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- Doina Cristina Duma authored
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The outcomes of INDIGO-DataCloud will persist, and also be extended, after the end of the project because. INDIGO was one of the three coordinating projects (together with EGI and EUDAT) in the preparation of the EOSC-hub proposal submitted to the EC H2020 EINFRA-12 call; the main goal of this recently approved project is to contribute to the EOSC implementation by enabling seamless and open access to a system of research data and services provided across nations and multiple disciplines.
Two additional Horizon 2020 projects were also approved ({\tt DEEP HybridDataCloud} and {\tt eXtreme DataCloud}), that will continue to develop and enhance INDIGO components to provide new and exciting innovative services, committed to extend and enforce the DevOps culture, by implemented the steps of Continuos Deployment and Monitoring.