@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Neutrino-less Double Beta Decay (0$\nu$DBD) is a hypothesized nuclear transition
Among the several experimental approaches proposed for the search of 0$\nu$DBD, cryogenic calorimeters (bolometers) stand out for the possibility of achieving excellent energy resolution ($\sim$0.1\%), efficiency ($\ge$80\%) and intrinsic radio-purity. Moreover, the crystals that are operated as bolometers can be grown starting from most of the 0$\nu$DBD emitters, enabling the test of different nuclei.
The state of the art of the bolometric technique is represented by CUORE, an experiment composed by 988 bolometers for a total mass of 741 kg, presently in detector commissioning phase at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso.
The ultimate limit of the CUORE background suppression resides in the presence of $\alpha$-decaying isotopes located in the detector structure.
The CUPID-0 project \cite{Beeman:2016aec} was born to overcome the actual limits. The main breakthrough of CUPID-0 is the addition of independent devices to measure the light signals emitted from scintillation in ZnSe bolometers. The different properties of the light emission of electrons and $\alpha$ particles will enable event-by-event rejection of $\alpha$ interactions, suppressing the overall background in the region of interest for 0$\nu$DBD of at least one order of magnitude.
The CUPID-0 project \cite{Azzolini:2018dyb,Azzolini:2018tum} was born to overcome the actual limits. The main breakthrough of CUPID-0 is the addition of independent devices to measure the light signals emitted from scintillation in ZnSe bolometers. The different properties of the light emission of electrons and $\alpha$ particles will enable event-by-event rejection of $\alpha$ interactions, suppressing the overall background in the region of interest for 0$\nu$DBD of at least one order of magnitude.
The detector is composed by 26 ZnSe ultrapure $\sim$ 500g bolometers, enriched at 95\% in $^{82}$Se, the 0$\nu$DBD emitter, and faced to Ge disks light detector operated as bolometers.
CUPID-0 is hosted in a dilution refrigerator at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso and started the data taking in March 2017.
@@ -48,8 +48,5 @@ The main instance of the database was located at CNAF and the full analysis fram
%During 2017 a more intense usage of the CNAF resources is expected, both in terms of computing resourced and storage space.