Setup and files to test the *ngx\_http\_voms\_module* are contained in the `t` folder. The [Openresty data-driven testsuite]( has been adopted for testing.
Proxy certificates are in the `certs` folder (see [](certs/ for further details), while trust-anchors (e.g. igi-test-ca.pem) are contained in `trust-anchors`.
Nginx server certificate and key are nginx\_voms\_example.cert.pem and nginx\_voms\_example\_key.pem, respectively, and they are contained in `certs`.
To perform correctly the VOMS AC validation, a \*.lsc or \*.pem file is needed, see [VOMS client 3.3.0 User Guide]( for further details. The *voms.example.lsc* can be found in `vomsdir/test.vo`.
To run the tests made available in `t` just type
from `t`' s parent directory.
Using the docker image provided to exploit Openresty in the Storm2 project (see [](../ for further details):
A copy of the `t` folder is needed since the `prove` command creates a directory `servroot` in `t`.
### Test coverage
To enable test coverage pass the `--coverage` option to both the compiler and the linker. For example, if the build happens inside the ``storm2/nginx-voms-build`` image:
% ./configure ${RESTY_CONFIG_OPTIONS} --add-module=../ngx_http_voms_module --with-debug --with-cc-opt="-g -O0 --coverage" --with-ld-opt="--coverage"
% make && make install
Building in debug mode, with no optimizations, helps to better associate coverage information to source code.
The above command generates data files aside the source files for all Nginx. To enable coverage only for ``ngx_http_voms_module`` the ``--coverage`` option should be passed only when compiling ``ngx_http_voms_module.cpp`` (to be done).
Then run the tests, e.g. with `prove`. This will create other data files with coverage information. To view that information, run `gcov <source of object file>`, e.g. `gcov /home/build/openresty-`. This will produce files with the ``.gcov`` extension in the current directory.
Check result on [storm2 ngx_http_voms_module pages](