OLSS demo application
Manual build instructions
The build requires Java 11 sdk installed on your machine. To build, issue the following command:
$ ./mvnw package
Manual docker build instructions
A docker image for the app can be built using the following commands:
$ ./mvnw package
$ docker build --file docker/Dockerfile -t olss-demo-app .
Github actions build
See here.
Gitlab CI build
See here.
Demo app APIs
The OLSS provides a simple REST api described in this section.
Actuator API
GET /actuator/info
Returns information about the app (version, git commit id)
GET /actuator/health
Returns health status information
Hello API
GET /api/hello
Retutns a gentle hello from the API
Application state API
POST /api/application-state/refuse-traffic
Configures application so that traffic is refused, i.e. the readiness probe fails.
POST /api/application-state/accept-traffic
Configures application so that traffic is accepted, i.e. the readiness probe succeeds.
POST /api/application-state/break
Configures application so that liveness probe fails, i.e. the application is considered broken.
Memory Hog API
POST /api/memory/grow
Allocates a 10M heap chunk and returns the memory used by the memory hog.
POST /api/memory/clear
Clears the memory chunks and returns the memory used by the memory hog.