LunaDAQ is the data acquisition software used within the LUNA collaboration
as an alternative to CoMPASS. It is able to handle both the typical CAEN
boards and the TetrAMM module.
The following ones can be installed from package manager, eg. on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install cmake libboost-all-devel qt5-default mesa-common-dev libtinyxml2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libjsoncpp-dev
The CAEN drivers (in order of installation: CAENVMElib CAENComm CAENDigitizers)
must be downloaded from their website and installed following their
instructions. If the board is connect through the USB, also CAENUSBdrv is
A working ROOT installation is needed. It could be required to change the
C++ standard in the CMakeLists.txt to the one with which ROOT was compiled,
git clone
cd LunaDAQ && mkdir build && cd build
The installation will not install the binary. Please, put it wherever you
prefer to store it. The installation, instead, will create a LunaDAQ folder
in ```~/.config/``` where some utility files will be stored. Adittionally,
the installation will launch two docker instances, one with a ```graphite```
container, which serves as a databes, and with a ```grafana``` container
which is the frontend. In fact, to run properly the LunaDAQ, a working
installation of docker is needed. LunaDAQ, in fact, is based on the XDAQ
software written at LNL that is available in form of docker image.
The software is able both to control the XDAQ instances and communicate with
the CAEN boards. The predefined ```.xml``` file used by XDAQ is located in
```~/.config/LunaDAQ/conf/``` and it is copied in each project directory.
LunaDAQ already takes care of detecting the PC hostname, necessary to run
XDAQ properly, thus there should be no reason to change that file.
The XDAQ instances are started in separate docker instances. While there are
active, it is possible to list them by typing ```docker ps``.
Not all the boards are fully supported. Here is the list of the board families
which are fully supported: XX730, XX725, XX720, XX724, XX781, XX782. Both the
PHA and PSD supported. For now, there is no compatibility with the WaveCatcher
firmware, but can be added if need.
LunaDAQ is also capable of connecting to a TetrAMM module and acquire the
current data from it, tho have a simultaneous acquisition both of the events
and the accumulated charge.
Finally, a prototype of the metadata for according to the FAIR rules are being
added in order to make all the acquired data easy accessibile and comprehensible.
If any bug arises, pleas write to
- Test the support for the XX780 board.