\title{EOSC-hub: contributions to project achievements}
\author{C. Duma$^1$, A. Costantini$^1$, D. Michelotto$^1$,
\author{C. Duma$^1$, A. Costantini$^1$, D. Michelotto$^1$,
L. Dell'Agnello$^1$, A. Ceccanti$^1$, L. Morganti$^1$, E. Vianello $^1$,
L. Dell'Agnello$^1$, A. Ceccanti$^1$, L. Morganti$^1$, E. Vianello $^1$,
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This paper describes the achievements of the H2020 project INDIGO-DataCloud in the field of software lifecycle management, the Continuous Integration and Delivery systems setup to manage the new releases, as a first step towards the implementation of a DevOps approach.
EOSC-hub is the H2020 EINFRA12 project proposal submitted by a consortium of
74 partners under the coordination of EGI, EUDAT and INDIGO-DataCloud.
It brings together multiple service providers to create {\bf the Hub}: a single
contact point for European researchers and innovators to discover, access, use
and reuse a broad spectrum of resources for advanced data-driven research.
After a short description of the projects objectives and of its workpackages,
we present the various aspects of the CNAF contributions to the achievement of
this objectves.
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\section{First section}
\section{First section}
The software development lifecycle (SDL) process (Figure~\ref{fig:1}) in INDIGO has been supported by a continuous
software improvement process that regarded the software quality assurance, software maintenance,
including release management, support services, and the management of pilot infrastructures
needed for software integration and acceptance testing.