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Commit 005534c9 authored by Francesco Santanastasio's avatar Francesco Santanastasio
Browse files

updated 2024

parent 67f6cfba
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%% Cell type:code id:d5a34fcc tags:
``` python
# plots will be shown inline
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
from numpy import sqrt,floor
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
import math
# libreria locale
import my_lib_santanastasio as my
##NOTA IMPORTANTE: se cambi qualcosa in my_lib_santanastasio
# devi fare Kernel --> Restart prima di rigirare il codice
# altrimenti i cambiamenti non saranno applicati.
from scipy import stats
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from scipy import optimize
# set global random seed
random_Gseed = 1112
%% Cell type:code id:75ae4577 tags:
``` python
# change "virgola" (comma) with "punto" (point) in the file
myfilename = "termometro_hot_to_cold_1_60C.txt"
myfilenamemod = myfilename.split(".")[0]+str("_mod.txt")
#print (myfilenamemod)
reading_file = open(myfilename, "r", encoding="utf8", errors='ignore')
new_file_content = ""
for i, line in enumerate(reading_file):
#print (i, line)
stripped_line = line.strip()
new_line = stripped_line.replace(",", ".")
if i!=0: # drop first line of file
new_file_content += new_line +"\n"
writing_file = open(myfilenamemod, "w")
%% Cell type:code id:986c2e62 tags:
``` python
df = pd.read_csv(myfilenamemod,header=0,sep='\t') #il separatore in questo caso era un "tab" (\t)
%% Output
Tempo ( s ) Temperatura ( C )
0 0.0 60.81
1 0.1 60.70
2 0.2 60.70
3 0.3 60.70
4 0.4 60.70
.. ... ...
955 95.5 20.38
956 95.6 20.38
957 95.7 20.38
958 95.8 20.38
959 95.9 20.42
[960 rows x 2 columns]
%% Cell type:code id:fcb1d497 tags:
``` python
# Rinominare colonne
df = df.rename(columns={"Tempo ( s )": "time", "Temperatura ( C )": "temp"})
%% Output
time temp
0 0.0 60.81
1 0.1 60.70
2 0.2 60.70
3 0.3 60.70
4 0.4 60.70
.. ... ...
955 95.5 20.38
956 95.6 20.38
957 95.7 20.38
958 95.8 20.38
959 95.9 20.42
[960 rows x 2 columns]
%% Cell type:code id:a290b012 tags:
``` python
# Grafico di tutti i dati
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:f3822031 tags:
``` python
# Ripulisco i dati
dfmod = df.drop( df[ (df.time <10) | (df.time > 30) ].index )
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:11abfefd tags:
``` python
t0 = dfmod.time.to_numpy()[0]
T0 = dfmod.temp.to_numpy()[0]
print (T0)
time = dfmod.time.to_numpy()-t0
temp = dfmod.temp.to_numpy()
utemp = np.repeat(0.2,len(temp)) #incertezze sulle temperature
plt.xlabel("Time [s]")
plt.ylabel("Temperature [C]")
%% Output
Text(0, 0.5, 'Temperature [C]')
%% Cell type:markdown id:a27f877e tags:
# Fit con il metodo dei minimi quadrati
%% Cell type:markdown id:400abe59 tags:
## Usando il metodo scipy.optimize.curve_fit
%% Cell type:markdown id:21e62f33 tags:
### Esempio con 2 parametri
%% Cell type:code id:fa78582c tags:
``` python
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
%% Cell type:code id:ea328aab tags:
``` python
def func_2par(X, tau, Tm):
Yexp = Tm-(Tm-T0)*np.exp(-X/tau)
return Yexp
xdata = time
ydata = temp
sigma_ydata = utemp
popt_2par, pcov_2par = curve_fit(func_2par, xdata, ydata, sigma=sigma_ydata, absolute_sigma=True)
print (popt_2par)
print (pcov_2par)
%% Output
[ 4.11298595 21.54698567]
[[ 0.00012511 -0.00022676]
[-0.00022676 0.0006979 ]]
%% Cell type:code id:d7076be0 tags:
``` python
print ("Risultato del fit con metodo dei minimi quadrati (scipy.optimize.curve_fit) - 2 parameters:")
print ("Cov[tau,Tm] fit", pcov_2par[0,1], "[sC]")
print ("Rho[tau,Tm] fit", pcov_2par[0,1]/(np.sqrt(pcov_2par[0,0])*np.sqrt(pcov_2par[1,1])))
%% Output
Risultato del fit con metodo dei minimi quadrati (scipy.optimize.curve_fit) - 2 parameters:
tau_fit = (4.113 +/- 0.011 ) [s] [0.27%]
Tm_fit = (21.547 +/- 0.026 ) [C] [0.12%]
Cov[tau,Tm] fit -0.00022676453379438262 [sC]
Rho[tau,Tm] fit -0.7674252975925171
%% Cell type:code id:12f5d9eb tags:
``` python
# Grafico del fit
x_values = np.linspace(np.min(time),np.max(time),100)
y_values = func_2par(x_values,*popt_2par)
#y_values = popt_2par[1]-(popt_2par[1]-T0)*np.exp(-x_values/popt_2par[0]) # same as above
plt.errorbar(time,temp,yerr=utemp,marker='.',linestyle = 'None',label='data')
plt.xlabel("Tempo [s]")
plt.ylabel("Temperatura [C]")
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:5bf4e027 tags:
``` python
## Studio dei residui
temp_atteso = func_2par(time,*popt_2par)
#temp_atteso = popt_2par[1]-(popt_2par[1]-T0)*np.exp(-time/popt_2par[0]) # same as above
d = temp - temp_atteso
d_norm = d / utemp
##print (d)
##print (d_norm)
plt.ylabel("Residui normalizzati $d/\sigma_T=(T-T_{atteso})/\sigma_T$")
plt.xlabel("Tempo [s]")
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id:0a43b4ff tags:
### Esempio con 3 parametri
%% Cell type:code id:a77ac1b4 tags:
``` python
def func_3par(X, tau, Tm, Tzero):
Yexp = Tm-(Tm-Tzero)*np.exp(-X/tau)
return Yexp
xdata = time
ydata = temp
sigma_ydata = utemp
popt_3par, pcov_3par = curve_fit(func_3par, xdata, ydata, sigma=sigma_ydata, absolute_sigma=True)
print (popt_3par)
print (pcov_3par)
%% Output
[ 4.06770623 21.58968821 57.65442079]
[[ 0.00023173 -0.00032311 -0.00069099]
[-0.00032311 0.00078166 0.00064501]
[-0.00069099 0.00064501 0.00428592]]
%% Cell type:code id:70d51fad tags:
``` python
print ("Risultato del fit con metodo dei minimi quadrati (scipy.optimize.curve_fit) - 3 parameters:")
print ("Cov[tau,Tm] fit", pcov_3par[0,1], "[sC]")
print ("Cov[tau,T0] fit", pcov_3par[0,2], "[sC]")
print ("Cov[Tm,T0] fit", pcov_3par[1,2], "[C^2]")
print ("Rho[tau,Tm] fit", pcov_3par[0,1]/(np.sqrt(pcov_3par[0,0])*np.sqrt(pcov_3par[1,1])))
print ("Rho[tau,T0] fit", pcov_3par[0,2]/(np.sqrt(pcov_3par[0,0])*np.sqrt(pcov_3par[2,2])))
print ("Rho[Tm,T0] fit", pcov_3par[1,2]/(np.sqrt(pcov_3par[1,1])*np.sqrt(pcov_3par[2,2])))
%% Output
Risultato del fit con metodo dei minimi quadrati (scipy.optimize.curve_fit) - 3 parameters:
tau_fit = (4.068 +/- 0.015 ) [s] [0.37%]
Tm_fit = (21.59 +/- 0.028 ) [C] [0.13%]
T0_fit = (57.654 +/- 0.065 ) [C] [0.11%]
Cov[tau,Tm] fit -0.0003231109253328368 [sC]
Cov[tau,T0] fit -0.0006909904870936007 [sC]
Cov[Tm,T0] fit 0.0006450068923079409 [C^2]
Rho[tau,Tm] fit -0.7591875202707508
Rho[tau,T0] fit -0.6933545040572168
Rho[Tm,T0] fit 0.3523991930423434
%% Cell type:markdown id:faa7d7f4 tags:
## Usando il metodo scipy.optimize.minimize
%% Cell type:markdown id:dfb79f99 tags:
### Esempio con 2 parametri
%% Cell type:code id:5a18ee87 tags:
``` python
from scipy.optimize import minimize
%% Cell type:code id:0c5947d0 tags:
``` python
# Chi quadro con n misure indipendenti
def ChiSquareOverTwo(theta,T0,Y,X,SigmaY):
tau,Tm = theta
Yexp = Tm-(Tm-T0)*np.exp(-X/tau) # modello di fit
#print (Yexp)
return np.sum( (Y-Yexp)**2 / SigmaY**2 ) / 2
%% Cell type:code id:022e6cc8 tags:
``` python
first_guesses = [1,1]
ranges = ( (1,10), (1, 100) )
result = minimize(ChiSquareOverTwo,x0=first_guesses,args=(T0,ydata,xdata,sigma_ydata),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=ranges)
%% Cell type:code id:cd99c43e tags:
``` python
print ("Minimization completed with status: ", result.success)
print ("Values at minimum: ", result.x)
import numdifftools as nd
H = nd.Hessian(ChiSquareOverTwo)
COV = np.linalg.inv(H(result.x,T0,ydata,xdata,sigma_ydata))
print ("")
print ("Covariance matrix (inverse of Hessian): ")
print (COV)
%% Output
Minimization completed with status: True
Values at minimum: [ 4.11298602 21.54698552]
Covariance matrix (inverse of Hessian):
[[ 0.00012625 -0.00022884]
[-0.00022884 0.00070165]]
%% Cell type:code id:59ebe12a tags:
``` python
print ("Risultato del fit con metodo dei minimi quadrati (scipy.optimize.minimize + numdifftools.Hessian):")
print ("Cov[tau,Tm] fit", COV[0,1], "[sC]")
print ("Rho[tau,Tm] fit", COV[0,1]/(np.sqrt(COV[0,0])*np.sqrt(COV[1,1])))
%% Output
Risultato del fit con metodo dei minimi quadrati (scipy.optimize.minimize + numdifftools.Hessian):
tau_fit = (4.113 +/- 0.011 ) [s] [0.27%]
Tm_fit = (21.547 +/- 0.026 ) [C] [0.12%]
Cov[tau,Tm] fit -0.00022883565311786444 [sC]
Rho[tau,Tm] fit -0.7688568296304404
%% Cell type:markdown id:c4123964 tags:
### Esempio con 3 parametri
%% Cell type:code id:085c36e5 tags:
``` python
# Chi quadro con n misure indipendenti
def ChiSquareOverTwo_3par(theta,Y,X,SigmaY):
tau,Tm,T0 = theta
Yexp = Tm-(Tm-T0)*np.exp(-X/tau) # modello di fit
#print (Yexp)
return np.sum( (Y-Yexp)**2 / SigmaY**2 ) / 2
%% Cell type:code id:d3ef8485 tags:
``` python
first_guesses_3par = [1,1,1]
ranges_3par = ( (1,10), (1, 100) , (1,100) )
result_3par = minimize(ChiSquareOverTwo_3par,x0=first_guesses_3par,args=(ydata,xdata,sigma_ydata),method='L-BFGS-B',bounds=ranges_3par)
%% Cell type:code id:770fbcab tags:
``` python
print ("Minimization completed with status: ", result_3par.success)
print ("Values at minimum: ", result_3par.x)
import numdifftools as nd
H_3par = nd.Hessian(ChiSquareOverTwo_3par)
COV_3par = np.linalg.inv(H_3par(result_3par.x,ydata,xdata,sigma_ydata))
print ("")
print ("Covariance matrix (inverse of Hessian): ")
print (COV_3par)
%% Output
Minimization completed with status: True
Values at minimum: [ 4.0677062 21.58968844 57.65441891]
Covariance matrix (inverse of Hessian):
[[ 0.00023771 -0.00033144 -0.00070881]
[-0.00033144 0.00079327 0.00066985]
[-0.00070881 0.00066985 0.00433903]]
%% Cell type:code id:d247ec97 tags:
``` python
print ("Risultato del fit con metodo dei minimi quadrati (scipy.optimize.minimize + numdifftools.Hessian) 3 par.:")
print ("Cov[tau,Tm] fit", COV_3par[0,1], "[sC]")
print ("Cov[tau,T0] fit", COV_3par[0,2], "[sC]")
print ("Cov[Tm,T0] fit", COV_3par[1,2], "[C^2]")
print ("Rho[tau,Tm] fit", COV_3par[0,1]/(np.sqrt(COV_3par[0,0])*np.sqrt(COV_3par[1,1])))
print ("Rho[tau,T0] fit", COV_3par[0,2]/(np.sqrt(COV_3par[0,0])*np.sqrt(COV_3par[2,2])))
print ("Rho[Tm,T0] fit", COV_3par[1,2]/(np.sqrt(COV_3par[1,1])*np.sqrt(COV_3par[2,2])))
%% Output
Risultato del fit con metodo dei minimi quadrati (scipy.optimize.minimize + numdifftools.Hessian) 3 par.:
tau_fit = (4.068 +/- 0.015 ) [s] [0.37%]
Tm_fit = (21.59 +/- 0.028 ) [C] [0.13%]
T0_fit = (57.654 +/- 0.066 ) [C] [0.11%]
Cov[tau,Tm] fit -0.00033144281265790374 [sC]
Cov[tau,T0] fit -0.0007088058697719556 [sC]
Cov[Tm,T0] fit 0.0006698470062342376 [C^2]
Rho[tau,Tm] fit -0.7632623692140763
Rho[tau,T0] fit -0.697923473725284
Rho[Tm,T0] fit 0.3610506281921693
%% Cell type:markdown id:c7cd5a88 tags:
# Fit integrando la posterior
%% Cell type:markdown id:7cffbbf8 tags:
### Esempio con 2 parametri
%% Cell type:code id:9396f526 tags:
``` python
# Assumo prior vaga (costante) --> posterior ~ likelihood (a meno della normalizzazione)
def posterior(tau,Tm,T0,Y,X,SigmaY):
Yexp = Tm-(Tm-T0)*np.exp(-X/tau) # modello di fit
#print (Yexp)
return stats.norm.pdf(Y, Yexp, SigmaY) )
%% Cell type:markdown id:7f6b8da3 tags:
## Grafico della posterior
%% Cell type:code id:1de92ec0 tags:
``` python
from matplotlib import cm, ticker
tau_values = np.linspace(4.05,4.17, 100)
Tm_values = np.linspace(21.4,21.7, 100)
tau_mesh, Tm_mesh = np.meshgrid(tau_values, Tm_values)
posterior_values = np.zeros(len(tau_values)*len(Tm_values))
idx = 0
for tauval, Tmval in np.nditer([tau_mesh,Tm_mesh]):
idx = idx + 1
posterior_mesh = posterior_values.reshape((len(Tm_values), len(tau_values)))
fig = plt.figure()
#ax1 = plt.contourf(tau_mesh, Tm_mesh, posterior_mesh, cmap=cm.jet, locator=ticker.LogLocator(), levels=100)
import matplotlib
## - log scale
#normalize = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm()
#ax1 = plt.pcolormesh(tau_mesh, Tm_mesh, posterior_mesh, cmap=cm.jet, norm=normalize)
## - linear scale
ax1 = plt.contourf(tau_mesh, Tm_mesh, posterior_mesh, cmap=cm.jet, levels=100)
cbar = plt.colorbar(ax1)
cbar.set_label('f(tau,Tm)', rotation=270, labelpad=20)
plt.xlabel("tau [s]")
plt.ylabel("Tm [C]")
plt.title("Posterior probability density function")
%% Output
%% Cell type:markdown id:24e4878a tags:
## Normalizzazione della posterior
%% Cell type:code id:13e75bc5 tags:
``` python
# Range delle variabili su cui fare inferenza
#range_tau = (3.9,4.3)
#range_Tm = (21,22)
range_tau = (4.05,4.17)
range_Tm = (21.4,21.7)
# Integrale di normalizzazione della posterior
normalization, integral_error_norm = integrate.nquad(posterior,
[range_tau, #tau
range_Tm #Tm
print ("Integrale di normalizzatione (ed errore) con scipy.integrate = ", normalization, integral_error_norm)
# Integrale a mano (come esempio)
nsteps_tau = 500
nsteps_Tm = 500
tau_values_loop = np.linspace(range_tau[0],range_tau[1], nsteps_tau)
Tm_values_loop = np.linspace(range_Tm[0],range_Tm[1], nsteps_Tm)
bin_tau = (range_tau[1] - range_tau[0]) / nsteps_tau
bin_Tm = (range_Tm[1] - range_Tm[0]) / nsteps_Tm
normalization_loop = 0
for tau_val in tau_values_loop:
for Tm_val in Tm_values_loop:
base = bin_tau * bin_Tm
altezza = posterior(tau_val,Tm_val,T0,temp,time,utemp)
normalization_loop += base * altezza
print ("Integrale di normalizzatione calcolato con un semplice loop = ", normalization_loop)
# Posterior normalizzata (PDF)
def posterior_norm(tau,Tm,T0,Y,X,SigmaY):
return posterior(tau,Tm,T0,Y,X,SigmaY) / normalization
# L'argomento dell'integrale del valore atteso di tau^k
def arg_E_tau_k(tau,Tm,k,T0,Y,X,SigmaY):
return np.power(tau,k) * posterior_norm(tau,Tm,T0,Y,X,SigmaY)
# L'argomento dell'integrale del valore atteso di Tm^k
def arg_E_Tm_k(tau,Tm,k,T0,Y,X,SigmaY):
return np.power(Tm,k) * posterior_norm(tau,Tm,T0,Y,X,SigmaY)
# L'argomento dell'integrale del valore atteso di tau*tm
def arg_E_tauTm(tau,Tm,T0,Y,X,SigmaY):
return tau * Tm * posterior_norm(tau,Tm,T0,Y,X,SigmaY)
%% Output
Integrale di normalizzatione (ed errore) con scipy.integrate = 1.5273411094443446e+22 43176788028416.0
Integrale di normalizzatione calcolato con un semplice loop = 1.5212378762774195e+22
%% Cell type:markdown id:3bac69d0 tags:
## Calcolo dei valori attesi, dev. std. e covarianze
%% Cell type:code id:f9c75773 tags:
``` python
E_tau, error_int_E_tau = integrate.nquad(arg_E_tau_k,
[range_tau, #tau
range_Tm #Tm
E_tau2, error_int_E_tau2 = integrate.nquad(arg_E_tau_k,
[range_tau, #a
range_Tm #b
Var_tau = E_tau2 - E_tau**2
Sigma_tau = math.sqrt(Var_tau)
%% Cell type:code id:d4824d94 tags:
``` python
E_Tm, error_int_E_Tm = integrate.nquad(arg_E_Tm_k,
[range_tau, #a
range_Tm #b
E_Tm2, error_int_E_Tm2 = integrate.nquad(arg_E_Tm_k,
[range_tau, #a
range_Tm #b
Var_Tm = E_Tm2 - E_Tm**2
Sigma_Tm = math.sqrt(Var_Tm)
%% Cell type:code id:8beecf53 tags:
``` python
E_tauTm, error_int_E_tauTm = integrate.nquad(arg_E_tauTm,
[range_tau, #tau
range_Tm #Tm
Cov_tauTm = E_tauTm - E_tau*E_Tm
Rho_tauTm = Cov_tauTm / (Sigma_tau*Sigma_Tm)
%% Cell type:code id:810d04db tags:
``` python
print ("Risultato del fit con integrazione della posterior:")
print ("Cov[tau,Tm] fit", Cov_tauTm, "[sC]")
print ("Rho[tau,Tm] fit", Rho_tauTm)
%% Output
Risultato del fit con integrazione della posterior:
tau_fit = (4.113 +/- 0.011 ) [s] [0.27%]
Tm_fit = (21.547 +/- 0.026 ) [C] [0.12%]
Cov[tau,Tm] fit -0.0002288448051785963 [sC]
Rho[tau,Tm] fit -0.7688629634197679
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