- Aug 24, 2015
Alessandro Costantini authored
Alessandro Costantini authored
- Aug 12, 2015
Alessandro Costantini authored
E' stata necessaria la modifica della classe ceilometer/manifest/init.pp
Alessandro Costantini authored
Alessandro Costantini authored
glance-api.conf: show_multiple_locations glance-registry.conf: registry_host ATTENZIONE!! e' stata necessaria la modifica del file modules/glance/manifests/api.pp
Alessandro Costantini authored
Alessandro Costantini authored
Alessandro Costantini authored
ATTENZIONE!! e' stato necessario modificare 2 classi nel modulo nova (modifiche da perfezionare) in quanto in tali classi non si tiene conto che variabili diverse possono avere valori diversi a causa dell'HA Le classi sono nova/manifest/vncproxy.pp nova/manifest/vncproxy/common.pp documentate nel repo OCP-TOOLS/os-controller-ha
- Aug 10, 2015
Alessandro Costantini authored
Alessandro Costantini authored
Descrizione delle modifiche fin qui fatte - files/heat-keystone-setup-domain -- fix dell'import di oslo.config - manifests/profile/database-client.pp -- classe per l'installazione del mysql-client in locale; in sostituzione della classe manifests/profile/database.pp - manifests/profile/keystone.pp; manifests/resources/database.pp -- modifiche al file keystone.conf - Modifiche alle altre classi per staccare Rabbit-MQ, CEPH, Percona, HAproxy, keepalived dalla configurazione dell'infrastruttura.
- Aug 05, 2015
sono costa See merge request !1
- Apr 16, 2015
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/856764Quentin MACHU authored
Setup rabbitmq to use keepalives (https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/856764) & rewrote its ha-all policy
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
- Apr 01, 2015
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Neutron DHCP Agent now passes a MTU (1438 by default) to instances to make Neutron networks working on a physical network swhich don't allow jumboframes
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
- Mar 26, 2015
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
- Mar 20, 2015
git://Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Fixed neutron-vpn-agent service conflict with neutron-l3-agent service & added some mandatory sysctl parameters
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
- Mar 18, 2015
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored
Quentin MACHU authored