{ "dataset":[ { "name":"e_current", ← name of the variable (in influxdb will appear as measurement) "type":"double", ← type of the data (valid are: int32|int64|double|float|bool|string|json) "description":"readout electron current", ← an optional description "offset":24, ← offset into a binary key "len":8, ← data size "factor":0, ← an optional factor that multiply the data "lbe":true, ← endianess true: little endian, false: bigendian "rate":1, ← >0 rate fetch-pushrate (in Hz) "keybind":"DCTEL002_DYN" ← source memcached key }, { "name":"dafne_state", "type":"json", ← (the data is a utf-8 string, the type of data is implicit once imported in JSON) "description":"Dafne state", "offset":0, ← optional in case of json (if not is the offset inside the string) "variables":["jsonkey1","jsonkey2"], ← optional field that specifies the keys in the json to be pushed (if not specified, all keys must be pushed "len":256, ← maximum data length "keybind":"DAFNESTATE_JDAT" }] }