID)[0])
+            res = self.__get_info(filter = pl_id)
+            if len(res) > 0:
+                if len(res) > 1:
+                    # Multiple objs retrieved, consider the first one
+                    msg = f"The port_list name {self.name}"
+                    msg += f" retrieved {len(res)} results"
+                    logging.warning(msg)
+                    logging.warning("The first one will be considered")
+                self.name = res[0]['name']
+                self.id = res[0]['id']
+                self.in_use = res[0]['in_use']
+                msg = "Created port list obj. "
+                msg += f"Name: {self.name}, id: {self.id}, ports: {self.ports}"
+                logging.debug(msg)
+            else:
+                # No obj retrieved. Error during creation
+                msg = f"The port_list name {self.name} retrieved 0 results after creations"
+                logging.error(msg)
+        else:
+            msg = "ERROR during Port list creation. "
+            msg += f"Status code: {status}, msg: {status_text}"
+            logging.error(msg)
+            raise GvmException(msg) 
     def __str__(self):
         d = {'name': self.name, 
              'id': self.id, 
@@ -97,18 +164,83 @@ class Target:
     def __init__(self,
-                 name: str = "", 
-                 id: str = "",
-                 in_use: str = "",
-                 hosts: str = "",
-                 client = None, 
-                 port_list: PortList = None):
+                 client,
+                 name: str,
+                 hosts: str,
+                 port_list: PortList):
         self.client = client
         self.name = name
-        self.id = id
-        self.in_use = in_use
         self.hosts = hosts
-        self.port_list = port_list
+        self.pl = port_list
+        # Retrieve targets objs by name
+        res = self.__get_info(filter = name)
+        if len(res) == 0: 
+            # If no result retrieved, create it
+            self.create()
+        else:
+            if len(res) > 1:
+                # If one result has been collected, consider the first one
+                msg = f"The target name {name} retrieved {len(res)} results"
+                logging.warning(msg)
+                logging.warning("The first one will be considered")
+            # If one result has been collected, consider it
+            self.name = res[0]['name']
+            self.id = res[0]['id']
+            self.in_use = res[0]['in_use']
+    def __get_info(self, filter: str) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
+        res = []
+        targets = self.client.get_targets(filter_string = filter) \
+                             .xpath('target')
+        for target in targets:
+            t_name = str(target.xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0])
+            t_id  = str(target.xpath(GVM_XPATH_ID)[0])
+            t_in_use = str(target.xpath(GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT)[0])
+            res.append({"name": t_name, 
+                        "id": t_id, 
+                        "in_use": t_in_use})
+        return res  
+    def create(self) -> None:
+        res = self.client.create_target(
+                name = self.name,
+                comment = "",
+                hosts = [self.host],
+                port_list_id = self.pl.id,
+                ssh_credential_id = Configs.ovs_ssh_credential,
+                alive_test = AliveTest('Consider Alive'))
+        status = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS)[0]
+        status_text = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS_TEXT)[0]
+        if status == GVM_STATUS_CREATE_OK:
+            t_id = str(res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_ID)[0])
+            res = self.__get_info(filter = t_id)
+            if len(res) == 0:
+                # No obj retrieved. Error during creation
+                msg = f"The target name {self.name} retrieved 0 results after creation"
+                logging.error(msg)
+            else:
+                if len(res) > 1:
+                    # Multiple objs retrieved, consider the first one
+                    msg = f"The target id {t_id} retrieved {len(res)} results"
+                    logging.warning(msg)
+                    logging.warning("The first one will be considered")   
+                self.name = res[0]['name']
+                self.id = res[0]['id']
+                self.in_use = res[0]['in_use']
+                msg = "Created target obj. "
+                msg += f"Name: {self.name}, id: {self.id}, ports: {self.ports}"
+                logging.debug(msg)
+        else:
+            msg = "ERROR during Target creation. "
+            msg += f"Status code: {status}, msg: {status_text}"
+            raise GvmException(msg)
     def __str__(self):
         d = {'name': self.name, 
@@ -154,22 +286,88 @@ class Task:
     def __init__(self, 
-                 name: str = "", 
-                 id: str = "",
-                 client = None,
-                 in_use: str = "",
-                 status: str = "",
-                 progress: str = "",
-                 report_id: str = None, 
-                 target: Target = None):
+                 client,
+                 name: str, 
+                 target: Target) -> None:
         self.client = client
         self.name = name
-        self.id = id
-        self.in_use = in_use
-        self.status = status
-        self.progress = progress
-        self.report_id = report_id
         self.target = target
+        # Retrieve task objs by name
+        res = self.__get_info(filter = name)
+        if len(res) == 0: 
+            # If no result retrieved, create it
+            self.create()
+        else:
+            if len(res) > 1:
+                # If one result has been collected, consider the first one
+                msg = f"The port_list name {name} retrieved {len(res)} results"
+                logging.warning(msg)
+                logging.warning("The first one will be considered")
+            self.name = res[0]['name']
+            self.id = res[0]['id']
+            self.in_use = res[0]['in_use']
+            self.status = res[0]['status']
+            self.report_id = res[0].get("report_id", None)
+    def __get_info(self, filter: str) -> List[dict]: 
+        res = []
+        tasks = self.client.get_tasks(filter_string = filter) \
+                           .xpath('task')
+        for t in tasks:
+            t_name = str(t.xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0])
+            t_id  = str(t.xpath(GVM_XPATH_ID)[0])
+            t_in_use = str(t.xpath(GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT)[0])
+            t_status = str(t.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS_TEXT_3)[0])
+            t_dict = {"name": t_name, 
+                      "id": t_id, 
+                      "in_use": t_in_use, 
+                      "status": t_status}
+            try:
+                t_report_id = t.xpath(GVM_XPATH_LAST_REPORT_ID)[0]
+            except Exception:
+                pass
+            else:
+                t_dict['report_id'] = t_report_id
+            res.append(t_dict)
+        return res    
+    def create(self) -> None:
+        res = self.client.create_task(
+                name = self.name,
+                config_id = Configs.config,
+                target_id = self.target.id,
+                scanner_id = Configs.scanner)
+        status = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS)[0]
+        status_text = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS_TEXT)[0]
+        if status == GVM_STATUS_CREATE_OK:
+            t_id = str(res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_ID)[0])
+            res = self.__get_info(filter = t_id)
+            if len(res) == 0:
+                # No obj retrieved. Error during creation
+                msg = f"The task id {t_id} retrieved 0 results after creation"
+                logging.error(msg)
+            else:
+                if len(res) > 1:
+                    # Multiple objs retrieved, consider the first one
+                    msg = f"The task id {t_id} retrieved {len(res)} results"
+                    logging.warning(msg)
+                    logging.warning("The first one will be considered")
+                self.name = res[0].xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0]
+                self.id = res[0].xpath(GVM_XPATH_ID)[0]
+                self.in_use = res[0].xpath(GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT)[0]
+                self.status = res[0].xpath('status/text()')[0]
+                self.report_id = res[0].get("report_id", None)
+        else:
+            msg = "ERROR during Task creation. "
+            msg += f"Status code: {status}, msg: {status_text}"
+            raise GvmException(msg)
     def __str__(self):
         d = {'name': self.name, 
@@ -321,94 +519,6 @@ class GVMClient():
         res = self.client.get_version()
         return str(res.xpath('version/text()')[0])
-    def get_port_lists(self, filter: str = "rows=-1") -> List[PortList]:
-        res = []
-        client_res = self.client.get_port_lists(filter_string = filter)
-        for pl in client_res.xpath('port_list'):
-            o = PortList()
-            o.client = self.client
-            o.name = pl.xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0]
-            o.id = pl.xpath('@id')[0]
-            o.in_use = pl.xpath(GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT)[0]
-            res.append(o)
-        return res
-    def create_port_list(self, name: str, ports: List[str]) -> Optional[PortList]:
-        res = self.client.create_port_list(name, ','.join(ports))
-        status = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS)[0]
-        status_text = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS_TEXT)[0]
-        if status == GVM_STATUS_CREATE_OK:
-            pl_id = str(res.xpath('@id')[0])
-            client_res = self.client.get_port_lists(filter_string = pl_id)
-            pl_info = client_res.xpath('port_list')[0]
-            o = PortList()
-            o.client = self.client
-            o.name = pl_info.xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0]
-            o.id = pl_info.xpath('@id')[0]
-            o.in_use = pl_info.xpath(GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT)[0]
-            logging.debug(f'Created port list obj. Name: {name}, id: {id}, ports: {ports}')
-            return o
-        else:
-            logging.error(f"ERROR during Port list creation. Status code: {status}, msg: {status_text}")
-            msg = f"ERROR during Port list creation. Status code: {status}, msg: {status_text}"
-            raise GvmException(msg) 
-    def delete_port_list(self, pl: PortList):
-        res = self.client.delete_port_list(pl.id)
-        status = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS)[0]
-        status_text = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS_TEXT)[0]
-        if status == GVM_STATUS_OK:
-            logging.info(f"Port_list {pl} DELETED") 
-        else:
-            logging.error(f"ERROR {status}: {status_text}")
-    def get_or_create_port_list(self, pl_name: str, ports: List[str]) -> PortList:
-        res = self.get_port_lists(pl_name)
-        if len(res) == 0:
-            return self.create_port_list(pl_name, ports)
-        elif len(res) == 1:
-            return res[0]
-        else:
-            logging.warning(f"Found {len(res)} results.")
-            return res
-    def create_target(self, name: str, ip: str, pl: PortList) -> Optional[Target]:
-        res = self.client.create_target(
-                name = name,
-                comment = "",
-                hosts = [ip],
-                port_list_id = pl.id,
-                ssh_credential_id = Configs.ovs_ssh_credential,
-                alive_test = AliveTest('Consider Alive'))
-        status = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS)[0]
-        status_text = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS_TEXT)[0]
-        if status == GVM_STATUS_CREATE_OK:
-            target_id = str(res.xpath('@id')[0])
-            client_res = self.client.get_targets(filter_string = target_id)
-            target_info = client_res.xpath('target')[0]
-            t = Target()
-            t.client = self.client
-            t.name = target_info.xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0]
-            t.id  = target_info.xpath('@id')[0]
-            t.in_use = target_info.xpath(GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT)[0]
-            t.port_list = pl
-            return t  
-        else:
-            msg = f"ERROR during Target creation. Status code: {status}, msg: {status_text}"
-            raise GvmException(msg)
-    def get_targets(self, filter: str) -> List[Target]:
-        res = []
-        targets = self.client.get_targets(filter_string = filter)
-        for target in targets.xpath('target'):
-            t = Target()
-            t.client = self.client
-            t.name = target.xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0]
-            t.id  = target.xpath('@id')[0]
-            t.in_use = target.xpath(GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT)[0]
-            res.append(t)
-        return res  
     def delete_target(self, target: Target):
         res = self.client.delete_target(target.id)
         status = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS)[0]
@@ -418,17 +528,6 @@ class GVMClient():
             logging.error(f"ERROR {status}: {status_text}")
-    def get_or_create_target(self, name: str, ip: str, port_list: PortList) -> Target:
-        res = self.get_targets(name)
-        if len(res) == 0:
-            return self.create_target(name, ip, port_list)
-        elif len(res) == 1:
-            res[0].port_list = port_list
-            return res[0]
-        else:
-            logging.warning(f"Found {len(res)} targets. Return First one")
-            return res[0]
     def search_and_delete_target(self, target_name: str):
         targets = self.get_targets(target_name)
         if len(targets) == 1:
@@ -441,35 +540,36 @@ class GVMClient():
         for target in targets:
-    def create_task(self, name: str, target: Target) -> Optional[Task]:
-        res = self.client.create_task(
-                name = name,
-                config_id = Configs.config,
-                target_id = target.id,
-                scanner_id = Configs.scanner)
-        status = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS)[0]
-        status_text = res.xpath(GVM_XPATH_STATUS_TEXT)[0]
-        if status == GVM_STATUS_CREATE_OK:
-            task_id = str(res.xpath('@id')[0])
-            client_res = self.client.get_tasks(filter_string = task_id)
-            task_info = client_res.xpath('task')[0]
-            t = Task()
+    def delete_all_tasks(self, filter: str):
+        tasks = self.get_tasks(filter)
+        for task in tasks:
+            self.delete_task(task)
+    def get_port_lists_qwe(self, filter: str = "rows=-1") -> List[PortList]:
+        res = []
+        client_res = self.client.get_port_lists(filter_string = filter)
+        for pl in client_res.xpath('port_list'):
+            o = PortList()
+            o.client = self.client
+            o.name = pl.xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0]
+            o.id = pl.xpath('@id')[0]
+            o.in_use = pl.xpath(GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT)[0]
+            res.append(o)
+        return res
+    def get_targets_qwe(self, filter: str) -> List[Target]:
+        res = []
+        targets = self.client.get_targets(filter_string = filter)
+        for target in targets.xpath('target'):
+            t = Target()
             t.client = self.client
-            t.name = task_info.xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0]
-            t.id = task_info.xpath('@id')[0]
-            t.in_use = task_info.xpath(GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT)[0]
-            t.status = task_info.xpath('status/text()')[0]
-            try:
-                t.report_id = task_info.xpath(GVM_XPATH_LAST_REPORT_ID)[0]
-            except Exception:
-                pass
-            t.target = target
-            return t
-        else:
-            msg = f"ERROR during Task creation. Status code: {status}, msg: {status_text}"
-            raise GvmException(msg)
+            t.name = target.xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0]
+            t.id  = target.xpath('@id')[0]
+            t.in_use = target.xpath(GVM_XPATH_INUSE_TEXT)[0]
+            res.append(t)
+        return res
-    def get_tasks(self, filter: str) -> List[Task]: 
+    def get_tasks_qwe(self, filter: str) -> List[Task]: 
         list_of_tasks = []
         tasks = self.client.get_tasks(filter_string = filter)
         for task in tasks.xpath('task'):
@@ -485,26 +585,3 @@ class GVMClient():
         return list_of_tasks
-    def get_or_create_task(self, task_name: str, target: Target) -> Task:
-        res = self.get_tasks(task_name)
-        if len(res) == 0:
-            return self.create_task(task_name, target)
-        elif len(res) == 1:
-            res[0].target = target
-            return res[0]
-        else:
-            print(f"WARNING: Returned {len(res)} tasks. Returned None")
-            return res[0]
-    def delete_all_tasks(self, filter: str):
-        tasks = self.get_tasks(filter)
-        for task in tasks:
-            self.delete_task(task)
-    def get_report_formats(self):
-        res =  self.client.get_report_formats()
-        for f in res.xpath('report_format'):
-            rf_name = f.xpath(GVM_XPATH_NAME_TEXT)[0]
-            rf_id = f.xpath('@id')[0]
-            print(f"Report format id: '{rf_id}' and name: '{rf_name}'")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/files/scan.py b/files/scan.py
index 9ac169f62f88bf3b9ded7cd93155ce302d0c3e7d..493f51ff444ae88d2b4aea4b4a0a000cee21cf79 100644
--- a/files/scan.py
+++ b/files/scan.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import logging
 import json
 import os
 from gvm_library import GVMClient, ReportFormats, GvmException, pretty_json
+from gvm_library import PortList, Task, Target
 from utilities import import_dep_info, process_global_reports_info, read_not_relevant_issues
 import argparse
@@ -94,13 +95,22 @@ for host,ports in endpoints.items():
     report_filename = f"{output_dir}/{host}-report"
     summary_filename = f"{output_dir}/summary-report.json"
-    port_list = gvm_client.get_or_create_port_list(port_list_name, ports)
+    # Create PortList obj related to endpoint
+    port_list = PortList(client = gvm_client, 
+                         name = port_list_name, 
+                         ports = ports)
     logging.info(f"Port list:\n {port_list}")
-    target = gvm_client.get_or_create_target(target_name, host, port_list)
+    # Create Target obj related to endpoint
+    target = Target(client = gvm_client,
+                    name = target_name, 
+                    host = host, 
+                    port_list =port_list)
     logging.info(f"Target:\n {target}")
-    task = gvm_client.get_or_create_task(task_name, target)
+    task = Task(client= gvm_client,
+                name = task_name,
+                target = target)
     logging.info(f"Task:\n {task}")
diff --git a/files/utilities.py b/files/utilities.py
index 5162fb890744ea4b546948712e9dcc91008a46b0..a6c7d6e8c38cc61a8de821dfbb2b84a4839ac60b 100644
--- a/files/utilities.py
+++ b/files/utilities.py
@@ -54,10 +54,12 @@ def process_global_reports_info(reports: Dict) -> Dict:
             glob_threat = reports[host]['global']['threat']
     reports['deployment'] = {'severity': glob_severity, 
                             'threat': glob_threat}
     if reports['deployment']['severity'] < 4:
         reports['global'] = "OK"
         reports['global'] = "NOK"
     return reports
 def read_not_relevant_issues() -> List[str]:
diff --git a/utils/Dockerfile b/utils/Dockerfile
index 6e378619c9a5438156843660a4f2d773207a1cde..619df41f978db04e06d79ae799ad1080528a7411 100644
--- a/utils/Dockerfile
+++ b/utils/Dockerfile
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update \
     && rm orchent_${ORCHENT_VERSION}_amd64.deb \
     && apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
-RUN pip install gvm-tools jq yq GitPython
+# python3 -m pip install pyopenssl==24.0.0    
+RUN python3 -m  pip install gvm-tools jq yq GitPython 
 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/setup-sshd"]