diff --git a/docker/htcondor_mini.yaml b/docker/htcondor_mini.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d6cfda53f0bf5c1456acd20a2bfbdc2ce19d5fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/htcondor_mini.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0
+  - indigo_custom_types: https://baltig.infn.it/infn-cloud/tosca-types/-/raw/htcondor_mini/tosca_types/infrastructure/htcondor_mini_types.yaml
+description: Start htcondor playground
+  display_name: HTCondor playground
+  inputs:
+    num_cpus:
+      type: integer
+      description: Number of virtual cpus for the VM
+      default: 1
+    mem_size:
+      type: scalar-unit.size
+      description: Amount of memory for the VM
+      default: 2 GB
+    image_tag:
+      type: string
+      description: "Tag of the image htcondor/mini"
+      default: 10.0.0-el7
+    users:
+      type: list
+      description: list of users to create on the VM
+      entry_schema:
+        type: tosca.datatypes.indigo.User
+      default: []
+      required: false      
+  node_templates:
+    pub_network:
+      type: tosca.nodes.network.Network
+      properties:
+        network_type: public
+    server_pub_port:
+      type: tosca.nodes.network.Port
+      properties:
+        order: 1
+      requirements:
+        - binding: server
+        - link: pub_network
+    priv_network:
+      type: tosca.nodes.network.Network
+      properties:
+        network_type: private
+    server_priv_port:
+      type: tosca.nodes.network.Port
+      properties:
+        order: 0
+      requirements:
+        - binding: server
+        - link: priv_network
+    server:
+      type: tosca.nodes.indigo.Compute
+      properties:
+        os_users: { get_input: users }
+      capabilities:
+        endpoint:
+          properties:
+            ports: { "htcondor": {"protocol": "tcp", "source": 9618} }
+        scalable:
+          properties:
+            count: 1
+        host:
+          properties:
+            num_cpus: { get_input: num_cpus }
+            mem_size: { get_input: mem_size }
+        os:
+          properties:
+            distribution: ubuntu
+            version: 20.04
+            type: linux
+    htcondor_mini:
+      type: tosca.nodes.indigo.htcondorMini
+      properties:
+        os_users: { get_input: users }
+        docker_appname: mini
+        docker_image: htcondor/mini
+        docker_tag: { get_input: image_tag }
+        docker_ports: [ "9618:9618" ]
+      requirements:
+        - host: server
+  outputs:
+    node_ip:
+      value: { get_attribute: [ server, public_address, 0 ] }
+    node_creds:
+      value: { get_attribute: [ server, endpoint, credential, 0 ] }
+    os_users:
+      value: { get_property: [ server, os_users, 0 ] }