Setup and files to test the *ngx_http_voms_module* are contained in the `t` folder. The [Openresty data-driven testsuite]( has been adopted for testing.
All the certificates and proxy certificates used in the tests are in the [`certs`](certs) folder (see that [README](certs/ for further details), while trust-anchors (e.g. igi-test-ca.pem) are in the [`trust-anchors`](trust-anchors) folder.
`vomses` is the _vomses_ file needed for the generation of proxy certificates.
The LSC file `voms.example.lsc`, needed to perform correctly the VOMS AC validation, is in the [`vomsdir/test.vo`](vomsdir/test.vo) folder.
To run the tests made available in `t` just type
from `t`' s parent directory.
The `prove` command creates a directory called `servroot` in `t`, so if the `t` folder is accessible read-only, for
example in a docker container, just make a copy somewhere else and run the tests from there:
To enable test coverage pass the `--coverage` option to both the compiler and the linker. For example:
$ ./configure ${RESTY_CONFIG_OPTIONS} --add-module=../ngx_http_voms_module --with-debug --with-cc-opt="-g -Og --coverage" --with-ld-opt="--coverage"
$ make && make install
The above command generates data files aside the source files for all Nginx. To enable coverage only for `ngx_http_voms_module` the `--coverage` option should be passed only when compiling `ngx_http_voms_module.cpp`, adding the option to `config.make`.
Running the tests will then create other data files with coverage information. To view that information, run `gcov <object file>`, e.g. `gcov .../objs/addon/src/ngx_http_voms_module.o`. This will produce files with the `.gcov` extension in the current directory.
You can reuse the config file `t/servroot/conf/nginx.conf` produced by `test::Nginx`, which contains something like
server {
listen 8443 ssl;
server_name nginx-voms.example;
ssl_certificate ../../certs/nginx_voms_example.cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key ./certs/nginx_voms_example.key.pem;
ssl_client_certificate ./trust-anchors/igi-test-ca.pem;
ssl_verify_depth 10;
ssl_verify_client on;
location = / {
echo user: $voms_user;
You may want to change the configuration so that the log goes to standard output instead of to a log file:
server {
error_log /dev/stdout debug;
Modify (as root) `/etc/hosts` so that `nginx-voms.example` is an alias for `localhost`:
``` localhost nginx-voms.example
Then run for example `curl`, calling directly the HTTPS endpoint:
$ curl https://nginx-voms.example:8443 --cert t/certs/3.pem --capath t/trust-anchors --cacert t/certs/3.cert.pem