\caption{ALICE traffic per week and total traffic on the CNAF tape during 2018.}
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ As a result of flooding, the CNAF computing centre stopped operation on November
Since March running at CNAF has been remarkably stable: for example, both the disk and tape storage availabilities have been better than 98\%, ranking CNAF in the top 5 most reliable sites for ALICE. The computing resources provided for ALICE at the CNAF Tier1 centre were fully used along the year, matching and often exceeding the pledged amounts due to access to resources unused by other collaborations. Overall, about 64\% of the ALICE computing activity was Monte Carlo simulation, 14\% raw data processing (which takes place at the Tier0 and Tier1 centres only) and 22\% analysis activities: Fig.~\ref{fig:runjobsusers} illustrates the share among the different activities in the ALICE running job profile along the last 12 months.\\
\caption{Share among the different ALICE activities in the 2018 running jobs profile.}
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Since April 2018, CNAF deployed the pledged resources corresponding to about 52
The INFN Tier1 has provided about 4,9\% since March 2018 and about 4.20\% along all year of the total CPU hours used by ALICE, ranking second of the ALICE Tier1 sites despite the flooding incident, as shown in Fig. \ref{fig:walltimesharet1}. The cumulated fraction of CPU hours along the whole year for CNAF is about 21\% of the all ALICE Tier1 sites, following only FZK in Karlsruhe (24\%).
\caption{Ranking of CNAF among ALICE Tier1 centres in 2018.}
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ This amounts to about 44\% of the total Wall Time of the INFN contribution: it s
Since mid-November a new job submission queue has been made available to ALICE and used to successfully test the job queueing mechanism, the scheduling policy, the priority scheme, the resource monitoring and the resource management with HTCondor at CNAF.
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Since mid-November a new job submission queue has been made available to ALICE a
At the end of the last year ALICE was keeping on disk at CNAF more than 4.1 PiB of data in nearly 118 million files, plus more than 10 PiB of raw data on custodial tape storage; the reliability of the storage infrastructure is commendable, even taking into account the extra layer of complexity introduced by the xrootd interfaces. The excellent FS performances allow to analyse data from SE with an average throughput of about 1.6 GB/s and a peak throughput of about 3.0 GB/s, as shown in Fig.\ref{fig:nettrafse}.