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Commit e1c16ec2 authored by Lucia Morganti's avatar Lucia Morganti
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L'Annual Report 2017 del CNAF contiene la descrizione delle attività
del Centro nell'anno 2017, sotto forma di brevi articoli raccolti in
un unico documento.
Questa repository ha lo scopo di supportare la preparazione del
report, mantenendo sia i singoli articoli che la struttura generale
del documento.
Gli articoli devono essere scritti in inglese seguendo il template definito
dall'Institute of Physics (IOP) per le Conference Series. I template e le
istruzioni per gli autori sono disponibili all'indirizzo
<>. Le linee guida e i
template sono anche disponibili nella cartella `instructions`.
I template sono disponibili sia per LaTeX che per Microsoft Word, ma è
fortemente raccomandato che i contributi siano scritti in
LaTeX. Questo permette una maggiore qualità del prodotto finale e una
maggiore automazione nella produzione del report. Il comitato
editoriale, quest'anno composto da Lucia Morganti, Luca dell'Agnello
ed Elisabetta Ronchieri, è a disposizione per fornire chiarimenti
e supporto in caso di necessità.
Il documento finale verrà ottenuto integrando direttamente i
contributi in formato pdf, che devono quindi essere
"camera-ready". Tuttavia è preferibile caricare nella repository anche
i sorgenti, inviandoli agli editor. Se il sorgente è fatto di più
file, questi devono essere contenuti in un tarball o in uno zip; si
raccomanda di inserire nella distribuzione solo i file necessari e
specifici del contributo, non template o esempi. 0 → 100644
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%Annual Report 2018}}
\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/cover.pdf}
\subsubsection*{INFN-CNAF Annual Report 2018}
ISSN 2283-5490 (online)
Lucia Morganti\\
Federico Fornari\\
Alessandro Costantini\\
Luca dell'Agnello
\subsubsection*{Cover Design}
Francesca Cuicchio
Viale Berti Pichat, 6/2\\
I-40127 Bologna\\
Tel. +39 051 209 5475, Fax +39 051 209 5477\\
\cleardoublepage % force a right-side page
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Introducing the sixth annual report of CNAF...
\textit{Gaetano Maron}
\\\textit{CNAF Director}
% include a part entry in the toc
% \addtocontents{toc}{\string\begin{NoHyper}}
% \addtocontents{toc}{\string\end{NoHyper}}
% for each paper:
% * add a directive to include the paper in the toc
% (\phantomsection makes \addcontentsline work well with hyperref)
% * include the first page with a plain page style
% (=> no heading and footer)
% * set the left marker of the heading
% * include the rest of the paper with the fancy page style
% example usage: \ia{The Trigger and Data Acquisition system of the KM3NeT-Italy detector}{tridas}
\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{plain}}]{papers/#2}
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%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Scientific Exploitation of CNAF ICT Resources}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/esperiment.pdf}
%\ip{Scientific Exploitation of CNAF ICT Resources}
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Scientific Exploitation of CNAF ICT Resources}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Scientific Exploitation of CNAF ICT Resources}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/experiment.pdf}
%\ia{The User Support unit at CNAF}{user-support}
%\ia{ALICE computing at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{alice}
%\ia{AMS-02 data processing and analysis at CNAF}{ams}
%\ia{The ATLAS experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{atlas}
%\ia{The Borexino-SOX experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{borexino}
%\ia{The Cherenkov Telescope Array}{cta}
%\ia{The CMS experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{cms}
%\ia{CSES-Limadou at CNAF}{limadou}
%\ia{CUORE experiment}{cuore}
%\ia{CUPID-0 experiment}{cupid}
%\ia{DAMPE data processing and analysis at CNAF}{dampe}
%\ia{DarkSide-50 experiment at CNAF}{darkside}
%\ia{The EEE Project activity at CNAF}{eee}
%\ia{FAMU: optimizing the conditions to measure the HFS in the $\mu$p-p ground state}{famu}
%\ia{Fazia: running dynamical simulations for heavy ion collisions at Fermi energies}{fazia}
%\ia{The Fermi-LAT experiment}{glast}
%\ia{The GERDA experiment}{gerda}
%\ia{Juno experimenti at CNAF}{juno}
%\ia{The KM3NeT neutrino telescope network and CNAF}{km3net}
%\ia{LHCb Computing at CNAF}{lhcb}
%\ia{The LHCf experiment}{lhcf}
%\ia{The LSPE experiment at INFN CNAF}{lspe}
%\ia{The NA62 experiment at CERN}{na62}
%\ia{The PADME experiment at INFN CNAF}{padme}
%\ia{XENON computing activities}{xenon}
%\ia{Advanced Virgo computing at CNAF}{virgo}
% to keep together the next part title with its chapters in the toc
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{The Tier 1 and Data center}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/datacenter.pdf}
%\ia{The INFN Tier 1 data center}{tier1}
%\ia{The computing farm}{farming}
%\ia{Data management and storage systems}{storage}
%\ia{Evaluation of the ClusterStor G200 Storage System}{seagate}
%\ia{Activity of the INFN CNAF Long Term Data Preservation (LTDP) group}{ltpd}
%\ia{The INFN Tier 1: Network}{net}
%\ia{Cooling system upgrade and Power Usage Effectiveness improvement in the INFN CNAF Tier 1 infrastructure}{infra}
%\ia{National ICT Services Infrastructure and Services}{ssnn1}
%\ia{National ICT Services hardware and software infrastructures for Central Services}{ssnn2}
%\ia{The INFN Information System}{sysinfo}
%\ia{CNAF Provisioning system: On the way to Puppet 5}{cnprov}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Research and Developments}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/research.pdf}
%\ia{Continuous Integration and Delivery with Kubernetes}{mw-kube}
%\ia{Middleware support, maintenance and development}{mw-software}
%\ia{Evolving the INDIGO IAM service}{mw-iam}
%\ia{Esaco: an OAuth/OIDC token introspection service}{mw-esaco}
%\ia{StoRM Quality of Service and Data Lifecycle support through CDMI}{mw-cdmi-storm}
%\ia{A low-cost platform for space software development}{lowcostdev}
%\ia{Overview of Software Reliability literature}{srp}
%\ia{Summary of a tutorial on statistical methods}{st}
%\ia{Dynfarm: Transition to Production}{dynfarm}
%\ia{Official testing and increased compatibility for Dataclient}{dataclient}
%\ia{INDIGO-DataCloud: Overview, Results, Impact}{cloud_d}
%\ia{INDIGO-DataCloud: Software Lifecycle Management embracing DevOps philosophy}{cloud_a}
%\ia{EOSCpilot and interoperability aspects}{cloud_b}
%\ia{Cloud@CNAF - Enabling the INDIGO-DataCloud PaaS Orchestration Layer}{cloud_c}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Technology transfer and other projects}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/transfer.pdf}
%\ia{External projects and Technology transfer}{pett}
%\ia{The ISO 27001 Certification}{iso}
%\ia{COmputing on SoC Architectures: the COSA project at CNAF}{cosa}
%\ia{The ExaNeSt project - activities at CNAF}{exanest}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Additional information}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/additional.pdf}
\begin{tabular}{ l }
Gaetano Maron
\subsection*{Scientific Advisory Panel}
\begin{tabular}{ l l p{7cm} }
\textit{Chairperson} & Michael Ernst & \textit{\small Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA} \\
& Gian Paolo Carlino & \textit{\small INFN -- Sezione di Napoli, Italy} \\
& Patrick Fuhrmann & \textit{\small Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Germany} \\
& Josè Hernandez & \textit{\small Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, Spain} \\
& Donatella Lucchesi & \textit{\small Università di Padova, Italy} \\
& Vincenzo Vagnoni & \textit{\small INFN -- Sezione di Bologna, Italy} \\
& Pierre-Etienne Macchi & \textit{\small IN2P3/CNRS, France}
% open local environment where the format of section and subsection
% is modified
% see titlesec documentation
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%\titlespacing*{\section}{0pt}{3.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{2.3ex plus .2ex}
% NB use the * versions of section and subsection otherwise they end up in the toc
\section*{Data Center -- Tier 1}
\subsection*{L. dell'Agnello}
\begin{savenotes} % to manage correctly footnotes inside tabular
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.18\textwidth} p{0.18\textwidth} p{0.18\textwidth} p{0.18\textwidth} p{0.18\textwidth} }
\textbf{Farming} & \textbf{Storage} & \textbf{Networking} & \textbf{Infrastructure} & \textbf{User Support}
\\[.1cm]\underline{A. Chierici} & \underline{V. Sapunenko} & \underline{S. Zani} & \underline{M. Onofri} & \underline{D. Cesini}
\\S. Dal Pra & A. Cavalli & L. Chiarelli\footnote{GARR employee relocated at CNAF} & M. Donatelli & E. Corni
\\A. Falabella & D. Cesini & D. De Girolamo & A. Mazza & L. Lama
\\S. Virgilio & E. Fattibene & & & M. Tenti
\\ & L. Morganti & & & M. V.P. Soares\footnote{Started September}
\\ & A. Prosperini & & &
\\ & P. Ricci & & &
\\ & & & &
\section*{Software Development and Distributed Systems}
\subsection*{D. Salomoni}
\begin{savenotes} % to manage correctly footnotes inside tabular
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} }
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{Software Development}} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{Distributed Systems}}
\\[.1cm]\underline{F. Giacomini} & M. Caberletti & \underline{C. Duma} & V.Ciaschini
\\A. Ceccanti & E. Ronchieri & A. Costantini & D. Michelotto
\\M. Manzali\footnote{UniFE fellowship, partially funded by CNAF; until May} & N. Terranova\footnote{Started October} &M. Panella & S. Taneja\footnote{Until July}
\\E. Vianello & & &
\section*{External Projects and Technology Transfer}
\subsection*{M. C. Vistoli}
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} }
A. Ferraro
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} }
\\[.1cm]\underline{B. Martelli}
\section*{National ICT Services}
\subsection*{S. Longo}
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth}}
S. Antonelli & M. Pezzi & F. Rosso & G. Zizzi
\section*{Information System}
\subsection*{G. Guizzunti}
\begin{savenotes} % to manage correctly footnotes inside tabular
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} }
S. Bovina & M. Canaparo & E. Capannini & F. Capannini
\\C. Galli & & &
\section*{Director Office}
\subsection*{A. Marchesi\footnote{Until May}, E. Amadei}
\section*{Expenditure Centralization Office\protect\footnote{The office is under the INFN Director General.}}
\subsection*{M. Pischedda}
} % close local environment
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\begin{longtable}{ l p{12cm} }
% Jan. $9^{th}$ & Riccardo Veraldi \\
%& \textbf{Lustre architecture for LCLS@SLAC} \\[.4cm] % leave .4cm of vertical space
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