@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Also, it adds the possibility to have some histograms compulsory for every detec
- [x] Fixes problem with agata-dante-prisma where the analyze function was called muliple times multiplying artificially the statistics
- [x] Changed an issue with Ex gate in AgataSpider: when EX_GATE e1 e2 in conf, the kinematical lines were generated thinking e1 and e2 as initial energy and final energy, while the gate was applied with e1 starting energy e2 width of the gate (condition was abs(spiderEk-e1)<e2).NowinbothcasestheyareEiandEf,thereforetheconditionhasbeenchangedtospiderEk>e1 spiderEk<e2
"description":"This selector is meant to analyze the data of AGATA+$Ancillary, producing various histograms and performing kinematic calculations and other operations useful for Doppler correction and other analysis tasks.\nThe starting point of the selector are the ROOT files produced by femul.\nThe code is a work in progress and is meant to be updated and modified by both users and the local group. We log the bug solutions, improvements and broken compatibility issues in the CHANGELOG.md file.\nIt is based on ROOT and requires an installed version where ROOT has been compiled with at least c++ 14.\nOur intent is to make the analysis procedure straightforward and reproducible.\nEvery output file will contain a configuration folder that contains the configuration file of the selector used to perform the calculations while also keeping track of the date and the git version of the code, so that at any time you are able to perform the exact analysis.",