@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The image is based on a minimal Linux [Debian](http://debian.org) and contains t
To build the image and run the container you need to:
1. Install [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop) on your Windows PC;
2. Download the [minimal-gcc](https://baltig.infn.it/fc-courses/it/programming/cpp-mag-2024/blob/master/container/minimal-gcc) dockerfile from the GitLab repository;
2. Download the [minimal-gcc](https://baltig.infn.it/fc-courses/it/programming/cpp-mag-2025/blob/master/container/minimal-gcc) dockerfile from the GitLab repository;
3. Open you favorite Windows command line interface, for example Windows PowerShell, change directory where the Dockerfile is stored and type the command:
` docker build -f .\minimal-gcc -t cppcourse .`
where *cppcourse* is the name of the image.
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ To mount in the container the local directory containing the sources you can use
You can use the container to clone the GitLab repository. To do that:
1. Create the directory where you would like to store the repository, for example: *C:\cppcourse*;
2. Run the container to execute the git clone command: