Many different research groups, typically organized in Virtual Organizations (VOs),
exploit the Tier-1 Data center facilities for computing and/or data storage and management. Moreover, CNAF hosts two small HPC farms and a Cloud infrastructure. The User Support unit provides to the users of all CNAF facilities with a direct operational support, and promotes common technologies and best-practices to access the ICT resources in order to facilitate the usage of the center and maximize its efficiency.
exploit the Tier1 Data center facilities for computing and/or data storage and management. Moreover, CNAF hosts two small HPC farms and a Cloud infrastructure. The User Support unit provides to the users of all CNAF facilities with a direct operational support, and promotes common technologies and best-practices to access the ICT resources in order to facilitate the usage of the center and maximize its efficiency.
\section{Current status}
Born in April 2012, the User Support team in 2018 was composed by one coordinator and up to five fellows with post-doctoral education or equivalent work experience in scientific research or computing.
The main activities of the team include:
\item providing a prompt feedback to VO-specific issues via ticketing systems or official mail channels;
\item forwarding to the appropriate Tier-1 units those requests which cannot be autonomously satisfied, and taking care of answers and fixes, e.g. via the tracker JIRA, until a solution is delivered to the experiments;
\item forwarding to the appropriate Tier1 units those requests which cannot be autonomously satisfied, and taking care of answers and fixes, e.g. via the tracker JIRA, until a solution is delivered to the experiments;
\item supporting the experiments in the definition and debugging of computing models in distributed and Cloud environments;
\item helping the supported experiments by developing code, monitoring frameworks and writing guides and documentation for users (see e.g.;
\item solving issues on experiment software installation, access problems, new accounts creation and any other daily usage problems;
\item porting applications to new parallel architectures (e.g. GPUs and HPC farms);
\item providing the Tier-1 Run Coordinator, who represents CNAF at the Daily WLCG calls, and reports about resource usage and problems at the monthly meeting of the Tier-1 management body (Comitato di Gestione del Tier-1).
\item providing the Tier1 Run Coordinator, who represents CNAF at the Daily WLCG calls, and reports about resource usage and problems at the monthly meeting of the Tier1 management body (Comitato di Gestione del Tier1).
People belonging to the User Support team represent INFN Tier-1 inside the VOs.
People belonging to the User Support team represent INFN Tier1 inside the VOs.
In some cases, they are directly integrated in the supported experiments. Moreover, they can play the role of a member of any VO for debugging purposes.
The User Support staff is also involved in different CNAF internal projects, notably the Computing on SoC Architectures (COSA) project ( dedicated to the technology tracking and benchmarking of the modern low-power architectures for computing applications.
\section{Supported experiments}
The LHC experiments represent the main users of the data center, handling more than 80\% of the total computing and storage resources funded at CNAF. Besides the four LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb) for which CNAF acts as Tier-1 site, the data center also supports an ever increasing number of experiments from the Astrophysics, Astroparticle physics and High Energy Physics domains, and specifically Agata, AMS-02, Auger, Belle II, Borexino, CDF, Compass, COSMO-WNEXT CTA, Cuore, Cupid, Dampe, DarkSide-50, Enubet, Famu, Fazia, Fermi-LAT, Gerda, Icarus, LHAASO, LHCf, Limadou, Juno, Kloe, KM3Net, Magic, NA62, Newchim, NEWS, NTOP, Opera, Padme, Pamela, Panda, Virgo, and XENON.
The LHC experiments represent the main users of the data center, handling more than 80\% of the total computing and storage resources funded at CNAF. Besides the four LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb) for which CNAF acts as Tier1 site, the data center also supports an ever increasing number of experiments from the Astrophysics, Astroparticle physics and High Energy Physics domains, and specifically Agata, AMS-02, Auger, Belle II, Borexino, CDF, Compass, COSMO-WNEXT CTA, Cuore, Cupid, Dampe, DarkSide-50, Enubet, Famu, Fazia, Fermi-LAT, Gerda, Icarus, LHAASO, LHCf, Limadou, Juno, Kloe, KM3Net, Magic, NA62, Newchim, NEWS, NTOP, Opera, Padme, Pamela, Panda, Virgo, and XENON.
Clearly, a bigger effort from the User Support team is needed to answer to the varied and diverse needs from these no-LHC experiments and to encourage them to adopt more modern technologies, e.g. FTS, Dirac, token-based authorization.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ The following figures show resources pledged and used by the supported experimen
Unfortunately, the accounting data for storage, both disk and tape statistics, are available only after summer 2018, given the restoration of the complex system of sensors for accounting after the 2017 flooding had a lower priority with respect to activities needed for a complete of the storage resources involved in the flood.
\section{Support to HPC and cloud-based experiment}
Apart from Tier-1 facilities, CNAF hosts two small HPC farms and a cloud infrastructure. The first HPC cluster, in production since 2015, is composed of 27 nodes, some of them also equipped with one or more GPUs (NVIDIA Tesla K20, K40 and K1). All nodes are infiniband interconnected and equipped with 2 Intel CPUs, 8 physical cores each, HyperThread enabled. The cluster is accessible via the LSF batch system. It is open to various INFN communities, but the main users are theoretical physicists dealing with plasma laser acceleration simulations. The cluster is used as a testing infrastructure to prepare the high resolution runs to be submitted afterwards to supercomputers.
Apart from Tier1 facilities, CNAF hosts two small HPC farms and a cloud infrastructure. The first HPC cluster, in production since 2015, is composed of 27 nodes, some of them also equipped with one or more GPUs (NVIDIA Tesla K20, K40 and K1). All nodes are infiniband interconnected and equipped with 2 Intel CPUs, 8 physical cores each, HyperThread enabled. The cluster is accessible via the LSF batch system. It is open to various INFN communities, but the main users are theoretical physicists dealing with plasma laser acceleration simulations. The cluster is used as a testing infrastructure to prepare the high resolution runs to be submitted afterwards to supercomputers.
A second HPC cluster entered into production in 2017 to serve the CERN accelerators R/D groups. The cluster consists of 12 nodes OmniPath interconnected. It can be access through batch queues managed by the IBM LSF system.
The support is provided on a daily base for what concerns software installation, access problems, new accounts creation and any other usage problems.