import argparse from influxdb import InfluxDBClient from datetime import datetime import sys from pymemcache.client import base import os import re import json import time def jsonKey2Influx(key, clientMemcached, name): data = clientMemcached.get(key) data = json.loads(data) payload = [] payload.append({ "measurement": name, "tags": { "key": key }, "fields": data }) return payload def jsonData2Influx(fileData,clientMemcached): payload = [] jsonData = clientMemcached.get(fileData['keybind']) memcached = json.loads(jsonData) fileData["rate"] = 5 fileData["currentTime"] = 0.0 payload.append({ "measurement": fileData["name"], "tags": { "key": fileData["keybind"] }, "fields": memcached, "parameter":fileData }) return payload def byteData2Influx(fileData,clientMemcached): payload = [] byteArray = clientMemcached.get(fileData['keybind']) memcached =byteArray[int(fileData['offset'])] fileData["currentTime"] = 0.0 try: fileData["rate"] = int(fileData["rate"]) except: fileData["rate"] = 5 payload.append({ "measurement": fileData["name"], "tags": { "key": fileData["keybind"] }, "fields": { fileData["name"] : memcached }, "parameter" : fileData }) return payload def findTheKey(configFile): data = {} #find all the line with usefull data, except for keybind pattern = r'^"(.+)":(.+,(( ←)|[^a-zA-Z ]))' for line in configFile: match =,line) #knowing that the keybind is always the last value, the return is set right after it if(match): #match =,line) parameter = re.sub(r'(,|"|( ←)|\n)(?![^\[\]]*\])',"", data[] = parameter elif(line.find('keybind') != -1): line = re.sub(r',|( ←)',"",line) pattern = r'"(.+)":"(.+)"' match =,line) data[] = return data parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", required = False ,default="", help = "the username needed to log in the db") parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", required = False ,default="", help = "the password needed to log in the db") parser.add_argument("-is", "--influxServer",required = True, help = "the address of the influx server") parser.add_argument("-id", "--influxDatabase", required = True, help = "the name of the database you want to log in") parser.add_argument("-ip", "--influxPort",required = False, default = 8086, help = "the port associated with the server address") parser.add_argument("-ms", "--memcachedServer",required = True, help = "the address of the memcached server") parser.add_argument("-mp", "--memcachedPort",required = False, default = 11211, help = "the port of the memcached server") parser.add_argument("-k", "--key",required = False, help = "the key needed to find the data in the memcached DB") parser.add_argument("-kn", "--keyName",required = False, help = "if you're not using a configuration file, use this parameter to chose the name of the measurement") parser.add_argument("-kr", "--keyRate", required = False, default = 5, help = "when the program is not working with a configuration file, specify the seconds between 2 different push in the influx db") parser.add_argument("-f", "--file",required = False, help = "the configuration file path") parser.add_argument("-fr", "--fileRate", required = False, default = 0.1, help = "when using a configuration file, specify the sleep time of the loop that check when and wich one of the key must be pushed") args = parser.parse_args() #log in the influx DB #dcsMemDb #python -s -po 8086 -f '/home/riccardo/Random bs go/Test/cofnigurationFile.txt' try: clientInflux = InfluxDBClient(host=args.influxServer, port=args.influxPort, username=args.username, password=args.password) clientInflux.switch_database(args.influxDatabase) print("succesfully logged in\n") except: print("Error: impossible to connect to influx with the following parameter") print("username = "+args.username) print("password = "+args.password) print("database = "+args.influxServer) print("port = "+args.influxPort) sys.exit #log in the memcached DB #memcached_server = "" #mc_port = 11211 try: clientMemcached = base.Client( (args.memcachedServer , args.memcachedPort) , connect_timeout=20.0) except: sys.exit('Cannot reach the memcached server, try again later') if args.key: vector_key=split_list = args.key.split(",") # Splitting at comma delimiter try: args.keyRate = int(args.keyRate) except ValueError as e : print("the inserted rate value is not valid\nThe default value of 5 second will be set") args.keyRate = 5 name = "" if(args.keyName): name = args.keyName else: name = args.key while True: payload = [] for s in vector_key: payload = jsonKey2Influx(s, clientMemcached, s) print('Publishing data') print(payload) clientInflux.write_points(payload) time.sleep(args.keyRate) elif args.file: try: args.fileRate = float(args.fileRate) except ValueError as e : print("the inserted rate value is not valid\nThe default value of 0.1 second will be set") args.fileRate = 0.1 try: open(args.file,'r') except FileNotFoundError as e: sys.exit("Error: " + args.iptable + " is not valid or does not point to a DBFile.") if os.path.isfile(args.file): with open(args.file,'r') as configFile: slowest = 0 payloadList = [] while (True): fileData = findTheKey(configFile) if fileData == None: print('list done') break elif fileData["type"] == "json": payloadList.append(jsonData2Influx(fileData,clientMemcached)) elif fileData["type"] == "double": payloadList.append(byteData2Influx(fileData,clientMemcached)) while (True): time.sleep(args.fileRate) for payload in payloadList: if (payload[0]["parameter"]["currentTime"] >= payload[0]["parameter"]["rate"]): payload[0]["parameter"]["currentTime"] = 0 name = payload[0]["parameter"]["name"] data = ({ "measurement": name, "tags": { "key": payload[0]["parameter"]["keybind"] }, "fields": { name : payload[0]["fields"][name] }, }) print("\nPublishing to influx:") print(data) print() wrapData = [data] clientInflux.write_points(wrapData) else: payload[0]["parameter"]["currentTime"] = payload[0]["parameter"]["currentTime"] +args.fileRate