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Commit 43ca9e0f authored by Matteo Tenti's avatar Matteo Tenti
Browse files

fixed two bugs in reconstruction. 1) return value of fitting procedeure gave...

fixed two bugs in reconstruction. 1) return value of fitting procedeure gave random number; 2) nan value for track parameter avoided thanks to right treatment.
parent d8c49e79
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ROOTGLIBS = $(shell root-config --glibs)
ROOTINCDIR = $(shell root-config --incdir)
EDEPSIM = /wd/sw/EDEPSIM/edep-sim.binary
EDEPGLIBS = -L$(EDEPSIM)/lib/ -ledepsim_io
all: check
g++ $^ -pthread -std=c++11 -m64 -I${ROOTINCDIR} ${ROOTGLIBS} -lEG -lGeom -lEve -I../include ${EDEPGLIBS} -L../lib -lStruct -o $@
#include <TEveManager.h>
#include <TApplication.h>
#include <TGeoManager.h>
#include <TVector3.h>
#include <TRandom3.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TDatabasePDG.h>
#include <TMath.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include "struct.h"
void dump_dg(digit* dg)
std::cout << std::setw(15) << "x" << std::setw(15) << "y" << std::setw(15) << "z" << std::setw(15) << "t" << std::setw(15) << "de" << std::setw(15) << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(15) << dg->x << std::setw(15) << dg->y << std::setw(15) << dg->z << std::setw(15) << dg->t << std::setw(15) << dg->de << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(15) << "hor" << std::setw(15) << "n_hits" << std::setw(65) << "det" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(15) << dg->hor << std::setw(15) << dg->hindex.size() << std::setw(65) << dg-> << std::endl<< std::endl;
void dump_tr(track* tr)
std::cout << "****** track parameter *******" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(15) << "tid" << std::setw(15) << "yC" << std::setw(15) << "zC" << std::setw(15) << "r" << std::setw(15) << "a" << std::setw(15) << "b" << std::setw(15) << "h" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(15) << tr->tid << std::setw(15) << tr->yc << std::setw(15) << tr->zc << std::setw(15) << tr->r << std::setw(15) << tr->a << std::setw(15) << tr->b << std::setw(15) << tr->h << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(15) << "x0" << std::setw(15) << "y0" << std::setw(15) << "z0" << std::setw(15) << "t0" << std::setw(15) << "n_digits" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(15) << tr->x0 << std::setw(15) << tr->y0 << std::setw(15) << tr->z0 << std::setw(15) << tr->t0 << std::setw(15) << tr->digits.size() << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(15) << "ret_ln" << std::setw(15) << "chi2_ln" << std::setw(15) << "ret_cr" << std::setw(15) << "chi2_cr" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setw(15) << tr->ret_ln << std::setw(15) << tr->chi2_ln << std::setw(15) << tr->ret_cr << std::setw(15) << tr->chi2_cr << std::endl;
std::cout << "*************************" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tr->digits.size(); i++)
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int count = 0;
TFile f("tmp.root");
TTree* tev = (TTree*) f.Get("tEvent");
event* evt = new event;
TDatabasePDG pdgdb;
const int nev = tev->GetEntries();
for(int i = 0; i < nev; i++)
for(int k = 0; k < evt->particles.size(); k++)
if(evt->particles[k].primary == 1 && evt->particles[k].pdg == 13)
if(evt->particles[k].tr.ret_ln > 3 || evt->particles[k].tr.ret_cr > 3 || evt->particles[k].tr.ret_ln < -3 || evt->particles[k].tr.ret_cr < -2 || (evt->particles[k].tr.ret_ln == -1 && evt->particles[k].tr.ret_cr == -1))
std::cout << "entry: " << i << "\tret_ln or ret_cr error -> " << evt->particles[k].tr.ret_ln << " " << evt->particles[k].tr.ret_cr << std::endl;
if(evt->particles[k].has_track == true && evt->particles[k].tr.ret_ln == 0 && evt->particles[k].tr.ret_cr == 0)
// problematic events. Check why
if(evt->particles[k].tr.digits.size() == 0)
std::cout << "entry: " << i << "\tdigit vector has zero size" << std::endl;
else if(isnan(evt->particles[k].tr.x0))
std::cout << "entry: " << i << "\tx0 is nan -> x0 = " << evt->particles[k].tr.x0 << std::endl;
else if(evt->particles[k].tr.t0 < 1.)
std::cout << "entry: " << i << "\tt0 is less then 1 ns -> t0 = " << evt->particles[k].tr.t0 << std::endl;
std::cout << "Total: " << count << " errors" << std::endl;
void rootlogon()
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ TCut isP = "particles.pdg==2212";
TCut isN = "particles.pdg==2112";
TCut isGamma = "particles.pdg==22";
TCut isPrimary = "particles.primary==1";
TCut isGoodTrack = ">=3";
TCut isGoodTrack = "";
double p_loc[] = {0, 0, 0};
double p_mst[] = {0, 0, 0};
......@@ -14,6 +14,25 @@
const double m_to_mm = 1000.;
void reset(track& tr)
tr.tid = -1;
tr.yc = 0.;
tr.zc = 0.;
tr.r = 0.;
tr.a = 0.;
tr.b = 0.;
tr.h = 0.;
tr.x0 = 0.;
tr.y0 = 0.;
tr.z0 = 0.;
tr.t0 = 0.;
tr.ret_ln = -1;
tr.chi2_ln = 0.;
tr.ret_cr = -1;
tr.chi2_cr = 0.;
double mindist(double s1x, double s1y, double s1z,
double s2x, double s2y, double s2z,
double px, double py, double pz)
......@@ -104,9 +123,6 @@ int fitCircle(int n, const std::vector<double>& x, const std::vector<double>& y,
if(x.size() != y.size())
return 1;
if(n < 3)
return 2;
double sumx = 0, sumy = 0; // linear terms
double sumx2 = 0, sumy2 = 0, sumxy = 0; // quadratic terms
double sumxy2 = 0, sumx2y = 0, sumx3 = 0, sumy3 = 0; // cubic terms
......@@ -127,7 +143,7 @@ int fitCircle(int n, const std::vector<double>& x, const std::vector<double>& y,
double e = 0.5*(n*sumx2y - sumy*sumx2 + n*sumy3 - sumy*sumy2);
if(a*c - b*b == 0.)
return 3;
return 2;
xc = (d*c - b*e) / (a*c - b*b);
yc = (a*e - b*d) / (a*c - b*b);
......@@ -183,38 +199,46 @@ int fitLinear(int n, const std::vector<double>& x, const std::vector<double>& y,
if(x.size() != y.size())
return 1;
if(n < 2)
return 2;
cov[0][0] = -999;;
cov[0][1] = -999;
cov[1][0] = -999;
cov[1][1] = -999;
double S1 = 0;
double SX = 0;
double SY = 0;
double SYX = 0;
double SXX = 0;
double S1 = 0.;
double SX = 0.;
double SY = 0.;
double SYX = 0.;
double SXX = 0.;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
//std::cout << "XY: " << << " " << << std::endl;
//if(isnan( || isnan(
// std::cout << << " " << << std::endl;
S1 += 1;
S1 += 1.;
SX +=;
SY +=;
SYX +=*;
SXX +=*;
double D = S1*SXX - SX*SX;
if(D == 0.)
return 2;
//std::cout << "D: " << D << " " << S1 << " " << SX << " " << SY << " " << SXX << " " << SYX << std::endl;
a = (SY*SXX - SX*SYX)/D; // i.p. at x = 0
b = (S1*SYX - SX*SY)/D; // tg(theta)
//if(isnan(a) || isnan(b))
// std::cout << a << " " << b << " " << SY << " " << SXX << " " << SX << " " << SYX << " " << S1 << " " << D << std::endl;
//std::cout << a << " " << b << std::endl;
cov[0][0] = SXX/D;
......@@ -253,6 +277,8 @@ void TrackFind(TG4Event* ev, std::vector<digit>* vec_digi, std::vector<track>& v
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < ev->Trajectories.size(); j++)
track tr;
tr.tid = ev->;
......@@ -323,28 +349,50 @@ void TrackFit(std::vector<track>& vec_tr)
//std::cout << n_h << " " << n_v << std::endl;
if(n_v <= 2 || n_h <= 2)
if(n_h <= 2)
vec_tr[j].ret_cr = -2;
n_v = 2;
int ret1 = fitCircle(n_h, z_h, y_h, vec_tr[j].zc, vec_tr[j].yc, vec_tr[j].r, errr, chi2_cir);
while((n_v < int(z_v.size())) && (z_v[n_v-1]-z_v[n_v-2])*(z_v[1]-z_v[0]) > 0.)
vec_tr[j].ret_cr = ret1;
vec_tr[j].chi2_cr = chi2_cir;
int ret1 = fitCircle(n_h, z_h, y_h, vec_tr[j].zc, vec_tr[j].yc, vec_tr[j].r, errr, chi2_cir);
if(vec_tr[j].ret_cr != 0)
if( (z_h[1] - z_h[0]) * (vec_tr[j].yc - y_h[0]) > 0 )
vec_tr[j].h = -1;
vec_tr[j].h = 1;
if(n_v <= 2)
vec_tr[j].ret_ln = -2;
n_v = 2;
while((n_v < int(z_v.size())) && (z_v[n_v-1]-z_v[n_v-2])*(z_v[1]-z_v[0]) > 0.)
int n_v_fit = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < n_v; k++)
if(vec_tr[j].r > z_v[k] - vec_tr[j].zc)
y_v.push_back(vec_tr[j].yc + vec_tr[j].h * sqrt(vec_tr[j].r*vec_tr[j].r - (z_v[k] - vec_tr[j].zc)*(z_v[k] - vec_tr[j].zc)));
double dz2 = vec_tr[j].r*vec_tr[j].r - (z_v[k] - vec_tr[j].zc)*(z_v[k] - vec_tr[j].zc);
double dz = dz2 < 0. ? 0. : TMath::Sqrt(dz2);
y_v.push_back(vec_tr[j].yc + vec_tr[j].h * dz);
//if(isnan(vec_tr[j].yc + vec_tr[j].h * dz))
// std::cout << vec_tr[j].yc << " " << vec_tr[j].h << " " << dz << std::endl;
......@@ -352,37 +400,54 @@ void TrackFit(std::vector<track>& vec_tr)
double sin = 0.0;
double cos = 0.0;
if(n_v_fit > 0)
if(n_v_fit <= 2)
vec_tr[j].ret_ln = -3;
cos = vec_tr[j].h * (y_v[0] - vec_tr[j].yc)/vec_tr[j].r;
sin = -vec_tr[j].h * (z_v[0] - vec_tr[j].zc)/vec_tr[j].r;
double cos = vec_tr[j].h * (y_v[0] - vec_tr[j].yc)/vec_tr[j].r;
double sin = -vec_tr[j].h * (z_v[0] - vec_tr[j].zc)/vec_tr[j].r;
for(int k = 0; k < n_v_fit; k++)
rho.push_back(z_v[k] * cos + y_v[k] * sin);
//if(isnan(z_v[k] * cos + y_v[k] * sin))
// std::cout << z_v[k] << " " << cos << " " << y_v[k] << " " << sin << std::endl;
int ret2 = fitLinear(n_v_fit, rho, x_v, vec_tr[j].a, vec_tr[j].b, cov, chi2_lin);
//std::cout << vec_tr[j].tid << " " << vec_tr[j].a << " " << vec_tr[j].b << std::endl;
vec_tr[j].z0 = vec_tr[j].digits.front().z;
vec_tr[j].y0 = vec_tr[j].yc + vec_tr[j].h * TMath::Sqrt(vec_tr[j].r*vec_tr[j].r - (vec_tr[j].z0 - vec_tr[j].zc)*(vec_tr[j].z0 - vec_tr[j].zc));
vec_tr[j].x0 = vec_tr[j].a + vec_tr[j].b * (vec_tr[j].z0 * cos + vec_tr[j].y0 * sin);
vec_tr[j].t0 = vec_tr[j].digits.front().t;
int ret2 = fitLinear(n_v_fit, rho, x_v, vec_tr[j].a, vec_tr[j].b, cov, chi2_lin);
vec_tr[j].ret_ln = ret2;
vec_tr[j].chi2_ln = chi2_lin;
vec_tr[j].ret_cr = ret1;
vec_tr[j].chi2_cr = chi2_cir;
if(vec_tr[j].ret_ln != 0)
//std::cout << vec_tr[j].tid << " " << vec_tr[j].a << " " << vec_tr[j].b << std::endl;
double z0 = vec_tr[j].digits.front().z;
double dz2 = vec_tr[j].r*vec_tr[j].r - (z0 - vec_tr[j].zc)*(z0 - vec_tr[j].zc);
double dz = dz2 < 0. ? 0. : TMath::Sqrt(dz2);
double y0 = vec_tr[j].yc + vec_tr[j].h * dz;
double x0 = vec_tr[j].a + vec_tr[j].b * (z0 * cos + y0 * sin);
double t0 = vec_tr[j].digits.front().t;
vec_tr[j].z0 = z0;
vec_tr[j].y0 = y0;
vec_tr[j].x0 = x0;
vec_tr[j].t0 = t0;
// std::cout << vec_tr[j].a << " " << vec_tr[j].b << " " << vec_tr[j].z0 << " " << cos << " " << vec_tr[j].y0 << " " << sin << std::endl;
// std::cout << vec_tr[j].yc << " " << vec_tr[j].h << " " << vec_tr[j].r << " " << vec_tr[j].zc << " " << dz << " " << y_v[0] << std::endl;
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