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  • bozza/cnaf-annual-report-2017
  • aiftim/cnaf-annual-report-2017
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Initial blablabla
Introducing the fifth annual report of CNAF, I would like to point out how two events of opposite outcome have characterized our 2017.
On August 1st 2017 the Virgo interferometer started the science data taking and a few days later it immediately contributed to two sensational discoveries
that have changed the way we observe the Universe: GW170814, that is the detection of the gravitational-wave signal from two merging black holes for the first time
by three gravitational-wave observatories (the two LIGO interferometers and the Virgo one), and GW170817, that is the first detection, by the same three observatories,
of the gravitational waves from a binary neutron star inspiral and the observation of the counterparts across the electromagnetic spectrum.
In both cases the CNAF data center contributed to such wonderful discoveries and, thanks to the way resources are shared among experiments
and to the elastic capacity expansion of the center, allowing to easily and transparently access other external computing resources
(hosted at private clouds and other INFN sites), we could promptly devote much more computing power to the Virgo data-analysis pipelines.
All this made us particularly proud and at the same time helped us to identify some weak points, stimulating a revision of the Virgo computing model
with the aim of making it more efficient and much more integrated with that of LIGO.
On November 9th 2017, instead, a broken city aqueduct pipe with a capacity of 100 cubic meters per hour poured more than 500 cubic meters of water into our data center.
The damage was huge and forced the center to an absolute stop for two months; two additional months have been necessary for a gradual restart of the activities.
At the time of publication of this annual report, all the activities have been fully restored.
Our main data center, in charge of computing and storage for the LHC and the astro-particle experiments, has suffered the most prolonged stop
due to both the impact of the water on the storage systems and to its size, which prevented from moving it, even partially, to other locations.
Instead, other smaller systems, some of them hosting very critical services supporting the INFN organization, such as the National Services cluster,
the Cloud@CNAF, the databases of the Information System and the HPC cluster, restarted a few hours after the incident, having the chance of moving them to other sites.
I would like to warmly thank the colleagues at the INFN computing centers in Ferrara and Bari, the INAF-Radio Astronomy data center, the CINECA Supercomputing Center
and the GARR computing center in Bari for their hospitality and availability, that have allowed us to guarantee continuity for crucial services.
Indeed, the whole activity at CNAF has been heavily influenced by the dramatic flood event. Only the strong motivation, the dedication and the professional skills
of all our staff made it possible to mitigate the overall negative impact on the activities of the center, including scientific computing, research and development,
support services for INFN administrative activities and technology transfer. Therefore, many thanks then to the CNAF staff!
Damages were also mitigated by the developments made in the past years on the elastic expansion of the center, in order to exploit both private cloud providers
and resources available in our community. In particular, we exploited the 20 kHS06 available at the Bari computing center and more than 180 kHS06 available
at the CINECA Supercomputing Center thanks to an agreement that INFN and CINECA signed in September 2017. All this external computing power helped us a lot
in shortening the shutdown period of the center.
Until November 9th the data center had run smoothly, with the already mentioned highlights of the gravitational-wave detections.
In particular, the CNAF Tier 1 Data Center worked properly, providing the pledged resources to process and store the LHC Run2 data of the four LHC experiments,
ranking in the very first places among the WLCG Tier 1s in terms of processed jobs and general availability of the center.
The center has also provided, as usual, computing and storage to the more than 30 non-LHC particle physics and astro-particle experiments in which INFN is involved.
Beside the large batch-based facility (220000 HS06, 23 PB of disk, 50 PB of Tape before the flood),
CNAF provides computing resources on demand thanks to the Cloud@CNAF facility serving research groups which are active in Nuclear and Particle Physics,
in the Digital Cultural Heritage domain, in Computational Chemistry and Biomedical domains and in experiments like EEE (Extreme Energy Events),
where the Cloud is used to acquire, store and process events coming from muon detectors installed in about 50 secondary schools spread around Italy.
During 2017 the development line on Open Cloud systems, undertaken by CNAF in the last years towards a European Infrastructure for an Open Science Cloud, continued.
In April 2017, our flagship project INDIGO published its second and final release, ElectricIndigo, providing, among others, the basic components for another
H2020-funded project called EOSCPilot, that started its activity in 2017. Along this fruitfully and strategic development line, we submitted three new projects
in 2016: EOSCHub, XDC and DEEP, which have been funded by the EU and started their activities during 2017. The full funding of all these projects confirms the leading role
of INFN and in particular of CNAF in the context of the European Open Science Cloud.
Finally, during 2017 the External Projects and Technology Transfer (PETT) Organizational Unit has contributed to various projects in the field of computing,
science communication, technology transfer and education (among the others, the Emilia Romagna Plan for high competencies in Research, Technology Transfer and
Entrepreneurship, TROPIC POR-FESR 2014-2020 and Harmony). Great effort has been put on the start-up phase of the new Technology Transfer Laboratory,
which puts together heterogeneous competencies (physics, computing, mechanics and electronics) from INFN Sections and Centers in Emilia Romagna
(Bologna, Ferrara and CNAF) in order to promote the transfer of INFN know-how to regional enterprises.
Also, in 2017 we finalized the ISO-27001 certification of a subset of the INFN Tier 1 resources, a required step in order to store and manage
private and sensitive personal data, which could open new opportunities of exploitation of the Tier 1 resources in the near future.
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\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Scientific Exploitation of CNAF ICT Resources}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/experiment.pdf}
\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/experiment.pdf}
%\ia{The User Support unit at CNAF}{user_support}
%\ia{ALICE computing at the INFN CNAF Tier1}{alice}
%\ia{AMS-02 data processing and analysis at CNAF}{ams}
%\ia{ATLAS activities}{atlas}
%\ia{Pierre Auger Observatory Data Simulation and Analysis at CNAF}{auger}
%\ia{The Borexino experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier1}{borexino}
%\ia{The Cherenkov Telescope Array}{cta}
\ia{The CMS experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier1}{cms}
%\ia{CUORE experiment}{cuore}
\ia{The User Support unit at CNAF}{user-support}
\ia{ALICE computing at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{alice}
\ia{AMS-02 data processing and analysis at CNAF}{ams}
\ia{The ATLAS experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{atlas}
\ia{The Borexino-SOX experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{borexino}
\ia{The Cherenkov Telescope Array}{cta}
\ia{The CMS experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{cms}
\ia{CSES-Limadou at CNAF}{limadou}
\ia{CUORE experiment}{cuore}
\ia{CUPID-0 experiment}{cupid}
%\ia{DAMPE data processing and analysis at CNAF}{dampe}
\ia{DAMPE data processing and analysis at CNAF}{dampe}
\ia{DarkSide-50 experiment at CNAF}{darkside}
%\ia{The EEE Project activity at CNAF}{eee}
%\ia{ENUBET at CNAF}{enubet}
\ia{The EEE Project activity at CNAF}{eee}
\ia{FAMU: optimizing the conditions to measure the HFS in the $\mu$p-p ground state}{famu}
%\ia{The Gerda experiment}{gerda}
%\ia{The Fermi-LAT experiment at the INFN CNAF Tier 1}{glast}
\ia{Fazia: running dynamical simulations for heavy ion collisions at Fermi energies}{fazia}
\ia{The Fermi-LAT experiment}{glast}
\ia{The GERDA experiment}{gerda}
\ia{Juno experimenti at CNAF}{juno}
%\ia{The KM3NeT neutrino telescope network and CNAF}{km3}
%\ia{LHCb computing at CNAF}{lhcb}
%\ia{The LHCf experiment}{lhcf}
%\ia{The NA62 experiment at CERN}{na62}
\ia{The KM3NeT neutrino telescope network and CNAF}{km3net}
\ia{LHCb Computing at CNAF}{lhcb}
\ia{The LHCf experiment}{lhcf}
\ia{The LSPE experiment at INFN CNAF}{lspe}
\ia{The NA62 experiment at CERN}{na62}
\ia{The PADME experiment at INFN CNAF}{padme}
%\ia{The PAMELA experiment}{pamela}
%\ia{XENON activities at CNAF}{xenon}
%\ia{Advanced Virgo computing at CNAF}{virgo}
\ia{XENON computing activities}{xenon}
\ia{Advanced Virgo computing at CNAF}{virgo}
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\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{The Tier1 and Data center}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{The Tier 1 and Data center}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/datacenter.pdf}
%\ia{The INFN Tier-1}{tier1}
%\ia{The INFN-Tier1: the computing farm}{farming}
%\ia{Protecting the batch cluster from short job flooding}{fshareadjust}
%\ia{Data management and storage system}{storage}
%\ia{CNAF backup system}{backup}
%\ia{Dataclient: a simple interface to an X.509-based data service}{dataclient}
%\ia{The INFN Tier-1: Network}{rete}
%\ia{The INFN Tier-1 towards LHC Run 3}{run3}
%\ia{Helix Nebula Science Cloud Pre-Commercial Procurement}{helix}
%\ia{The INFN Tier-1: the Facility Management group}{infra}
%\ia{Tier-1 chiller upgrade plan}{chiller}
%\ia{National ICT Services Virtualization Infrastructure}{ssnn}
%\ia{The INFN Information System}{sysinfo}
\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/datacenter.pdf}
\ia{The INFN Tier 1 data center}{tier1}
\ia{The computing farm}{farming}
\ia{Data management and storage systems}{storage}
\ia{Evaluation of the ClusterStor G200 Storage System}{seagate}
\ia{Activity of the INFN CNAF Long Term Data Preservation (LTDP) group}{ltpd}
\ia{The INFN Tier 1: Network}{net}
\ia{Cooling system upgrade and Power Usage Effectiveness improvement in the INFN CNAF Tier 1 infrastructure}{infra}
\ia{National ICT Services Infrastructure and Services}{ssnn1}
\ia{National ICT Services hardware and software infrastructures for Central Services}{ssnn2}
\ia{The INFN Information System}{sysinfo}
\ia{CNAF Provisioning system: On the way to Puppet 5}{cnprov}
\ia{The flood}{flood}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Research and Developments}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/research.pdf}
\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/research.pdf}
%\ia{Cloud@CNAF - maintenance and operation}{cloud_cnaf}
%\ia{Software metrics thresholds: a mapping study}{sq}
%\ia{Continuous assessment of software characteristics: a step forward}{uq}
%\ia{The INDIGO Identity and Access Management service}{indigo-iam}
%\ia{Partition Director}{dynpart}
%\ia{Middleware support, maintenance and development}{mwsoftware}
%\ia{Building an elastic CI/CD infrastructure with OpenStack and Kubernetes}{mwinfrastructure}
%\ia{Development and tests of the Large Scale Event Builder for the LHCb upgrade}{lseb}
%\ia{Development and tests of TriDAS for the KM3NeT-Italy neutrino telescope}{tridas}
%\ia{A VOMS module for the NGINX web server}{nginx_voms}
%\ia{A web application to analyse XRF scanning data}{xrf}
%\ia{CNAF Monitoring system: evolution}{cnmon}
%\ia{Developing software in a conservative environment}{euclid}
\ia{Continuous Integration and Delivery with Kubernetes}{mw-kube}
\ia{Middleware support, maintenance and development}{mw-software}
\ia{Evolving the INDIGO IAM service}{mw-iam}
\ia{Esaco: an OAuth/OIDC token introspection service}{mw-esaco}
\ia{StoRM Quality of Service and Data Lifecycle support through CDMI}{mw-cdmi-storm}
\ia{A low-cost platform for space software development}{lowcostdev}
\ia{Overview of Software Reliability literature}{srp}
\ia{Summary of a tutorial on statistical methods}{st}
\ia{Dynfarm: Transition to Production}{dynfarm}
\ia{Official testing and increased compatibility for Dataclient}{dataclient}
\ia{INDIGO-DataCloud: Overview, Results, Impact}{cloud_d}
\ia{INDIGO-DataCloud: Software Lifecycle Management embracing DevOps philosophy}{cloud_a}
\ia{EOSCpilot and interoperability aspects}{cloud_b}
\ia{Cloud@CNAF - Enabling the INDIGO-DataCloud PaaS Orchestration Layer}{cloud_c}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Technological transfer and other projects}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Technology transfer and other projects}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/transfer.pdf}
\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/transfer.pdf}
%\ia{External projects and Technology transfer}{pett}
%\ia{Computing On SoC Architectures: the INFN COSA project}{cosa}
%\ia{Open City Platform project: advances in Cloud Environment Automation and beyond}{ocp}
\ia{External projects and Technology transfer}{pett}
\ia{The ISO 27001 Certification}{iso}
\ia{COmputing on SoC Architectures: the COSA project at CNAF}{cosa}
\ia{The ExaNeSt project - activities at CNAF}{exanest}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Additional information}
%\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/additional.pdf}
\includepdf[pages=1, pagecommand={\thispagestyle{empty}}]{papers/additional.pdf}
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\section*{Data Center -- Tier1}
\section*{Data Center -- Tier 1}
\subsection*{L. dell'Agnello}
......@@ -282,7 +341,7 @@ Gaetano Maron
\\[.1cm]\underline{A. Chierici} & \underline{V. Sapunenko} & \underline{S. Zani} & \underline{M. Onofri} & \underline{D. Cesini}
\\S. Dal Pra & A. Cavalli & L. Chiarelli\footnote{GARR employee relocated at CNAF} & M. Donatelli & E. Corni
\\A. Falabella & D. Cesini & D. De Girolamo & A. Mazza & L. Lama
\\S. Virgilio & E. Fattibene & F. Rosso & & M. Tenti
\\S. Virgilio & E. Fattibene & & & M. Tenti
\\ & L. Morganti & & & M. V.P. Soares\footnote{Started September}
\\ & A. Prosperini & & &
\\ & P. Ricci & & &
......@@ -297,10 +356,10 @@ Gaetano Maron
\begin{tabular}{ p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} p{0.23\textwidth} }
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{Software Development}} & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\textbf{Distributed Systems}}
\\[.1cm]\underline{F. Giacomini} & M. Caberletti & \underline{C. Aiftimiei} & R. Bucchi
\\A. Ceccanti & E. Ronchieri & V. Ciaschini & A. Costantini
\\M. Manzali\footnote{UniFE fellowship, partially funded by CNAF; until May} & N. Terranova\footnote{Started October} &D. Michelotto & M. Panella
\\E. Vianello & & S. Taneja\footnote{Until July} &
\\[.1cm]\underline{F. Giacomini} & M. Caberletti & \underline{C. Duma} & V.Ciaschini
\\A. Ceccanti & E. Ronchieri & A. Costantini & D. Michelotto
\\M. Manzali\footnote{UniFE fellowship, partially funded by CNAF; until May} & N. Terranova\footnote{Started October} &M. Panella & S. Taneja\footnote{Until July}
\\E. Vianello & & &
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