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Commit bf34b408 authored by Enrico Calore's avatar Enrico Calore
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parent d782b427
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Makefile 0 → 100644
# Define Lattice size and cache blocking size:
#LATTICE=-Dnx=16 -Dny=16 -Dnz=16 -Dnt=16 -DDIM_BLOCK_X=8 -DDIM_BLOCK_Y=8 -DDIM_BLOCK_Z=8 -DDIM_BLOCK_T=4
LATTICE=-Dnx=32 -Dny=32 -Dnz=32 -Dnt=32 -DDIM_BLOCK_X=8 -DDIM_BLOCK_Y=8 -DDIM_BLOCK_Z=8 -DDIM_BLOCK_T=4
# K80
#CC_CFLAGS=-O3 --ptxas-options=-v -lineinfo -gencode arch=compute_37,code=sm_37 -keep
# V100
CC_CFLAGS=-O3 --ptxas-options=-v -lineinfo -gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70 -keep
all: cuda
cuda: common-cuda.h
nvcc $(LATTICE) $(CC_CFLAGS) -o test-cuda-gpu
rm -rf *.o
#include <math.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuComplex.h>
// lattice dimensions
// defined in the Makefile
//#define nx 48
//#define ny 48
//#define nz 48
//#define nt 48
// defined in the Makefile
//#define DIM_BLOCK_X 12 // This should divide (nx/2)
//#define DIM_BLOCK_Y 4 // This should divide ny
//#define DIM_BLOCK_Z 1 // This should divide nz*nt
// Number of iterations
#define NITER 10
//Decomment this to allocate and store the 3rd su3 matrix line
//#define ALLOCROW3
//Decomment this to store and read the 3rd su3 matrix line
//#define READROW3
//If we want to read it we should also allocate it
#ifdef READROW3
#define ALLOCROW3
#define vol1 nx
#define vol2 (ny * vol1)
#define vol3 (nz * vol2)
#define vol4 (nt * vol3)
#define nxh (nx >> 1) // nx/2
#define nyh (ny >> 1)
#define nzh (nz >> 1)
#define nth (nt >> 1)
#define size vol4
#define size2 (2*size)
#define size3 (3*size)
#define sizeh (size / 2)
#define no_links (4 * vol4)
#define ALIGN 128
typedef cuDoubleComplex d_complex;
typedef struct vec3_soa_t {
d_complex c0[sizeh];
d_complex c1[sizeh];
d_complex c2[sizeh];
} vec3_soa;
typedef struct su3_soa_t {
vec3_soa r0;
vec3_soa r1;
#ifdef ALLOCROW3
vec3_soa r2;
} su3_soa;
typedef struct vec3_t {
d_complex c0;
d_complex c1;
d_complex c2;
} vec3;
// Common functions
inline void checkCUDAError(const char *msg) {
cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
if ( cudaSuccess != err) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s %s.\n", msg, cudaGetErrorString( err) );
__host__ __device__ static __inline__ uint snum(uint x, uint y, uint z, uint t) {
uint ris;
ris = x + (y*vol1) + (z*vol2) + (t*vol3);
return ris/2; // <--- /2 Pay attention to even/odd (see init_geo)
__host__ __device__ static __inline__ d_complex myConj(d_complex a) {
d_complex res;
res.x = a.x;
res.y = -a.y;
return res;
void loadFermionFromFile( vec3_soa * fermion, const char *filename) {
FILE *fp;
double ar, ai, br, bi, cr, ci;
int i = 0;
int error =0;
fp = fopen(filename, "rt");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("Could not open file %s \n", filename);
while ( (i < sizeh) && (!error) ) {
if (fscanf(fp, "(%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) \n", &ar, &ai, &br, &bi, &cr, &ci) == 6) {
// fermion->c0[i] = (ar + ai * I);
// fermion->c1[i] = (br + bi * I);
// fermion->c2[i] = (cr + ci * I);
fermion->c0[i] = make_cuDoubleComplex(ar, ai);
fermion->c1[i] = make_cuDoubleComplex(br, bi);
fermion->c2[i] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cr, ci);
} else {
printf("Read error... \n");
error = 1;
//printf("Read line: (%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) \n", ar, ai, br, bi, cr, ci);
printf("Read %d fermions from file %s \n", i, filename);
void loadSu3FromFile(su3_soa * u, const char *filename){
FILE *fp;
int nx_l, ny_l, nz_l, nt_l, update_iterations;
double beta_l, mass_l, no_flavours_l;
double ar, ai, br, bi, cr, ci;
int idx;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int error = 0;
fp = fopen(filename, "rt");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("Could not open file %s \n", filename);
fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d %lf %lf %lf %d \n", &nx_l, &ny_l, &nz_l, &nt_l,
&beta_l, &mass_l, &no_flavours_l,
printf("Reading configuration file with header: \n");
printf("nx_l: %d, ny_l: %d, nz_l: %d, nt_l: %d \n", nx_l, ny_l, nz_l, nt_l);
printf("beta_l: %lf, mass_l: %lf, no_flavours_l: %lf \n", beta_l, mass_l, no_flavours_l);
printf("update_iterations: %d \n", update_iterations);
// while ( (i < no_links) && (!error) ) {
while ( (i < sizeh*8) && (!error) ) {
j = i / sizeh;
idx = i % sizeh;
if (fscanf(fp, "(%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) \n", &ar, &ai, &br, &bi, &cr, &ci) == 6) {
//u[j].r0.c0[idx] = (ar + ai * I);
//u[j].r0.c1[idx] = (br + bi * I);
//u[j].r0.c2[idx] = (cr + ci * I);
u[j].r0.c0[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(ar, ai);
u[j].r0.c1[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(br, bi);
u[j].r0.c2[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cr, ci);
} else {
printf("Read error... ");
error = 1;
if (fscanf(fp, "(%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) \n", &ar, &ai, &br, &bi, &cr, &ci) == 6) {
//u[j].r1.c0[idx] = (ar + ai * I);
//u[j].r1.c1[idx] = (br + bi * I);
//u[j].r1.c2[idx] = (cr + ci * I);
u[j].r1.c0[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(ar, ai);
u[j].r1.c1[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(br, bi);
u[j].r1.c2[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cr, ci);
} else {
printf("Read error... ");
error = 1;
if (fscanf(fp, "(%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) \n", &ar, &ai, &br, &bi, &cr, &ci) == 6) {
#ifdef ALLOCROW3
//u[j].r2.c0[idx] = (ar + ai * I);
//u[j].r2.c1[idx] = (br + bi * I);
//u[j].r2.c2[idx] = (cr + ci * I);
u[j].r2.c0[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(ar, ai);
u[j].r2.c1[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(br, bi);
u[j].r2.c2[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cr, ci);
} else {
printf("Read error... ");
error = 1;
printf("Read %d matrices from file %s \n", i*j, filename);
void loadFermionFromFileNew( vec3_soa * fermion, const char *filename) {
FILE *fp;
double ar, ai, br, bi, cr, ci;
int i = 0;
int error =0;
fp = fopen(filename, "rt");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("Could not open file %s \n", filename);
while ( (i < sizeh) && (!error) ) {
if (fscanf(fp, "%lf %lf\n%lf %lf\n%lf %lf\n", &ar, &ai, &br, &bi, &cr, &ci) == 6) {
// fermion->c0[i] = (ar + ai * I);
// fermion->c1[i] = (br + bi * I);
// fermion->c2[i] = (cr + ci * I);
fermion->c0[i] = make_cuDoubleComplex(ar, ai);
fermion->c1[i] = make_cuDoubleComplex(br, bi);
fermion->c2[i] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cr, ci);
} else {
printf("Read error... \n");
error = 1;
//printf("Read line: (%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) \n", ar, ai, br, bi, cr, ci);
printf("Read %d fermions from file %s \n", i, filename);
void loadSu3FromFileNew(su3_soa * u, const char *filename){
FILE *fp;
int nx_l, ny_l, nz_l, nt_l, update_iterations;
double ar, ai, br, bi, cr, ci;
int idx;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int error = 0;
fp = fopen(filename, "rt");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("Could not open file %s \n", filename);
fscanf(fp, "%d %d %d %d %d \n", &nx_l, &ny_l, &nz_l, &nt_l,&update_iterations);
printf("Reading configuration file with header: \n");
printf("nx_l: %d, ny_l: %d, nz_l: %d, nt_l: %d \n", nx_l, ny_l, nz_l, nt_l);
printf("update_iterations: %d \n", update_iterations);
// while ( (i < no_links) && (!error) ) {
while ( (i < sizeh*8) && (!error) ) {
j = i / sizeh;
idx = i % sizeh;
if (fscanf(fp, "%lf %lf\n%lf %lf\n%lf %lf\n", &ar, &ai, &br, &bi, &cr, &ci) == 6) {
//u[j].r0.c0[idx] = (ar + ai * I);
//u[j].r0.c1[idx] = (br + bi * I);
//u[j].r0.c2[idx] = (cr + ci * I);
u[j].r0.c0[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(ar, ai);
u[j].r0.c1[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(br, bi);
u[j].r0.c2[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cr, ci);
} else {
printf("Read error... ");
error = 1;
if (fscanf(fp, "%lf %lf\n%lf %lf\n%lf %lf\n", &ar, &ai, &br, &bi, &cr, &ci) == 6) {
//u[j].r1.c0[idx] = (ar + ai * I);
//u[j].r1.c1[idx] = (br + bi * I);
//u[j].r1.c2[idx] = (cr + ci * I);
u[j].r1.c0[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(ar, ai);
u[j].r1.c1[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(br, bi);
u[j].r1.c2[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cr, ci);
} else {
printf("Read error... ");
error = 1;
if (fscanf(fp, "%lf %lf\n%lf %lf\n%lf %lf\n", &ar, &ai, &br, &bi, &cr, &ci) == 6) {
#ifdef ALLOCROW3
//u[j].r2.c0[idx] = (ar + ai * I);
//u[j].r2.c1[idx] = (br + bi * I);
//u[j].r2.c2[idx] = (cr + ci * I);
u[j].r2.c0[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(ar, ai);
u[j].r2.c1[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(br, bi);
u[j].r2.c2[idx] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cr, ci);
} else {
printf("Read error... ");
error = 1;
printf("Read %d matrices from file %s \n", i, filename);
void writeFermionToFile(vec3_soa * fermion, const char *filename){
FILE *fp;
int i = 0;
int error = 0;
fp = fopen(filename, "w");
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("Could not open file %s \n", filename);
while ( (i < sizeh) && (!error) ) {
// if (fprintf(fp, "(%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) (%lf,%lf) \n", cuCreal(fermion->c0[i]), cuCimag(fermion->c0[i]),
// cuCreal(fermion->c1[i]), cuCimag(fermion->c1[i]),
// cuCreal(fermion->c2[i]), cuCimag(fermion->c2[i])) < 0) {
if (fprintf(fp, "%lf %lf\n%lf %lf\n%lf %lf\n", cuCreal(fermion->c0[i]), cuCimag(fermion->c0[i]),
cuCreal(fermion->c1[i]), cuCimag(fermion->c1[i]),
cuCreal(fermion->c2[i]), cuCimag(fermion->c2[i])) < 0) {
printf("Write error... ");
error = 1;
printf("Wrote %d fermions from file %s \n", i, filename);
// Just for debugging:
void showbits(unsigned int x) {
int i;
for(i=(sizeof(int)*8)-1; i>=0; i--)
} 0 → 100644
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "common-cuda.h"
__host__ __device__ static __inline__ void mat_vec_mul( const __restrict su3_soa * const matrix,
const int idx_mat,
const int eta,
const __restrict vec3_soa * const in_vect,
const int idx_vect,
__restrict vec3 * const out_vect) {
cuDoubleComplex vec0 = in_vect->c0[idx_vect];
cuDoubleComplex vec1 = in_vect->c1[idx_vect];
cuDoubleComplex vec2 = in_vect->c2[idx_vect];
cuDoubleComplex mat00 = matrix->r0.c0[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat01 = matrix->r0.c1[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat02 = matrix->r0.c2[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat10 = matrix->r1.c0[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat11 = matrix->r1.c1[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat12 = matrix->r1.c2[idx_mat];
#ifdef READROW3
// Load 3rd matrix row from global memory
cuDoubleComplex mat20 = matrix->r2.c0[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat21 = matrix->r2.c1[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat22 = matrix->r2.c2[idx_mat];
//Compute 3rd matrix row from the first two
cuDoubleComplex mat20 = cuConj( cuCsub( cuCmul( mat01, mat12 ), cuCmul( mat02, mat11) ) );
cuDoubleComplex mat21 = cuConj( cuCsub( cuCmul( mat02, mat10 ), cuCmul( mat00, mat12) ) );
cuDoubleComplex mat22 = cuConj( cuCsub( cuCmul( mat00, mat11 ), cuCmul( mat01, mat10) ) );
//Multiply 3rd row by eta
mat20 = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(mat20)*eta, cuCimag(mat20)*eta);
mat21 = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(mat21)*eta, cuCimag(mat21)*eta);
mat22 = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(mat22)*eta, cuCimag(mat22)*eta);
out_vect->c0 = cuCadd( cuCadd( cuCmul( mat00, vec0 ),
cuCmul( mat01, vec1 )),
cuCmul( mat02, vec2 ));
out_vect->c1 = cuCadd( cuCadd( cuCmul( mat10, vec0 ),
cuCmul( mat11, vec1 )),
cuCmul( mat12, vec2 ));
out_vect->c2 = cuCadd( cuCadd( cuCmul( mat20, vec0 ),
cuCmul( mat21, vec1 )),
cuCmul( mat22, vec2 ));
__host__ __device__ static __inline__ void conjmat_vec_mul( const __restrict su3_soa * const matrix,
const int idx_mat,
const int eta,
const __restrict vec3_soa * const in_vect,
const int idx_vect,
__restrict vec3 * const out_vect) {
cuDoubleComplex vec0 = in_vect->c0[idx_vect];
cuDoubleComplex vec1 = in_vect->c1[idx_vect];
cuDoubleComplex vec2 = in_vect->c2[idx_vect];
cuDoubleComplex mat00 = matrix->r0.c0[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat01 = matrix->r0.c1[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat02 = matrix->r0.c2[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat10 = matrix->r1.c0[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat11 = matrix->r1.c1[idx_mat];
cuDoubleComplex mat12 = matrix->r1.c2[idx_mat];
#ifdef READROW3
// Load 3rd matrix row from global memory
// cuDoubleComplex mat20 = matrix->r2.c0[idx_mat];
// cuDoubleComplex mat21 = matrix->r2.c1[idx_mat];
// cuDoubleComplex mat22 = matrix->r2.c2[idx_mat];
//Compute 3rd matrix row from the first two
cuDoubleComplex mat20 = cuConj( cuCsub( cuCmul( mat01, mat12 ), cuCmul( mat02, mat11) ) );
cuDoubleComplex mat21 = cuConj( cuCsub( cuCmul( mat02, mat10 ), cuCmul( mat00, mat12) ) );
cuDoubleComplex mat22 = cuConj( cuCsub( cuCmul( mat00, mat11 ), cuCmul( mat01, mat10) ) );
//Multiply 3rd row by eta
mat20 = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(mat20)*eta, cuCimag(mat20)*eta);
mat21 = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(mat21)*eta, cuCimag(mat21)*eta);
mat22 = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(mat22)*eta, cuCimag(mat22)*eta);
out_vect->c0 = cuCadd( cuCadd( cuCmul( cuConj(mat00), vec0 ),
cuCmul( cuConj(mat10), vec1 )),
cuCmul( cuConj(mat20), vec2 ));
out_vect->c1 = cuCadd( cuCadd( cuCmul( cuConj(mat01), vec0 ),
cuCmul( cuConj(mat11), vec1 )),
cuCmul( cuConj(mat21), vec2 ));
out_vect->c2 = cuCadd( cuCadd( cuCmul( cuConj(mat02), vec0 ),
cuCmul( cuConj(mat12), vec1 )),
cuCmul( cuConj(mat22), vec2 ));
__host__ __device__ static __inline__ vec3 sumResult ( vec3 aux, vec3 aux_tmp) {
aux.c0 = cuCadd ( aux.c0, aux_tmp.c0);
aux.c1 = cuCadd ( aux.c1, aux_tmp.c1);
aux.c2 = cuCadd ( aux.c2, aux_tmp.c2);
return aux;
__host__ __device__ static __inline__ vec3 subResult ( vec3 aux, vec3 aux_tmp) {
aux.c0 = cuCsub ( aux.c0, aux_tmp.c0);
aux.c1 = cuCsub ( aux.c1, aux_tmp.c1);
aux.c2 = cuCsub ( aux.c2, aux_tmp.c2);
return aux;
__global__ void Deo(const __restrict su3_soa * const u, __restrict vec3_soa * const out, const __restrict vec3_soa * const in) {
int x, y, z, t, xm, ym, zm, tm, xp, yp, zp, tp, idxh, eta; //, idx;
vec3 aux_tmp;
vec3 aux;
idxh = ((blockIdx.z * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z) * nxh * ny)
+ ((blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y) * nxh)
+ (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x); // idxh = snum(x,y,z,t)
// idx = 2*idxh;
// t = (idx / vol3) % nt;
// z = (idx / vol2) % nz;
// y = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y);
// x = 2*(blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) + ((y+z+t) % 2);
t = (blockIdx.z * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z) / nz;
z = (blockIdx.z * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z) % nz;
y = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y);
x = 2*(blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) + ((y+z+t) & 0x1);
xm = x - 1;
xm = xm + (((xm >> 31) & 0x1) * nx);
ym = y -1;
ym = ym + (((ym >> 31) & 0x1) * ny);
zm = z -1;
zm = zm + (((zm >> 31) & 0x1) * nz);
tm = t -1;
tm = tm + (((tm >> 31) & 0x1) * nt);
xp = (x+1);
xp *= (((xp-nx) >> 31) & 0x1);
yp = (y+1);
yp *= (((yp-ny) >> 31) & 0x1);
zp = (z+1);
zp *= (((zp-nz) >> 31) & 0x1);
tp = (t+1);
tp *= (((tp-nt) >> 31) & 0x1);
eta = 1;
// mat_vec_mul( &(u_work[snum(x,y,z,t) ]), &(in[snum(xp,y,z,t)]), &aux_tmp );
mat_vec_mul( &u[0], idxh, eta, in, snum(xp,y,z,t), &aux_tmp );
aux = aux_tmp;
eta = 1 - ( 2*(x & 0x1) ); // if (x % 2 = 0) eta = 1 else -1
// mat_vec_mul( &(u_work[snum(x,y,z,t) + size ]), &(in[snum(x,yp,z,t)]), &aux_tmp );
mat_vec_mul( &u[2], idxh, eta, in, snum(x,yp,z,t), &aux_tmp );
aux = sumResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1 - ( 2*((x+y) & 0x1) );
// mat_vec_mul( &(u_work[snum(x,y,z,t) + size2]), &(in[snum(x,y,zp,t)]), &aux_tmp );
mat_vec_mul( &u[4], idxh, eta, in, snum(x,y,zp,t), &aux_tmp);
aux = sumResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1 - ( 2*((x+y+z) & 0x1) );
// mat_vec_mul( &(u_work[snum(x,y,z,t) + size3]), &(in[snum(x,y,z,tp)]), &aux_tmp );
mat_vec_mul( &u[6], idxh, eta, in, snum(x,y,z,tp), &aux_tmp );
aux = sumResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1;
// conjmat_vec_mul( &(u_work[sizeh + snum(xm,y,z,t) ]), &(in[ snum(xm,y,z,t) ]), &aux_tmp );
conjmat_vec_mul( &u[1], snum(xm,y,z,t), eta, in, snum(xm,y,z,t), &aux_tmp );
aux = subResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1 - ( 2*(x & 0x1) );
// conjmat_vec_mul( &(u_work[sizeh + snum(x,ym,z,t) + size ]), &(in[ snum(x,ym,z,t) ]), &aux_tmp );
conjmat_vec_mul( &u[3], snum(x,ym,z,t), eta, in, snum(x,ym,z,t), &aux_tmp );
aux = subResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1 - ( 2*((x+y) & 0x1) );
// conjmat_vec_mul( &(u_work[sizeh + snum(x,y,zm,t) + size2]), &(in[ snum(x,y,zm,t) ]), &aux_tmp );
conjmat_vec_mul( &u[5], snum(x,y,zm,t), eta, in, snum(x,y,zm,t), &aux_tmp );
aux = subResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1 - ( 2*((x+y+z) & 0x1) );
// conjmat_vec_mul( &(u_work[sizeh + snum(x,y,z,tm) + size3]), &(in[ snum(x,y,z,tm) ]), &aux_tmp );
conjmat_vec_mul( &u[7], snum(x,y,z,tm), eta, in, snum(x,y,z,tm), &aux_tmp );
aux = subResult(aux, aux_tmp);
out->c0[idxh] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(aux.c0)*0.5, cuCimag(aux.c0)*0.5);
out->c1[idxh] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(aux.c1)*0.5, cuCimag(aux.c1)*0.5);
out->c2[idxh] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(aux.c2)*0.5, cuCimag(aux.c2)*0.5);
__global__ void Doe(const __restrict su3_soa * const u, __restrict vec3_soa * const out, const __restrict vec3_soa * const in) {
int x, y, z, t, xm, ym, zm, tm, xp, yp, zp, tp, idxh, eta; //, idx;
vec3 aux_tmp;
vec3 aux;
idxh = ((blockIdx.z * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z) * nxh * ny)
+ ((blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y) * nxh)
+ (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x); // idxh = snum(x,y,z,t)
// idx = 2*idxh;
// t = (idx / vol3) % nt;
// z = (idx / vol2) % nz;
// y = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y);
// x = 2*(blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) + ((y+z+t+1) % 2);
t = (blockIdx.z * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z) / nz;
z = (blockIdx.z * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z) % nz;
y = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y);
x = 2*(blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) + ((y+z+t+1) & 0x1);
xm = x - 1;
xm = xm + (((xm >> 31) & 0x1) * nx);
ym = y -1;
ym = ym + (((ym >> 31) & 0x1) * ny);
zm = z -1;
zm = zm + (((zm >> 31) & 0x1) * nz);
tm = t -1;
tm = tm + (((tm >> 31) & 0x1) * nt);
xp = (x+1);
xp *= (((xp-nx) >> 31) & 0x1);
yp = (y+1);
yp *= (((yp-ny) >> 31) & 0x1);
zp = (z+1);
zp *= (((zp-nz) >> 31) & 0x1);
tp = (t+1);
tp *= (((tp-nt) >> 31) & 0x1);
eta = 1;
// mat_vec_mul( &(u_work[snum(x,y,z,t) + sizeh ]), &(in[ snum(xp,y,z,t) ]), &aux_tmp );
mat_vec_mul( &u[1], idxh, eta, in, snum(xp,y,z,t), &aux_tmp );
aux = aux_tmp;
eta = 1 - ( 2*(x & 0x1) );
// mat_vec_mul( &(u_work[snum(x,y,z,t) + sizeh + size ]), &(in[ snum(x,yp,z,t) ]), &aux_tmp );
mat_vec_mul( &u[3], idxh, eta, in, snum(x,yp,z,t), &aux_tmp );
aux = sumResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1 - ( 2*((x+y) & 0x1) );
// mat_vec_mul( &( u_work[snum(x,y,z,t) + sizeh + size2]), &(in[ snum(x,y,zp,t) ]), &aux_tmp );
mat_vec_mul( &u[5], idxh, eta, in, snum(x,y,zp,t), &aux_tmp );
aux = sumResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1 - ( 2*((x+y+z) & 0x1) );
// mat_vec_mul( &(u_work[snum(x,y,z,t) + sizeh + size3]), &(in[ snum(x,y,z,tp) ]), &aux_tmp );
mat_vec_mul( &u[7], idxh, eta, in, snum(x,y,z,tp), &aux_tmp );
aux = sumResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1;
// conjmat_vec_mul( &(u_work[snum(xm,y,z,t) ]), &(in[ snum(xm,y,z,t) ]), &aux_tmp );
conjmat_vec_mul( &u[0], snum(xm,y,z,t), eta, in, snum(xm,y,z,t), &aux_tmp );
aux = subResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1 - ( 2*(x & 0x1) );
// conjmat_vec_mul( &(u_work[snum(x,ym,z,t) + size ]), &(in[ snum(x,ym,z,t) ]), &aux_tmp );
conjmat_vec_mul( &u[2], snum(x,ym,z,t), eta, in, snum(x,ym,z,t), &aux_tmp );
aux = subResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1 - ( 2*((x+y) & 0x1) );
// conjmat_vec_mul( &(u_work[snum(x,y,zm,t) + size2]), &(in[ snum(x,y,zm,t) ]), &aux_tmp );
conjmat_vec_mul( &u[4], snum(x,y,zm,t), eta, in, snum(x,y,zm,t), &aux_tmp );
aux = subResult(aux, aux_tmp);
eta = 1 - ( 2*((x+y+z) & 0x1) );
// conjmat_vec_mul( &(u_work[snum(x,y,z,tm) + size3]), &(in[ snum(x,y,z,tm) ]), &aux_tmp );
conjmat_vec_mul( &u[6], snum(x,y,z,tm), eta, in, snum(x,y,z,tm), &aux_tmp );
aux = subResult(aux, aux_tmp);
out->c0[idxh] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(aux.c0)*0.5, cuCimag(aux.c0)*0.5);
out->c1[idxh] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(aux.c1)*0.5, cuCimag(aux.c1)*0.5);
out->c2[idxh] = make_cuDoubleComplex(cuCreal(aux.c2)*0.5, cuCimag(aux.c2)*0.5);
int main() {
int i;
struct timeval t0, t1;
double dt_tot = 0.0;
// dim3 dimGridK1 ((nx*ny*nz*nt/2)/DIM_BLOCK_X, 1, 1 );
dim3 dimGridK1 ((nx/2)/DIM_BLOCK_X, ny/DIM_BLOCK_Y, (nz*nt)/DIM_BLOCK_Z );
if ( ((nx % 2) != 0) || (((nx/2) % DIM_BLOCK_X) != 0) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: nx should be even and nx/2 should be divisible by DIM_BLOCK_X.");
return -1;
su3_soa * u_h;
vec3_soa * fermion1_h;
vec3_soa * fermion2_h;
// 8 = number of directions times 2 (even/odd)
// no_links = sizeh * 8
posix_memalign((void **)&u_h, ALIGN, 8*sizeof(su3_soa));
posix_memalign((void **)&fermion1_h, ALIGN, sizeof(vec3_soa));
posix_memalign((void **)&fermion2_h, ALIGN, sizeof(vec3_soa));
// printf("Sizeof su3_soa is: %d \n", sizeof(su3_soa));
// printf("Sizeof su3_soa_d is: %d \n", sizeof(su3_soa_d));
su3_soa * u_d;
vec3_soa * fermion1_d;
vec3_soa * fermion2_d;
cudaMalloc ((void**)&u_d, 8*sizeof(su3_soa));
checkCUDAError("Allocating u_d");
cudaMalloc ((void**)&fermion1_d, sizeof(vec3_soa));
checkCUDAError("Allocating fermion1_d");
cudaMalloc ((void**)&fermion2_d, sizeof(vec3_soa));
checkCUDAError("Allocating fermion2_d");
if ((nx == 32) && (ny == 32) && (nz == 32) && (nt == 32)) {
loadSu3FromFileNew( u_h, "gaugeconf_save_32_4");
loadFermionFromFileNew(fermion1_h, "test_fermion_32_4");
} else if ((nx == 16) && (ny == 16) && (nz == 16) && (nt == 16)) {
loadSu3FromFile( u_h, "TestConf_16_4.cnf");
loadFermionFromFile(fermion1_h, "StartFermion_16_4.fer");
} else {
fprintf(stdout, "Lattice not available... \n");
cudaMemcpy( u_d, u_h, 8*sizeof(su3_soa), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
checkCUDAError("Copying u_d to device");
cudaMemcpy( fermion1_d, fermion1_h, sizeof(vec3_soa), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
checkCUDAError("Copying fermion1_d to device");
cudaMemcpy( fermion2_d, fermion2_h, sizeof(vec3_soa), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
checkCUDAError("Copying fermion2_d to device");
// Prefer larger L1 cache than shared mem
// Prefer larger shared mem than L1 cache
// cudaDeviceSetCacheConfig(cudaFuncCachePreferShared);
gettimeofday ( &t0, NULL );
for (i = 0; i < NITER; i++) {
Deo<<< dimGridK1, dimBlockK1 >>>( u_d, fermion2_d, fermion1_d);
checkCUDAError("Running kernel Deo");
//checkCUDAError("Cuda synch after Deo");
Doe<<< dimGridK1, dimBlockK1 >>>( u_d, fermion1_d, fermion2_d);
checkCUDAError("Running kernel Doe");
//checkCUDAError("Cuda synch after Doe");
gettimeofday ( &t1, NULL );
// cudaMemcpy( fermion1_h, fermion2_d, sizeof(vec3_soa), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
cudaMemcpy( fermion1_h, fermion1_d, sizeof(vec3_soa), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );
checkCUDAError("Copying fermion1_d to host");
dt_tot = (double)(t1.tv_sec - t0.tv_sec) + ((double)(t1.tv_usec - t0.tv_usec)/1.0e6);
printf("TOTAL Exec time: Tot time: % 3.2f sec Avg: % 3.02f ms Avg/site: % 3.02f ns\n",
dt_tot, \
((dt_tot/NITER)/size)*(1.0e9) );
writeFermionToFile(fermion1_h, "EndFermion.fer");
return 0;
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