@@ -52,7 +52,10 @@ The analysis software is organized in sequences.
Each sequence consists of a collection of modules that scan the events in the Root files sequentially, evaluate some relevant quantities and store them back in the events.
The analysis flow consists of several key steps that can be summarized in pulse amplitude estimation, detector gain correction, energy calibration and search for events in coincidence among multiple bolometers.
The new tools developed for CUPID-0 to handle the light signals are introduced in \cite{Azzolini:2018yye,Beretta:2019bmm}.
The main instance of the database was located at CNAF and the full analysis framework was used to analyze data until November 2017. A web page for offline reconstruction monitoring was maintained.
The main instance of the database was located at CNAF
and the full analysis framework was used to analyze data until November 2017. A web page for offline reconstruction monitoring was maintained.
Then, since the flooding at INFN Tier 1, we have been using the database of our DAQ servers at LNGS.
%During 2017 a more intense usage of the CNAF resources is expected, both in terms of computing resourced and storage space.