authors/maintainers: Eduardo Medinaceli V. INAF-OAS
Ruben Farinelli INAF-OAS
Auxiliary programs needed to handle DPU-ASW parametrization and telemetry:
DPU-ASW configuration:
- NISP Dither Configuration tool
- DeathReportReader.c stand-alone C++ program, retrieves DPU-ASW's task structures from bin file (Death Report Dump),
output: txt report
- BootReportReader.c stand-alone C++ program, extract and test information from OHB-I's DPU-BSW Boot Report from
binary file (Boot Report Dump), output: txt report
- dpu2_dcuTh.c C++ program calls Cern's ROOT libraries, routine to evaluate the DCU upper and lower T thresholds
considering the conversion factors of the both DPU flight units
- dumpE2PROM.c C++ program calls Cern's ROOT libraries, get offset from E2PROM entry point
- getTime.c Cern's ROOT macro, evaluates internal timing of the DPU processes
- scrub.c C++ program calls Cern's ROOT libraries, evaluates DPU's CPU scrubbing period
- TSAB.c Cern's ROOT macro, evaluated DPU thermal model for operational T range, input: SABresults.txt
DPU telemetry analysis:
- analyzeTelemetry.C C++ program calls Cern's ROOT libraries, plot/analyze NISP scientific analog telemetry
- analyzeTelemetry_singleSCE.C C++ program calls Cern's ROOT libraries, plot/analyze NISP scientific analog telemetry
- CPPMmodel.c,.h CPPM model for EUCLID's SCA T conversion
- ImageParameters.h NISP scientific image statistics parameters libary
- TelemetryDataTypes.h NISP scientific telemetry library
- telemetry_engUnits.c,h C++ program calls Cern's ROOT libraries, NISP scientific analog telemetry conversion factors
- readFITS.C C++ program calls Cern's ROOT libraries, read single NISP scientific telemetry and signal plus chi2 frames (FITS file)
- readFITS_loop.C C++ program calls Cern's ROOT libraries, read recursively NISP scientific telemetry (FITS file)
- readIMG_loop.C C++ program calls Cern's ROOT libraries, read recursively NISP scientific image statistical parameters (FITS file)