*ngx_http_voms_module* is a module for the [Nginx web server]( that enables client-side authentication based on X.509 proxy certificates augmented with VOMS Attribute Certificates, typically obtained from a [Virtual Organization Membership Service]( (VOMS) server.
The module defines a set of [*embedded* variables](#embedded-variables), whose values are extracted from the first Attribute Certificate found in the certificate chain.
## Installation
The generic installation instructions are:
$ cd nginx-x.y.z
$ ./configure --add-module=/path/to/ngx_http_voms_module
$ make && make install
The module is written in C++, using features from C++14 that are supported by gcc v. 4.8.5 (the version available in CentOS 7) enabling the option `-std=c++1y` (see [`config.make`](config.make)).
A Docker image is available for use in the context of the StoRM2 project, where the OpenResty distribution is used:
$ docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/ngx_http_voms_module:/home/build/ngx_http_voms_module storm2/ngx-voms-build
$ cd openresty-x.y.z
$ ./configure ${RESTY_CONFIG_OPTIONS} --add-module=../ngx_http_voms_module
$ make && make install
The module makes the following embedded variables available for use in an Nginx configuration file:
The Subject of the End-Entity certificate, used to sign the proxy.
_Example_: ``/C=IT/O=IGI/CN=test0``
### ssl_client_ee_s_dn
Like `voms_user`, the Subject of the End-Entity certificate. Unlike `voms_user`, it is available even for non-VOMS proxies and is formatted according to RFC 2253.
The Issuer (Certificate Authority) of the End-Entity certificate.
### ssl_client_ee_i_dn
Like `voms_user_ca`, the Issuer of the End-Entity certificate. Unlike `voms_user_ca`, it is available even for non-VOMS proxies and is formatted according to RFC 2253.
### voms_fqans
A comma-separated list of Fully Qualified Attribute Names. See [The VOMS Attribute Certificate Format]( for more details.
_Example_: `/test.vo/exp1,/test.vo/exp2,/test.vo/exp3/Role=PIPPO`
The Subject of the VOMS server certificate, used to sign the Attribute Certificate.
The Issuer (Certificate Authority) of the VOMS server certificate.
The name of the Virtual Organization (VO) to which the End Entity belongs.
The hostname and port of the VOMS network service that issued the Attribute Certificate, in the form _hostname_ :_port_.
The date before which the Attribute Certificate is not yet valid, in the form _YYYYMMDDhhmmss_ `Z`.
The date after which the Attribute Certificate is not valid anymore, in the form _YYYYMMDDhhmmss_ `Z`.
### voms_generic_attributes
A comma-separated list of attributes, each defined by three properties and formatted as `n=`_name_ `v=`_value_ `q=`_qualifier_. The qualifier typically coincides with the name of the VO.
_Example_: `n=nickname v=newland q=test.vo,n=nickname v=giaco q=test.vo`
The serial number of the Attribute Certificate in hexadecimal format.
## Testing
Setup and files to test the *ngx_http_voms_module* are contained in the [`t`](t) folder.