Francesco Giacomini authored
Note how the response is not hardcoded, but is computed from the used certificate.
Francesco Giacomini authoredNote how the response is not hardcoded, but is computed from the used certificate.
eec_cert1.t 1.69 KiB
use Test::Nginx::Socket 'no_plan';
=== TEST 1: RFC proxy certificate, no AC
--- main_config
env X509_VOMS_DIR=t/vomsdir;
env X509_CERT_DIR=t/trust-anchors;
load_module /etc/nginx/modules/ngx_http_voms_module.so;
--- http_config
client_body_temp_path /tmp/client_temp;
proxy_temp_path /tmp/proxy_temp_path;
fastcgi_temp_path /tmp/fastcgi_temp;
uwsgi_temp_path /tmp/uwsgi_temp;
scgi_temp_path /tmp/scgi_temp;
server {
error_log logs/error.log debug;
listen 8443 ssl;
ssl_certificate ../../certs/star_test_example.cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key ../../certs/star_test_example.key.pem;
ssl_client_certificate ../../trust-anchors/igi_test_ca.pem;
ssl_verify_depth 10;
ssl_verify_client on;
location = / {
default_type text/plain;
return 200 "$ssl_client_ee_s_dn\n$ssl_client_ee_i_dn\n$ssl_client_s_dn\n$ssl_client_i_dn\n";
--- config
location = / {
error_log logs/error-proxy.log debug;
proxy_pass https://localhost:8443/;
proxy_ssl_certificate ../../certs/0.cert.pem;
proxy_ssl_certificate_key ../../certs/0.key.pem;
--- request
--- response_body eval
my $ee_s = `openssl x509 -in t/certs/test0.cert.pem -noout -subject -nameopt RFC2253` =~ s/^subject=//r;
my $ee_i = `openssl x509 -in t/certs/test0.cert.pem -noout -issuer -nameopt RFC2253` =~ s/^issuer=//r;
my $pr_s = `openssl x509 -in t/certs/0.cert.pem -noout -subject -nameopt RFC2253` =~ s/^subject=//r;
my $pr_i = `openssl x509 -in t/certs/0.cert.pem -noout -issuer -nameopt RFC2253` =~ s/^issuer=//r;
--- error_code: 200