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L'Annual Report 2017 del CNAF contiene la descrizione delle attività
del Centro nell'anno 2017, sotto forma di brevi articoli raccolti in
un unico documento.
Questa repository ha lo scopo di supportare la preparazione del
report, mantenendo sia i singoli articoli che la struttura generale
del documento.
Gli articoli devono essere scritti in inglese seguendo il template definito
dall'Institute of Physics (IOP) per le Conference Series. I template e le
istruzioni per gli autori sono disponibili all'indirizzo
<>. Le linee guida e i
template sono anche disponibili nella cartella `instructions`.
I template sono disponibili sia per LaTeX che per Microsoft Word, ma è
fortemente raccomandato che i contributi siano scritti in
LaTeX. Questo permette una maggiore qualità del prodotto finale e una
maggiore automazione nella produzione del report. Il comitato
editoriale, quest'anno composto da Lucia Morganti, Luca dell'Agnello
ed Elisabetta Ronchieri, è a disposizione per fornire chiarimenti
e supporto in caso di necessità.
Il documento finale verrà ottenuto integrando direttamente i
contributi in formato pdf, che devono quindi essere
"camera-ready". Tuttavia è preferibile caricare nella repository anche
i sorgenti, inviandoli agli editor. Se il sorgente è fatto di più
file, questi devono essere contenuti in un tarball o in uno zip; si
raccomanda di inserire nella distribuzione solo i file necessari e
specifici del contributo, non template o esempi. 0 → 100755
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%Annual Report 2016}}
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\subsubsection*{INFN-CNAF Annual Report 2017}
ISSN 2283-5490 (online)
Luca dell'Agnello\\
Lucia Morganti\\
Elisabetta Ronchieri
\subsubsection*{Cover Design}
Francesca Cuicchio
Viale Berti Pichat, 6/2\\
I-40127 Bologna\\
Tel. +39 051 209 5475, Fax +39 051 209 5477\\
\cleardoublepage % force a right-side page
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Initial blablabla
\textit{Gaetano Maron}
\\\textit{CNAF Director}
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% example usage: \ia{The Trigger and Data Acquisition system of the KM3NeT-Italy detector}{tridas}
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%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Scientific Exploitation of CNAF ICT Resources}
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%\ip{Scientific Exploitation of CNAF ICT Resources}
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Scientific Exploitation of CNAF ICT Resources}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Scientific Exploitation of CNAF ICT Resources}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/experiment.pdf}
%\ia{The User Support unit at CNAF}{user_support}
%\ia{ALICE computing at the INFN CNAF Tier1}{alice}
%\ia{AMS-02 data processing and analysis at CNAF}{ams}
%\ia{ATLAS activities}{atlas}
%\ia{Pierre Auger Observatory Data Simulation and Analysis at CNAF}{auger}
%\ia{The Borexino experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier1}{borexino}
%\ia{The Cherenkov Telescope Array}{cta}
\ia{The CMS experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier1}{cms}
%\ia{CUORE experiment}{cuore}
%\ia{CUPID-0 experiment}{cupid}
%\ia{DAMPE data processing and analysis at CNAF}{dampe}
%\ia{DarkSide-50 experiment at CNAF}{darkside}
%\ia{The EEE Project activity at CNAF}{eee}
%\ia{ENUBET at CNAF}{enubet}
%\ia{FAMU: studies of the muon transfer process in a mixture of hydrogen and higher Z gas}{famu}
%\ia{The Gerda experiment}{gerda}
%\ia{The Fermi-LAT experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{glast}
%\ia{Juno experimenti at CNAF}{juno}
%\ia{The KM3NeT neutrino telescope network and CNAF}{km3}
%\ia{LHCb computing at CNAF}{lhcb}
%\ia{The LHCf experiment}{lhcf}
%\ia{The NA62 experiment at CERN}{na62}
\ia{The PADME experiment at INFN CNAF}{padme}
%\ia{The PAMELA experiment}{pamela}
%\ia{XENON activities at CNAF}{xenon}
%\ia{Advanced Virgo computing at CNAF}{virgo}
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\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{The Tier1 and Data center}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/datacenter.pdf}
%\ia{The INFN Tier-1}{tier1}
%\ia{The INFN-Tier1: the computing farm}{farming}
%\ia{Protecting the batch cluster from short job flooding}{fshareadjust}
%\ia{Data management and storage system}{storage}
%\ia{CNAF backup system}{backup}
%\ia{Dataclient: a simple interface to an X.509-based data service}{dataclient}
%\ia{The INFN Tier-1: Network}{rete}
%\ia{The INFN Tier-1 towards LHC Run 3}{run3}
%\ia{Helix Nebula Science Cloud Pre-Commercial Procurement}{helix}
%\ia{The INFN Tier-1: the Facility Management group}{infra}
%\ia{Tier-1 chiller upgrade plan}{chiller}
%\ia{National ICT Services Virtualization Infrastructure}{ssnn}
%\ia{The INFN Information System}{sysinfo}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Research and Developments}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/research.pdf}
%\ia{Cloud@CNAF - maintenance and operation}{cloud_cnaf}
%\ia{Software metrics thresholds: a mapping study}{sq}
%\ia{Continuous assessment of software characteristics: a step forward}{uq}
%\ia{The INDIGO Identity and Access Management service}{indigo-iam}
%\ia{Partition Director}{dynpart}
%\ia{Middleware support, maintenance and development}{mwsoftware}
%\ia{Building an elastic CI/CD infrastructure with OpenStack and Kubernetes}{mwinfrastructure}
%\ia{Development and tests of the Large Scale Event Builder for the LHCb upgrade}{lseb}
%\ia{Development and tests of TriDAS for the KM3NeT-Italy neutrino telescope}{tridas}
%\ia{A VOMS module for the NGINX web server}{nginx_voms}
%\ia{A web application to analyse XRF scanning data}{xrf}
%\ia{CNAF Monitoring system: evolution}{cnmon}
%\ia{Developing software in a conservative environment}{euclid}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Technological transfer and other projects}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/transfer.pdf}
%\ia{External projects and Technology transfer}{pett}
%\ia{Computing On SoC Architectures: the INFN COSA project}{cosa}
%\ia{Open City Platform project: advances in Cloud Environment Automation and beyond}{ocp}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Additional information}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/additional.pdf}
\begin{tabular}{ l }
Gaetano Maron
\subsection*{Scientific Advisory Panel}
\begin{tabular}{ l l p{7cm} }
\textit{Chairperson} & Michael Ernst & \textit{\small Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA} \\
& Gian Paolo Carlino & \textit{\small INFN -- Sezione di Napoli, Italy} \\
& Patrick Fuhrmann & \textit{\small Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Germany} \\
& Josè Hernandez & \textit{\small Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, Spain} \\
& Donatella Lucchesi & \textit{\small Università di Padova, Italy} \\
& Vincenzo Vagnoni & \textit{\small INFN -- Sezione di Bologna, Italy} \\
& Pierre-Etienne Macchi & \textit{\small IN2P3/CNRS, France}
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\section*{Data Center -- Tier1}
\subsection*{L. dell'Agnello}
\begin{savenotes} % to manage correctly footnotes inside tabular
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.18\textwidth} p{0.18\textwidth} p{0.18\textwidth} p{0.18\textwidth} p{0.18\textwidth} }
\textbf{Farming} & \textbf{Storage} & \textbf{Networking} & \textbf{Infrastructure} & \textbf{User Support}
\\[.1cm]\underline{A. Chierici} & \underline{V. Sapunenko} & \underline{S. Zani} & \underline{M. Onofri} & \underline{D. Cesini}
\\S. Dal Pra & A. Cavalli & L. Chiarelli\footnote{GARR employee relocated at CNAF} & M. Donatelli & E. Corni
\\A. Falabella & D. Cesini & D. De Girolamo & A. Mazza & L. Lama
\\S. Virgilio & E. Fattibene & F. Rosso & & M. Tenti
\\ & L. Morganti & & & M. V.P. Soares\footnote{Started September}
\\ & A. Prosperini & & &
\\ & P. Ricci & & &
\\ & & & &
\section*{Software Development and Distributed Systems}
\subsection*{D. Salomoni}
\begin{savenotes} % to manage correctly footnotes inside tabular
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} }
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{Software Development}} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{Distributed Systems}}
\\[.1cm]\underline{F. Giacomini} & M. Caberletti & \underline{C. Aiftimiei} & R. Bucchi
\\A. Ceccanti & E. Ronchieri & V. Ciaschini & A. Costantini
\\M. Manzali\footnote{UniFE fellowship, partially funded by CNAF; until May} & N. Terranova\footnote{Started October} &D. Michelotto & M. Panella
\\E. Vianello & & S. Taneja\footnote{Until July} &
\section*{External Projects and Technology Transfer}
\subsection*{M. C. Vistoli}
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} }
A. Ferraro
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} }
\\[.1cm]\underline{B. Martelli}
\section*{National ICT Services}
\subsection*{S. Longo}
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth}}
S. Antonelli & M. Pezzi & F. Rosso & G. Zizzi
\section*{Information System}
\subsection*{G. Guizzunti}
\begin{savenotes} % to manage correctly footnotes inside tabular
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} }
S. Bovina & M. Canaparo & E. Capannini & F. Capannini
\\C. Galli & & &
\section*{Director Office}
\subsection*{A. Marchesi\footnote{Until May}, E. Amadei}
\section*{Expenditure Centralization Office\protect\footnote{The office is under the INFN Director General.}}
\subsection*{M. Pischedda}
} % close local environment
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\begin{longtable}{ l p{12cm} }
Jan. $9^{th}$ & Riccardo Veraldi \\
& \textbf{Lustre architecture for LCLS@SLAC} \\[.4cm] % leave .4cm of vertical space
Feb. $22^{nd}-23^{rd}$ & Elisabetta Ronchieri \\
& \textbf{Corso base di R e RStudio} \\[.4cm] % leave .4cm of vertical space
May $31^{st}$ & Laura Cappelli \\
& \textbf{Un'applicazione Web per la fruizione di dati di analisi XRF a scansione} \\[.4cm] % leave .4cm of vertical space
Jul. $7^{th}$ & Nicola Gigante, Matteo Cicuttin \\
& \textbf{The skeleton of Modern C++} \\[.4cm] % leave .4cm of vertical space
Sep. $14^{th}$ & Alexandra Jimborean \\
& \textbf{Decoupled Access-Execute: Pioneering Compilation for Energy Efficiency} \\[.4cm] % leave .4cm of vertical space
Sep. $14^{th}$ & Filippo Mantovani \\
& \textbf{Multi-node advanced performance and power analysis with Paraver} \\[.4cm] % leave .4cm of vertical space
Sep. $22{nd}$ & Massimo Sgaravatto \\
& \textbf{Cloud Area Padovana: implementation and operations of a distributed Infrastracture-as-a-Service} \\[.4cm] % leave .4cm of vertical space
Oct. $24{th}$ & Felice Pantaleo \\
& \textbf{Heterogeneous Computing at the CMS High-Level Trigger in the 2020s} \\[.4cm] % leave .4cm of vertical space
Oct. $27{th}$ & Vincenzo Innocente \\
& \textbf{The multi-threaded CMS software framework: strategy and performance on HPC platforms} \\[.4cm] % leave .4cm of vertical space
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\title{The CMS Experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier1}
\author{Giuseppe Bagliesi}
\address{INFN Sezione di Pisa, L.go B.Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy}
A brief description of the CMS Computing operations during LHC RunII and their recent developments is given. The CMS utilization at Tier-1 CNAF is described
The CMS Experiment \cite{CMS-descr} at CERN collects and analyses data from the pp collisions in the LHC Collider.
The first physics Run, at centre of mass energy of 7-8 TeV, started in late March 2010, and ended in February 2013; more than 25~fb$^{-1}$ of collisions were collected during the Run. RunII, at 13 TeV, is currently ongoing: it started in 2015, and is expected to continue up to the end of 2018.
During the first two years of RunII, LHC has been able to largely exceed its design parameters: already in 2016 instantaneous luminosity reached $1.5\times 10^{34}\mathrm{cm^{-2}s^{-1}}$, 50\% more than the planned “high luminosity” LHC phase. The most astonishing achievement, still, is a huge improvement on the fraction of time LHC can serve physics collision, increased form ~35\% of RunI to more than 80\% in some months on 2016.
The most visible effect, computing wise, is a large increase of data to be stored, processed and analysed offline, with 2016 allowing for the collection of more than 40 fb$^{-1}$ of physics data.
2017 was another excellent year for LHC operations and luminosity delivered to the experiments. CMS recorded more than 46 fb$^{-1}$ of pp collisions during 2017, in addition to the data collected during 2016. These data were collected under considerably higher than expected pileup conditions forcing CMS to request a lumi-levelling to PU~55 for the first hours of the LHC fill; this has challenged both the computing system and CMS analysts with more complex events to process with respect to the modelling. From the computing operations side, higher pileup meant larger events and more time to process events than anticipated in the 2017 planning. As these data taking conditions affected only the second part of the year, the average 2017 pileup was in line with that used during the CMS resource planning.
For 2018, CMS anticipates lower average pileup conditions than those seen at the end of 2017, but still higher pileup than used to in the CMS resource plan.
\section{Run II computing operations}
During Run~II, the computing 2004 model designed for Run~I has greatly evolved. The MONARC Hierarchical division of sites in Tier0, Tier-1s and Tier-2s, is still present, but less relevant during operations. All simulation, analysis and processing workflows can now be executed at virtually any site, with a full transfer mesh allowing for point-to-point data movement, outside the rigid hierarchy.
Remote access to data, using WAN-aware protocols like XrootD and data federations, are used more and more instead of planned data movement, allowing for an easier exploitation of CPU resources.
Opportunistic computing is becoming a key component, with CMS having explored access to HPC systems, Commercial Clouds, and with the capability of running its workflows on virtually any (sizeable) resource we have access to.
In 2018 CMS plans to deploy singularity \cite{singu} to all sites supporting the CMS VO. Singularity is a container solution which allows CMS to select the OS on a per job basis and decouples the OS of worker nodes from that required by experiments. Sites can setup worker nodes with a Singularity supported OS and CMS will choose the appropriate OS image for each job.
Developments to increase CMS throughput and disk usage efficiently continue. Of particular interest is the development of the “NanoAOD” data tier as a new alternative for analysis users. The NanoAOD size per event is approximately 20 times smaller than the MiniAOD data tier and relies on only simple data types rather than the hierarchical data format structure in the CMS MiniAOD (and AOD) data tier. The NanoAOD is currently in the process of a technical validation in the computing project, and physics validation by CMS analysts. It will be included in the CMS resource planning once it starts to be adopted in CMS analyses. If successfully deployed, the NanoAOD has the potential to reduce both analysis CPU and disk resources needs.
\section{CMS WLCG Resources and expected increase}
CMS Computing model has been used to request resources for 2017 RunII data taking, with total requests (Tier-0 + Tier-1s + Tier-2s) exceeding 1870 kHS06, 149 PB on disk, and 245 PB on tape.
However the actual pledged resources have been substantially lower than the requests (1700 kHS06, 122 PB on disk, and 200 PB on tape), due to budget restrictions from the funding agencies. To reduce the impact of this issue, CMS was able to achieve and deploy several technological advancements, including reducing the needed amount of AOD(SIM) on disk and to reduce the amount of simulated raw events on tape. In addition, some computing resource providers were able to provide more than their pledged level of resources to CMS during 2017.
Thanks to the optimizations and technological improvements described before it has been possible to tune accordingly the computing model of CMS. Year-by-year increases, which would have been large in presence of the reference computing model, have been reduced substantially.
Historically Italy contributed to CMS computing with 12\% of the Tier-1 and Tier-2 resources. The CNAF pledges for 2017 are 66 kHS06 of CPU, 5880 TB of disk, and 21 PB for tape.
In 2018 the CMS CNAF pledges will be 72 KHS06 of CPU, 7200 TB of disk, 24.44 PB of tape, which is still a sizeable increase with respect to 2017.
CMS usage of CNAF is very intense and it represents consistently the second Tier-1 in CMS as number of processed hours, after the US Tier-1; the same holds for total number of processed jobs, as shown in Fig.~\ref{cms-jobs}.
\caption{\label{cms-jobs}Jobs processed at CMS Tier1s + Tier0 during 2017}
\section{The CNAF flood incident}
On November 9th a major incident happened when the CNAF computer center was flooded.
This caused an interruption of all CNAF services and the damage of many disk arrays and servers, as well as of the tape library. About 40 damaged tapes (out of a total of 150) belonged to CMS. They contained unique copy of MC and RECO data. Six tapes contained a 2nd custodial copy of RAW data.
A special recovery procedure was adopted by CNAF team through a specialized company and no permanent data loss is expected at the time of writing.
The impact of this incident for CMS, although serious, was mitigated thanks to the intrinsic redundancy of our distributed computing model. Other Tier1 are increasing temporary their share to compensate the CPU loss, and they are trying to deploy 2018 pledges as soon as possible.
A full recovery of CMS services from the incident is expected by the end of February 2018.
It is important to point out that before the incident the site readiness of CNAF in 2017 was very good and at the same level of the other CMS Tier1s, see Fig.~\ref{tier1-cms-sr}.
\caption{\label{tier1-cms-sr}Site readiness of CMS Tier1s in 2017 (excluding the last part of 2017, when CNAF was offline due to the flood incident)}
CNAF has always been an important asset for the CMS Collaboration, being the second Tier1 in terms of resource utilization, pledges and availability.
The unfortunate incident of the end of 2017 has been managed professionally and efficiently by the CNAF staff, guaranteeing the fastest possible recovery with minimal data losses. The CMS collaboration looks forward to a complete recovery and an even greater role of CNAF inside the CMS Computing in the forthcoming years.
\bibitem{CMS-descr}CMS Collaboration, The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC, JINST 3 (2008) S08004,
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